Put your goal, methods and challenges here.

Just reply to this thread.


  • healthygirl101mfp
    Challenge how goal
    My goal: I currently weigh 160 and I'm 5'9 (female) I want to lose 5 pounds starting today-March 1 (pound per week)
    How: I have created a calorie deficit which is about 1400. i work out at least 5x per week. I'm also planning on joining more groups and adding more friends to stay motivated.
    Challenge: Im actually a binge eater (weird to finally admit this). My worst days are the weekand and it will be my biggest challenge to overcome. Although I'm very excited for this!

  • gormancn
    Let's do it!
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    My goal: get back to pre baby weight (165) by baby's 1st bday (March 6) Today I was just under 172 so about 7 lbs.
    Methods: tracking calories, walking more, making gym time a priority
    Challenge: I tend to graze a bit, especially when feeding my daughter (a handful of Cheerios, leftover pineapple she doesn't eat) and it's so minuscule I don't bother to record it. Also I tend to use the excuse that my daughter will be fussy at the gym daycare to myself to avoid going. In reality it shouldn't matter, because the more I go the more used to it she will get and be less fussy!

    Hoping to have some more accountability for my actions from myself and the MFP world. Good luck everyone!
  • sradams1977
    sradams1977 Posts: 13 Member
    Goal Weight 150lbs
    Starting weight 216lbs
    Weight as of 31st Jan 2015 191.4

    I aim to lose 2lbs per week.

    I am currently doing a lot of exercise. I do a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class weekly which is very hard for me so I am exercising most days on a spinning bike doing interval training. I also jog once a week. I have cut wheat completely out of my diet which is helping me stop snacking.

    My main Challenge is that I usually get to 189lbs and plateau. I am 2lbs away from this and I hope with exercise and diet I can go through this barrier and reach my summer goals.