


  • Dkido
    Dkido Posts: 9 Member
    Fitnesmom - it sucks doesn't it? My goal this time around is to at least go through the motions, no matter what. Dress for the workout, go downstairs and push play, even if intent is to just shuffle through it. 9 times out of 10, chances are I will wind up making my way through most of the workout. Keep showing up - we can do it this time!
  • Thanks, Dkido!!! That is my goal as well. :)
  • Hi guys! I'm Stephanie. I'm from Maryland and got married last October. For a while I was doing great working out and eating right but have since fallen off the wagon...I want to use combat to get back on track! I'm still waiting for that and my Shakeology to get here in the mail but am doing good staying active and eating until then. :)

    I really want to start moving back towards fitness and running and just feeling good because I miss where I was!!!
  • Hi guys! I'm Stephanie. I'm from Maryland and got married last October. For a while I was doing great working out and eating right but have since fallen off the wagon...I want to use combat to get back on track! I'm still waiting for that and my Shakeology to get here in the mail but am doing good staying active and eating until then. :)

    I really want to start moving back towards fitness and running and just feeling good because I miss where I was!!!

    Nice to have you, Stephanie!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Laurie, and I'm 5'8" and 179 lbs. I'm 51 years old, with two grown daughters and one husband that has been tolerating me for 26 years. :) I love to workout, but the eating portion is always been a problem. I am going through the Change, and that has been difficult for me also. Right now I'm suffering from anemia so doing high intensity workouts can be difficult to get through. I started up Combat again on Thursday, so two days down. I really enjoyed both workouts even though I had a hard time with the plyo portion of HiiT Power. Guess it can only get better.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Welcome Laurie!
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm Char, from the UK (Devon) I'm 5'4" ish 56lbs above my pre-meltdown weight... I joined MFP in 2012, joined a gym, began Combat & Pump and loved it. Then my fiancé and I bought our first house together, which needed renovating, so cue 14 months of renovating whilst working full time = too many takeaways and no gym... we moved in 6 months ago and our wedding is in 5 months time! eek! so now I have focus again (although not as much as I did last time) but hey, I'm here!

    Stay with the fight! :)
  • star87cc wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Char, from the UK (Devon) I'm 5'4" ish 56lbs above my pre-meltdown weight... I joined MFP in 2012, joined a gym, began Combat & Pump and loved it. Then my fiancé and I bought our first house together, which needed renovating, so cue 14 months of renovating whilst working full time = too many takeaways and no gym... we moved in 6 months ago and our wedding is in 5 months time! eek! so now I have focus again (although not as much as I did last time) but hey, I'm here!

    Stay with the fight! :)

    That is very cool! Welcome!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
  • JennArlen
    JennArlen Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Everyone! Im new to the group :) Im Jenn, 30 years old, married and a mother of 4. My oldest will be 10...TEN (omg i feel old lmao!), in March then i have a 6, 5, and 4 year old. Before kids and when we got married i weighed 115-120 ( Im 5'7), and my heaviest was the day I had my first daughter and was 190ish. When i started my journey (this last time, December 2014) i was 176.
    The last 6 years have been rough, I had 3 C-Sections in 3 years (2008, 2009, 2010) and right after my son was born I had my back fused, 2011, then 2012 i ended up having heart surgery, 2013 i had a failed back fusion that resulted in broken screws and had to redo the entire process also had an allergy to the metals in my back but had no choice and had to have them placed to hold my back together, then i tore my meniscus and had knee surgery in august of 2013 ANNNNNDDDD you guessed it, another back surgery in April of last year, 2014.... that one was just to remove the hardware since everything was now in place and i was having pain due to the allergy.
    Anyways, Im now currently on week 5 of Les Mills and I have also been using my fitbit trying to hit at least 10k steps a day. I have to modify quite a bit on Combat because of my back but I really want to get to my goals and that would be fit/toned and back to prepregnancy weight :)
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Oh wow, what a journey! So glad you haven't given up through that and are giving this a go! Welcome!!
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    hi everyone im new to this group - im an avid combat fan - i do all my workouts from home, 50 minute classes - dvds or even you tube videos, i cant get enough of it, i absolutely love it