Very low carb friends needed/most popular low carb items n meals

Lei9785gha Posts: 73 Member
i need a friend who is on a really effective low carb diet or lifestyle to add me as a friend and allow me to view ur diary for more food options. I'm a newbie this is my second week. And someone who logs everything daily.

What r ur most popular liked or used low carb food items or recipes

Help a girl out

The more I know the more I grow. Thx in advance


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    You can add me, I don't know that you'll want to eat like me. My daily diet is a pretty good base though, just add in some spinach, broccoli, and other leafy green veggies.
  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    cauliflower.. it's rice.. it's potatoes and it's delicious .. Lots of leafy greens LOVE Kale and chard. Chard has those crispy stalks, so if you cut them into little cubes, it is almost like having little potatoes in your greens. Celery and pickles are fun crunchy foods, when you just gotta crunch. I am not too low carb now, since I am at my goal, but if more than one or two lbs sneak in.. I'm back at it. My plan is to keep losing the same 3 lbs.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I'm not super low carb, as I'm closer to my goal now (T-2lbs), and I've recently increased my weekly average carb level to 30 NET (carbs - fiber) per day, but add me and view away.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I've just started, but I track obsessively and I'm a creative cook with combinations of foods. Not sure you'll want to eat quite like me as my schedule is the wacked out college student variation on life.
  • edurham79
    Feel free to add me, I am new as well and shooting for 20g or less per day. I try to log every time I put something in my mouth so that 1) I don't forget, 2) I know where I am always so I don't try to log it all at once only to find out that I went way over.
  • edurham79
    Also, I am a snack food junkie so I have been experimenting with keto snack food recipies to try to keep my cravings down.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Feel free to add me but I'm not always consistent in logging.

    I currently am trying to stick more to keto eating. I have to warn you...Im not creative at all.
    Breakfast - usually eggs, egg with sausage, an omelet

    For lunch or dinners I like having ground beef over lettuce with cheese, hot sauce, and sour cream. I like buying good salad dressings in a variety to use on salads or to put over a bunless burger. Chicken fajitas (with no tortilla), modified chili, bacon wrapped chicken, crustless pizza, and mashed cauliflower.

    I'm not sure if you're cooking for others but to avoid making completely two separate meals I cook the meat and take a portion aside for me and then continue making the dish.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    Feel free to add me but I'm not always consistent in logging.

    I currently am trying to stick more to keto eating. I have to warn you...Im not creative at all.
    Breakfast - usually eggs, egg with sausage, an omelet

    For lunch or dinners I like having ground beef over lettuce with cheese, hot sauce, and sour cream. I like buying good salad dressings in a variety to use on salads or to put over a bunless burger. Chicken fajitas (with no tortilla), modified chili, bacon wrapped chicken, crustless pizza, and mashed cauliflower.

    I'm not sure if you're cooking for others but to avoid making completely two separate meals I cook the meat and take a portion aside for me and then continue making the dish.

    I do this, too. Saves me so much headache.
  • kmdigan
    kmdigan Posts: 11 Member
    Honestly pinterest has really saved me with creativity. For example, I made bacon cups and filled with scrambled eggs and baked in the oven. Makes 12 and SO good! I also did an asparagus stuffed steak wrapped in bacon for dinner. I just typed "low carb recipes" into pinterest and amazing-ness followed. Good luck! :)
  • foochick
    foochick Posts: 105 Member
    you can add me. however I do struggle with my protein/fat ratio. I'm 20 cpd...just need more fat and less protein.
  • lucy7294
    You can add me as well. I do 20g net carbs daily. I just started and have a long way to go.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I welcome adds too, btw. I'm low-carb for life now. I'll be logging on this thing until either it goes bankrupt and shuts down or the apocalypse comes. LOL!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I am not creative either. My goal is to not spend time cooking or obsessing about food. A hunk of cheese for dinner, call it good. The more I cook, the more the carbs add up. I am focusing on spending time at the gym.

    Also, my food bill and shopping time has gone way down. Lettuce, eggs, cheese, a chicken, yogurt. Shopping done for week.
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    I am not creative either. My goal is to not spend time cooking or obsessing about food. A hunk of cheese for dinner, call it good. The more I cook, the more the carbs add up. I am focusing on spending time at the gym.

    Also, my food bill and shopping time has gone way down. Lettuce, eggs, cheese, a chicken, yogurt. Shopping done for week.


    This time around I'm trying to make my fuel as "no brainer" as possible. I'm keeping a few of the super simple recipes that I've come to enjoy over the years, but am really trying to nestle into a nice little rut with my eating (read: boring).

    Food is is is fuel...

    Leaves me more time to be creative in other areas of my life!!
  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    I know I already added you and you can always look at my diary. I'm pretty basic with most of my meals like for lunch I do an easy combo of almonds, cheese, and some pepperoni or summer sausage, or if I'm home a salad. For breakfast I haven't really been eating eggs much, cuz I seem to have lost a taste for fried eggs. Now I can only seem to eat them hard boiled and really enjoy them. But I eat a lot of deviled eggs, egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, etc. And for dinner sometimes taco salad or sometimes I try other recipes, basically meat, veggies, and cheese/sour cream type stuff. Like tonight I'm probably having some pot roast (if my bf remembered to start it) and veggies. Mmmm.
  • Lei9785gha
    Lei9785gha Posts: 73 Member
    edurham79 wrote: »
    Also, I am a snack food junkie so I have been experimenting with keto snack food recipies to try to keep my cravings down.

    I am a junk food addict or rather a carb attic as well....since I've been low carb I only had two snack attacks lol
  • Lei9785gha
    Lei9785gha Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks everyone
  • Lei9785gha
    Lei9785gha Posts: 73 Member
    Can I request friends from the discussion board?
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Lei9785gha wrote: »
    Can I request friends from the discussion board?

    Yes. Friend request away. You don't need to ask. If people are like me, they won't mind a random friend request. I will sometimes send a request if I read a post and see someone is eating like me or whatever.
  • lmanes1
    lmanes1 Posts: 64 Member
    You can add me. Been eating this way since late June. I lose slow and steady. Lost 35 lbs. I log most days. My diary is open.