Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, January 12th - 18th

Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
A new week is upon us!

Hopefully you all got your photo from last week....and are ready to ROCK THIS WEEK!

Just tonight I bought a new kitchen scale....I have an old cheap one, but this one is nice and looks like it will be easier to use, and more accurate.....I have wanted one for a while, but am a bargain shopper, and one just went on sale very cheap today! I should have it by Wednesday....

My goals for this week are:

1. Follow a proper morning hydration routine
2. Post on this thread every day
3. Log my food six days this week (anyone else feel they need a day off from that?)
4. Get to the YMCA twice (I still have a cold, but its a little better and need to start somewhere)
5. Get to bed by 10pm from tonight until Thursday.

I wish I could make getting rid of this cold a goal!

How about the rest of you? What are your goals?

Weekly Mini Challenge

Post the recipe from either your favorite healthy meal you ate last week, or this week.

Note: next week's challenge will be to try someone else's recipe from this weeks post, so pay attention!!


  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Well, I started strong last week but ended worn out and let things go. This week, I set my goals with that in mind as I anticipate having a lot of the same things go on this week as last.

    1) daily logging is a must for me to stay calorie count
    2) spend time on Monday creating week's meal plan (with a new healthy recipe!) and grocery shop for it
    3) drink less coffee/tea and more plain water (the school district gave all staff a great new water bottle so I put filling it up 3 times a day on my daily agenda)
    4) increase my steps to 8,500 a day (60 minutes of exercise planned daily and put into my planner which helps me follow through with it)
    5) made plans to work out with friends later in the week

    Looking forward to reading everyone's healthy recipes!
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    edited January 2015
    Last week, I walked to work four times and walked home three times. I didn't exercise before work, so I'm going to adjust my walking schedule to accommodate walking in the morning.

    1. Walk to work everyday & home at least three times (and during all my breaks)
    2. Exercise before work twice
    3. Try one new recipe for meal prep on Sunday
    4. Take photos in my goal jeans - I want to take monthly photos on how well I'm fitting into them. For the longest time, I couldn't even get them over my thighs. Now I just can't button them!

    Spicy Coleslaw Recipe

    1 whole cabbage (sliced thinly)
    2 whole carrots (julienne sliced)
    10 jalapenos (julienne slices - I pickled them in advance, but you don't need to... this can be adjusted based on how much you want)
    10 banana peppers (julienne sliced - pickled in advance... this too can be adjusted based on how much you want)
    1/2 cup of vinegar (estimate)
    salt & pepper (I am very liberal with the amount of pepper I put in)

    Mix together, cover and leave in the fridge until ready to eat. Each serving is less than 50 calories. I just learned to make this. I'm still in the midst of my home cooking challenge and was craving this incredible chicken sandwich from my favorite food cart. He adds this coleslaw and sriracha mayo, and it's SO GOOD. I'm going to make more next weekend and add to fish tacos.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
  • vaunche
    vaunche Posts: 25 Member
    So I feel like I've been doing good. I started with decreasing my calories and have been doing great with that I have come under my goal every time. So now I can put it off no longer I need to increase the exercise. I found out how weak I am with the times I have worked out since I started. I have a membership to Planet fitness but the closest one was a 40 min drive so I was not going. The great news is one is opening up 1 mile away from me WOO HOO! It will open its doors by the end f the month so my goals are:

    1. Continue to log my food everyday
    2. Do 30 min of stepping or bike every evening
    3. Walk to Planet Fitness (my goal is to walk to and from my work outs as long as the weather is ok) I plan on working out when they open on MWF so I will start by walking there MWF to help build the endurance and keep to the schedule.
    4. Try to reach out to some other friends in the area to gain a local work out buddy.

    I will post an update and a recipe mid week. Good luck everyone have a great week!!
  • FtrImprfct
    FtrImprfct Posts: 8 Member
    Just got over my goal so I'm looking forward to getting down to business this week

    1. Continue logging on MFP
    2. No stimulants after noon
    3. get 5000 steps in before breakfast
    4. complete the 10,000 steps goal daily
    5. prepare my meals for work the night before
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    everyones goals are great. today i weighted my self and lost 3.8 lbs. so I'm sticking with my goals of

    tracking everything
    getting in at least 30-60 mins of exercise a day ( on my rest day just doing a light walk)
    getting up early on wed to try and new class its called Booty barre and a new class zumba step ( don't know what this is)
    I also want to try and get 15k in steps in 5 days this week.

    lets have a great week everyone.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    I didn't do very well with my goal last week of sticking with my menu plan, but I didn't totally derail myself either. I lost 2.2 pounds last week.

    This week I'm renewing my goal of sticking with my menu plan, adding drinking only 1 soda a day, and doing my Move app every time it pops up (if I'm not in a meeting or something.)
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    WTG Flora on the loss, thats great work

    well i went to my little gym to get in some exercise because I have a dentist apt in an hour to get some fillings done, so I may or may not do zumba tonight, but I did jog for 15 min straight, thats my NSV which I'm super proud of my self because a year ago I couldn't walk longer then maybe 30 mins now I'm jogging 15.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    So I didn't post on here last week but my goals were back to tracking every day, which I did, even on the day I was over (but by less than 100 calories) and exercising at least 3 times (which I did 4). This week my goals are the same:
    -Track every day
    -Exercise at least 30 min 3 times this week
    -Drink at least 8 cups of water a day.
    I ended up losing 4.4 lbs over the course of last week, I was down 5 but after I did 30 Day Shred and had a glass of wine I think I have some water hanging around, so hopefully that will be gone in the next day or so.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Today went well....I woke up at 4:30am for some unknown reason.....but am still awake and did NOT hopefully I sleep well tonight.....had a bit of a busy night so I am just cooking dinner now.....I did get OVER 10K steps today, even without the was kinda dead at times, so instead of sitting down reading a magazine like usual, I walked laps in the isles.....

