Looking for support eating 1200 to 1600 calories daily

vhowru Posts: 72 Member
Can anyone friend me if they support me on this intake for a few weeks ?


  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    vhowru wrote: »
    Can anyone friend me if they support me on this intake for a few weeks ?

    Hi there. I will friend you just now. I am trying to eat in the same calorie range. Good luck, Lorraine
  • I'm in the same range !!
  • csillers13
    csillers13 Posts: 35 Member
    I'll friend you...same range as well
  • vhowru wrote: »
    Can anyone friend me if they support me on this intake for a few weeks ?

    Add me! I'm in the same range :)
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Me too add me!
  • Fatimahasnain
    Fatimahasnain Posts: 91 Member
    Same range :)
  • carlydevi
    carlydevi Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in that range, too. I added a few of you, feel free to add me if I've skipped someone. :D
  • becam01
    becam01 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm on the same range!! Will friend you guys :) friend me if I miss someone
  • elestrada4
    elestrada4 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm looking for support and motivation too. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster of good and bad days with eating, exercising and having determination. Would really like to add some friends to help.
  • LouiseK2015
    LouiseK2015 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in that range. Down 7lbs, 4 to go. I've been living on frozen veggie blends seasoned with spice blends.
  • bzwing07
    bzwing07 Posts: 1 Member
    Same range. Having a tough time losing. Need motivation.
  • beachlover83
    beachlover83 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in the same range too. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies and protein.
  • I will add you! I'm also in the same calorie range!
  • THachAb
    THachAb Posts: 63 Member
    Same here! Also trying more fruits, veggies and protein.
  • I'm in this range too! :)

    Had a baby 16months ago, weight dropped off after but now back at work and gone up a dress size. No. No. No. Haha.

    No more naughty treats for me!
  • torytrom
    torytrom Posts: 6 Member
    I was tired of deprivation and self-loathing, so I'm adopting a more European way of eating, with love and pleasure. If you're interested, read about it here! It really helped me! http://brunchandbijoux.blogspot.com/2015/01/how-to-eat-like-french-woman.html
  • Hello, I'm in the same range too!
  • gusbutt12
    gusbutt12 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same range! Add me!!
    I try to be smart about when I eat, in addition to what I eat..and what I eat is a lot of protein! I love my veggies too and try to juice one meal everyday.
    I find it easier to be good on my diet when I'm alone (and recent company and traveling has got me cheating). People can be tempting, and I swear, they try to sabotage dieters! Support and support accountability is so underestimated.
    Be strong ladies!
  • rdunigan32
    rdunigan32 Posts: 3 Member
    Same boat! I find myself still hungry and I end up over in calories. I try to eat healthy but the calories still seem to add up! :/
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I was hungry all day today!! My protein numbers were good, and I actually ate a decent sized lunch, for me. But I just felt un satisfied! I think it was because my fat was low. I ate pizza (just two slices, so not too much) for dinner, and I finally feel full. It is both physically and psychologically difficult to do this! At one point, I just felt like giving up, and I have been at this for a looonnnggg time! (5 years on MFP!). But I know the minute I stop being accountable by logging the fat will fly back on.