Weekly Weigh In #2 Jan. 8th - 15th



  • debsocwk
    debsocwk Posts: 121 Member
    1/1/15 - 218
    1/8/15 - 221.2

    Totally got lazy and did a lot of stress eating. Committed to getting back on track and finding other ways to manage stress
  • abbysmom814
    abbysmom814 Posts: 103 Member
    edited January 2015
    I like the idea of setting mini goals throughout this challenge. :)

    01/01: 185.0
    01/08: 183.9
    01/29:<<<mini goal weight 178>>>
    02/26:<<<mini goal weight 172>>>
    03/26:<<<mini goal weight 167>>>
    04/05: Easter Sunday <<<GOAL WEIGHT FOR THIS CHALLENGE ***165*** >>>
  • Linzon
    Linzon Posts: 294 Member
    January 5 - 160lbs
    January 12 - 156lbs

    Challenge goal weight - 140lbs

    So long, water weight! Just joined the challenge today but started tracking my stuff and making better choices last week.
  • LouiseB1991
    LouiseB1991 Posts: 8 Member
    Lost 1 and a half pounds this week! Happy with that and finding it much easier being in a routine now! :)
  • Juliechilli
    Juliechilli Posts: 123 Member
    I will be weighing in on Thursday. I have been eating semi clean since January 4th. Logging EVERYTHING. Working out almost everyday. Drinking as much water as I can. I'm hoping the see the scale move even a little this week (since it's my week to retain water). We will see. I am hopeful :smile:
  • 1st weigh in: 187
    Jan 12th: still 187!!
    Bad back for over a week but back on course so hopefully see a change next week xx
  • Ratches
    Ratches Posts: 52 Member
    back down to pre holiday weight - 2 lbs down
  • mimi4janda
    mimi4janda Posts: 97 Member
    1/1: 246.9
    1/8: 245.6
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    Onoiam50 wrote: »
    Dec 31 - 216.3
    Jan 7 - 215.5

    Ended up in hospital Jan 1-4 and had my gall bladder removed so not been able to exercise. Have been eating a light diet whilst recovering.

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    Hope you have a smooth recovery.
  • I_can_do_this2
    I_can_do_this2 Posts: 294 Member
    I lost 3 lbs this week. Yay! I was on a cruise over the holidays and was so happy to maintain my weight. I think my weight loss this week can be attributed, in part, to getting all of the salt out of my system. I've been eating at home a lot over the past few months and had forgotten just how much sodium is in commercially-prepared foods. Regardless, it's a great start for me. In addition, this is a big milestone - 40 lbs. Yay!! :D

    My stats are:
    OSW with MFP: 230 lbs.
    UGW: 140 lbs.
    Easter Challenge SW: 193 lbs
    Easter Challenge Goal: 173 lbs
    Current Weight: 190 lbs
    Easter Challenge Total Weight Lost: 3 lbs
    Easter Challenge LBS remaining: 17 lbs.
  • CRKeun
    CRKeun Posts: 1 Member
    January 8 - 205

    This has really been my first week at it...I just stumbled across this group, and though i'd join to see it if will help me at all. I struggle to keep myself motivated, especially when I've hit a plateau. I just need help with motivation!!!
  • beatricelombule
    beatricelombule Posts: 96 Member
    Start weight for Challenge - 185 lbs
    January 6: 188 lbs (+3 lbs)
    January 11: 185.4 lbs (-2.6 lbs)
    January 18:
    January 25:
    February 1:
    February 8:
    February 15:
    February 22:
    March 1:
    March 8:
    March 15:
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
  • caramariew1
    caramariew1 Posts: 9 Member
    Starting weight: 250
    Current weight: 248

    I lost two pounds this week, but I don't think it's very accurate. I had a tonsillectomy last Wednesday so my whole world was thrown off. No exercise, very little food (that's getting better but still really hard to eat solid food), and tons of water. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon, and I can get back to normal. I am definitely not trying to push it.
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    So incredibly late. Sorry guys!
    I weighed in on 1/7 (and will again tomorrow) here are the stats...
    Starting MFP Weight: 183lbs
    Starting weight for challenge: 153.0
    1/7 weigh in: 150.2lbs!!
  • Down 2 lbs. I'm going to try the low carb... It has worked in the past. This time with lean meats and lots of good veggies.
  • snookey16
    snookey16 Posts: 47 Member
    78.4kg, put on 0.2kg. I had a very bad week and ate way to much with no exercise. Back into this week hopefully.
  • Spencerport
    Spencerport Posts: 270 Member
    January 1: 222.8
    January 14: 220.6
    Total Loss: 2.2lbs
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    1/01/15 - 270.4
    1/07/15 - 264.6
    1/14/15 - 266
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    Jan 5th: 158 lb
    Jan 14th: 158 lb

    No loss this week...need to be stricter with my cal goals each day!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Monday, Dec 29 - 221.1 (start weight)
    Monday, Jan 14th - 223.6 (current weight)
    Challenge Goal - 197
    IN MY DEFENSE....I went out and drank a LOT of vodka and soda last Saturday night, haha. Sunday was spent eating a lot of grease and carbs (over my deficit goal but still under maintenance) and drinking a lot of water in an attempt to recover (I'm WAY too old for this *kitten* :# ), so I knew I was going to have a huge water weight swing up on Monday morning. This morning I unofficially checked in and I'm down to 216.6, which is 7 pounds of water gone in 2 days, so I expect to be back on track by next week :smiley: