On my way out...

of these numbers that is. Currently at 305 and the heaviest, I've ever been. Good news is this 5lbs is goal one of many. Looking to lose about 160 total. What keeps YOU motivated? Any exercising tips??? Thanks


  • ash_bly
    ash_bly Posts: 14
    I have a fitness tracker, i used to use a fit bit, but I just got the Garmin Vivosmart. One of my goals is to complete a half marathon so I figured one that is geared more towards running would be good for me. Also I log every day and have an open diary in the hopes some people will read it and give me advice and encouragement :) good luck! I have a little further to go to get out of the 300s. SW was 338 CW 319 so I am chugging along, just not as close as you :)
  • CMarie2232
    CMarie2232 Posts: 6 Member
    That's awesome, sounds like you are well on your way!! Thanks for the tips, I've been researching those.