
ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
Hey all, I have been loving keto but all if a sudden I'm stalled. I do struggle to get my fat up but am still in ketosis according to my strips. It's been 3 solid weeks I've dropped 20 pounds. I'm super excited but stuck now for about 3 or 4 days. Any help please.


  • tq33702
    tq33702 Posts: 121 Member
    According to this faq, it's a common experience:
    KCKO :smile:
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Wow, you've dropped 20 lbs in just 21 days...that is more then a pound a day!! That's awesome, and probably also the reason for your "stall" It's a lot to lose in such a short time, so not very sustainable. That being said, your body is trying to pace itself. DO NOT get discouraged, you've obviously found what works for you. Have patience, keep at it and you will get through the stall and get back to the pace that will be sustainable in the long run. Great Job!
  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    I had a similar experience - I dropped quickly out of the gate and then it's been slow moving every since. I find that I lose about 5/lbs a month now. I'm down 42 lbs since June. It's a lifestyle change though, not a diet for me so I don't worry about the scale that much. You may stall for 3 weeks and then see another drop - that's what happens to me. I know it's hard - but ignore the scale, take your measurements and check in about once per month there - I find it makes me less crazy! :)
  • SteveKroll
    SteveKroll Posts: 94 Member
    I think it's relatively normal. I've lost 45 lbs since October and, for the most part, weight has just been falling off. But there have been periods of several days when the scale simply doesn't move - or worse - goes the wrong direction. As long as you're losing over the long haul, that's all that matters.
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    I get stuck for 1-2weeks at a time but have still lost on average 0.9kg a week over the last 10 weeks
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    edited January 2015
    20 lbs in 3 weeks is incredible! Do not get discouraged over 3-4 days of stabilized weight on the scale. If you are doing what you are supposed to do, you will have a "whoosh" effect in time. Most stalls I've had last 7-14 days. My weight will bounce around in the same lb. or so, and then "whoosh", I will drop like crazy. I've been doing this for 30 weeks, and I've had only a few true stalls. Keep at it, and the weight is going to come off.

    Oh, and making a graph in Excel is super helpful if you are a visual person and motivated by things like trend lines, averages, etc.
  • x_Minerva_x
    x_Minerva_x Posts: 78 Member
    Well, from exp. I can tell you that some will say do a carb up to reset and then go again, but you really shouldn't if you're not strong willed. I did this a few times and it threw me completely off and made things much much worse (then again, I am an all or nothin type of girl lol.)

    That said, 20 pounds in three weeks is nothing short of pure awesome. Personally, I'd advise drinking more water. Sometimes upping your fluid intake significantly helps break a stall, or alternatively you could be going through what we call the "woosh" effect.

    Basically, the woosh effect is when you stall out, or seem to gain a bit for a week or so, and then "woosh!" You lose what you gained, and then some.

    Another thing you also might want to look at is readjusting your goals / stats. 20 pounds is a lot! You may need to reduce your intake, or ramp up your work outs.

    Either way, congrats and best of luck!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    It isn't a stall unless you go a month and not lose. Unfortunately, you won't lose weight every day. 20lbs in 3 weeks is spectacular. But you aren't going to always lose at that rate. I've lost 74lbs and weight loss slows down the closer you get to your goal. It's regular for me to go over a week or 2 now before losing anything whatsoever and then finally get a whoosh. Like any other way of eating, weight loss requires patience. Your body is stupid. It is motivated to keep the status quo and doesn't care how fast you want it to lose. You'll gain water weight sometimes and sometimes your body will just pause to process what has happened to decide if it can live with what's gone on. If you are on plan, eventually the scale will move downward again. Don't forget to check measurements too as they can go down while weight remains static.

    Breathe, KCKO, follow your plan. Changes in your plan won't bear fruit immediately. So until you go 2 weeks with losing no weight, I wouldn't change what you've been doing.

    And like what Minerva said, after 20lbs, you have to reevaluate your stats. As you lose weight, your body needs less food to run.