    Tomorrow I shall reintroduce myself to the YMCA lol

    Does anyone else feel logging is a LOT of work lol, I am aiming for six days because I do not want to get fed up and stop altogether again...I am going to still watch what I eat that day, but I just need a break day from the actual logging part.....
  • michellewalker8866
    michellewalker8866 Posts: 66 Member
    Well last week I started off on the right foot. Ended not so well. One thing that i have been able to do is log my food daily. My goal this week is to get my work out in. I haven't wanted to get up before work to go to the gym because of the weather then at night I haven't wanted to go to the gym because of the weather and I'm just tired. So, starting tomorrow my goals are:

    1. go to the gym before work
    2. get 10,000 steps every day
    3. Stay at my calorie goal
    4. Get my water in
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    Last week was good, I did overindulge after church yesterday but logged it all and didn't beat myself up about it even though I went way over goal for the day. Keeping the same goals for this week.
    1. Log every bite
    2. Drink water!!!
    3. Move my rear end aka. workout 30 minutes
    4. Take and record my measurements
    I found a park today that has outdoor gym equipment. My 10 year old had a blast and asked if we could go again tomorrow. I think he might turn out to be my workout buddy.
    I think I'm only going to weigh in on Monday mornings from now on. I have lost 10 lbs. so far this month. Woo hoo!!! I think I am really going to strive for 50 lbs. down by the end of June. I have a lot coming up in the next couple of months (sister's wedding, moving, eh!).
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I am hoping to have a great day today, as yesterday was wonderful....

    I am currently waiting on some meds to get here, then I have to make a trip to a clinic to receive them which was unplanned, but I am not going to let that muck up my whole day. After that, I am going to the gym and to run some errands like I usually do on Tuesdays.

    I guess nobody shares my sentiments on logging? Another question, how often do you weigh in, and do you record that weight every time?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    you guys are doing great, just remember it takes one day at a time.

    yesterday i made it to 20k in steps, but only because I worked out before the dentist and wasn't sure if I'd make it to zumba and body pump later that evening and I did. as for today i'm up early so I'm going to do a class in about 40 mins and I have zumba tonight.

    so as of goals, 1/5 days done with the 15k in steps
    1/7 days done with tracking all my food
    1/7 days done with 30-60 mins of exercise
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    I'm a little discouraged today.

    I have an app on my phone called Move which encourages me to get up out of my chair and do some small type of exercise. (You can see the types of things in my blog posts.) I joined the gym last week and have been swimming three times since then.

    I'm exercising and eating much better, but I am SO TIRED! I thought exercise was supposed to give me more energy?

    FWIW, my thyroid levels were fine the last time I was at the docs.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    when did you start working out, did you change how much your doing, or for how long?

    I know when i first started my body had to get use to it so I was sore and tired a lot in the beginning but after a while I got use to it. also make sure your getting enough sleep, and drinking water, this helps too. also after about a month of really not exercising I left tried again as well sore because again i had to get use to it. if your feeling tired take a cat nap, or try and rest. this may help some

    so today I went to a gym class because I was up early enough and I did walk on the treadmill after class, so later tonight zumba.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    when did you start working out, did you change how much your doing, or for how long?

    I know when i first started my body had to get use to it so I was sore and tired a lot in the beginning but after a while I got use to it. also make sure your getting enough sleep, and drinking water, this helps too.

    Perhaps that's the problem. I've only been focused on exercise for about a week. I get plenty of sleep and have been drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day.

    I guess I just need more time to acclimate.

    Thanks for your input.

  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    unknownsister, I was really thinking about the logging thing and I remember that when I first started on MFP a couple of years ago I found it super difficult to log everything/day. I was working 50 hrs. a week back then and I just couldn't make the time to do it and then of course staying on track was harder too as I was a baker for a living. This time around has been so much easier (all 13 days so far, lol) because I am home with my kids now (praise God). I don't think you are alone in your sentiment AT ALL! Congrats on having a great day yesterday and here's hoping today is even better. :)
  • michellewalker8866
    michellewalker8866 Posts: 66 Member
    Well today I woke up but didn't feel like going to the gym. The warm bed was to good to get out. But later on I was like boy I should have went to the gym.

    I weight almost daily. My husband said that I shouldn't. What's even crazier I let that little thing dictate on how I'm feeling.

    I only log my weight if I lose something. So, far my weight keeps going up and down a few pounds. But I need to break that cycle.

    I am planning on ending this day off on a good note. I am leaving work and going to the gym.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    One day at a time, Michelle. Sometimes even one hour at a time!

    We can do this!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    My day today was -alright-.....I never made it to the gym, but I still got to nearly 10K steps, which new for me, so pretty good. I went to the clinic and the DR there said not to push my luck...hopefully if my problem corrects by Thursday I can go then. I got lots of errands done today, logged everything and am within my calorie goal, again, so I am calling today a win!

    I was weighing in like every 5-8 day?? Maybe I will weigh in soon I about everyone else??

    BTW guys, don't forget your recipes! I am gonna do mine on Thursday.....we all need one or we are all gonna be eating spicy coleslaw next week lol