3 Accountability Questions: Week of Jan. 4-10



  • garyandkimber
    garyandkimber Posts: 156 Member
    Great job, everyone! Ereilly -- get some rest and feel better soon!

    Don't slack off on posting even if you didn't meet the goals. It's easy to not post instead of posting a "no," but (for me, at least), not posting = no accountability = you stop pushing yourself and start down the slippery slope of letting yourself get lazy. We will all have off days, but post anyway and challenge yourself to do better the next day. Nobody here will judge you! :)
  • DMast1
    DMast1 Posts: 3 Member
    1. No... really bad at this part even though I'm eating healthy
    2. I'm positive even though I didn't track everything in diary
    3. Yes! Played full court basketball for almost 2 hours.
  • FutureTrophyWife
    FutureTrophyWife Posts: 29 Member
    Monday January 5th
    1. Yes I tracked everything.
    2. No, I was not under my calorie goal. I ate more than necessary.
    3. Yes I was active at least 20 minutes (treadmill for 25 minutes with incline).
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    I missed this thread the 1st 2 days but will remember today.
  • bigroastdinner
    bigroastdinner Posts: 263 Member
    Love this idea. I will post for yesterday now (5th Jan) and come back later/tomorrow for today.
    1. Yes I did log everything I ate and drank, including my water which I am particularly trying to focus on
    2. Yes - I ate less than my calorie goal and didn't eat back any exercise calories
    3. Yes - 50 mins on the stationary bike followed by 15 minutes of stretching
  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    A huge YES to everything
    I am sooo excited for this challenge
  • hrwesterberg
    hrwesterberg Posts: 25 Member
    (yesterdays post since i fell asleep at 7:30pm)
    1. Yes I logged everything I had even the lil chocolate
    2. Under by only 120 but better then being over!
    3. Too exhusted to do much after a hectic work day then coming home to cook dinner for the family but managed to do a lil walking!
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I'm 2 days late! here is my catching up!

    Jan 4 2015
    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? no, ended binging on carb heavy foods
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? 15min stretch yoga on fitnessblender

    Jan 5 2015
    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? yes
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? nope, had the brilliant idea to have pizza for dinner:smile:
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? nope, was lazy bum all day

    Jan 6 2015
    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? well under, (regretting eating leftover pizza for lunch, should of just thrown out the leftovers)
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? yes, 15min fitnessblender workout +10min walk home on icy streets at -20c is a workout in itself.
  • Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? Yes
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? Yes for 35 mins

    Good job everyone! :)
  • garyandkimber
    garyandkimber Posts: 156 Member
    You guys are totally rocking this challenge! You should all be really proud of yourselves. Let's keep up the great work! B)

    Jan. 6, 2015

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? YES.
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? YES, even with a treat at the end of the day.
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? YES. I did 25 minutes of circuit training with Jillian Michaels since I couldn't motivate myself to go to the gym. (EmmieBaby - I can relate. We were at about -17 today. :p )
  • fairyrosebud
    fairyrosebud Posts: 13 Member
    1) I tracked everything
    2) I was under my calorie limit
    3) I was active for 20 minutes
  • frazz007
    frazz007 Posts: 771 Member
    Jan 6 tracked everything, yes under calorie limit or right at calorie limit and active for 20 minutes.
  • Prof3ssorblu
    Prof3ssorblu Posts: 20 Member
    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? Yes
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? Yes for 1 hour and 35 mins
  • Ms_Enzo1313
    Ms_Enzo1313 Posts: 65 Member
    Calories - need to really watch my sodium intake! But did really well with my proteins.
    Cardio/late night at the gym! NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!
  • CJDaniel7
    CJDaniel7 Posts: 149 Member
    Did I exercise for 20+ minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? No 25 over
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    1. I tracked everything I ate today.
    2. I was under my calorie range.
    3. I was active for more than 20 minutes today.
  • LoveDanceSing
    LoveDanceSing Posts: 119 Member
    1. Yep
    2. Yes
    3. And yes new zumba DVD calves are so sore now
  • bigroastdinner
    bigroastdinner Posts: 263 Member
    6th Jan:
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes - 30 min bike + 15min stretching :)
  • garyandkimber
    garyandkimber Posts: 156 Member
    You guys are doing great!! Gold stars all around! (*) (*) (*)

    Elosogrande - wow, just wow, on the exercise time. You killed it!
    Ms_Enzo - good job on the motivation to meet your goals. Keep up that can-do attitude!
    LoveDanceSing - but it's a good sore, right? ;)

    Here's to a great day!! Keep challenging yourself to be strong and make new habits.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    Jan 7 2015

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yup
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? Yes
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? yup, 45min yoga session :smile:

    Bonus question: did I try something new? Yes, I added coconut oil and unsalted butter to my morning coffee and i love how it makes my coffee creamy without using cream :smiley: