New: Starting Tomorrow

I am starting the couch to 5k program for he first time, just set it up on my phone. I think this is a great small goal to set. Tomorrow is also my first day of changing how I eat too. I guess a lifestyle change is a good thing. So we will see how it goes. :)


  • caswilso
    Good luck! You're going to love it!
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I just started yesterday, interested in being friends? :)
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    I just got done with week one yesterday. I'm starting week two tomorrow. So far, so good! Good luck!
  • adomater
    adomater Posts: 19 Member
    Good Luck! I am on week 3 with the treadmill version. So far the easy gradual start has allowed me success without injury.
  • Gloww33
    Gloww33 Posts: 12
    Thank you everyone! So far so good and of course we can be friends, not sure how to add people was my second day and I could not believe how out of shape I am, I was so out of breath by the time I was done, not to mention how sore I am today!
  • jesslor
    Gonna give this a try too. Good luck!
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    I just started this week. I am using the treadmill as I'm a wimp with the ice and cold! I am slow as a turtle, but I'm ok with that.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great to see all you new runners! Don't forget to slow down if you need to!

    There is a pretty active "Daily Check-in" thread in this group for support, encouragement, and inspiration. There are a few graduates (like me) who hang around to answer questions too.