3 Accountability Questions: Week of Jan. 11 - 17

garyandkimber Posts: 156 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Confession: I had a cheat day yesterday, but I am back on track today and ready to go strong to reach my goals this week. What about you?

For those of you who want to participate in the accountability questions, challenge yourself to answer the following 3 questions at the end of every day --

Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today?
Did you stay under your calorie limit?
Were you active for at least 20 minutes?

Please continue to post even if your answer is no, but use this thread as motivation to get to more yesses. Since the challenge has officially started, at the end of the week I will give a shout-out to those who posted every day and to those who were able to say YES to all the questions every day.

Here's to a great week!! (*) (*)


  • garyandkimber
    garyandkimber Posts: 156 Member
    January 11, 2015

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? NO.
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? NO.
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? NO.

    Like I said, a cheat day. But I'm ready to get back to work!
  • FutureTrophyWife
    FutureTrophyWife Posts: 29 Member
    January 11, 2015

    Did I track everything I ate and drank? Yes
    Was I under my calorie limit? Yes.
    Was I active at least 20 minutes? Yes. (I read a book and watched tv while walking briskly on the treadmill for an hour and 25 minutes.)

    It always helps when I manage to force myself to get on the treadmill.
  • 324_B21
    324_B21 Posts: 122 Member
    January 11th:

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? No, 127 calories over.
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? No
  • bigroastdinner
    bigroastdinner Posts: 263 Member
    Got lazy over the weekend but nevermind. Back on track now hopefully!
    Jan 11th was a Yes, No (damn puddings!), No

    Today should be better however. Back at work where I tend to eat less anyway, plus badminton this evening.

    Enjoy the day! :)
  • Prof3ssorblu
    Prof3ssorblu Posts: 20 Member
    January 11, 2015

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? YES
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? YES
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? NO
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,420 Member
    January 11:

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes (I don't track water but I drink a lot of it)
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? Yes
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 45 minutes yoga plus painting a bedroom.
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    January 11th

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? No :(
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? YES! :)

    I'm still working on controlling my portions, but tracking helps immensely!
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    January 11, 2015

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes.
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? Yes.
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? Yes. Took a late night walk to clear the mind. Cold canadian winter air helped with that!
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    Jan 11

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yup
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? Yup
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? yup, 22min fitnessblender workout +30min walk outside since the weather is finally warming up a little.
  • cwoodside1976
    cwoodside1976 Posts: 18 Member
    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes!
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? No! 131 over....thanks to a Klondike bar.
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? Yes! 2 Daily Burn workouts (I skipped the day before so I did 2 to make it up) & 10K on my FitBit
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Great idea!

    January 11

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? Yes.
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? Yes.
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? Sadly, no, unless walking around the office at work counts (it does not). And I had so hoped to take advantage of the newly balmy weather (as 30 F seemed, after the prior few days)! No excuses, I could have managed to fit something in with better planning.
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    For January 11 (yesterday) pretty much all of my answers were no. I had a bit of a cheat day myself. Back on track today though! I will post later tonight with my answers
  • enoliaa
    enoliaa Posts: 28 Member
  • wonderss99
    Jan 11

    no, rest day
  • wonderss99
    Jan 12

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? yes
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? yes
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? yes 30 mins
  • warlesha
    warlesha Posts: 13 Member
    Jan 11th:

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? yes
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? no
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? yes
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    Jan 12

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? yup
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? yup
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? only 17min today (legs are still very stiff and sore from yesterday)
  • garyandkimber
    garyandkimber Posts: 156 Member
    I love reading all of your posts. So many of you guys met your goals or were really close. Awesome job!

    January 12, 2015

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? YES.
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? YES.
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? YES. 25 min -- 30 Day Shred at home today since it was a busy morning and I didn't have time for the gym.

    Great start to the week. Hope you guys have an amazing Monday!
  • h3ll3tt
    h3ll3tt Posts: 28
    January 12.

    Did you track absolutely everything you ate and drank today? YES.
    Did you stay under your calorie limit? YES.
    Were you active for at least 20 minutes? YES.

    I went and kicked butt at my gym today, had a scale victory and many non scale victories and am feeling more determined than ever!