EVENING ~ Please share tips to stay on track in evening (after dinner - before bed)

TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Tips, Suggestions, Idea's ~ how to stay on track after dinner to bedtime


  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    One tip would be to have a plan and follow your plan. If you get off track then evaluate and plan again :)
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    I was reading an article on nutrition and it said coconut milk ice cream is better for you so what I do at night is 1/2cup ice cream, some Walden Farms caramel sauce (zero cal zero sugar) some chopped almonds and a squirt of whipped cream. Feels like heaven in your mouth! Only 165 cal. Also on a "bad day" I'll eat a Werthers sugar free candy and it seems to curb sweet tooth. 5 pieces is 20 cal. Someone also recommended brushing your teeth. Who wants to eat with the taste of toothpaste in your mouth?
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Kheinl ~ What store is Walden Farms products found?
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    I know some people who drink a hot tea in between dinner and bed time.
  • lilyandree59
    I make sure I save calories for an evening snack. I will definitely look for coconut ice cream...thanks for the tip!!! I'm not sure where I would find the sauce in Canada but will look for some. If not will find something.
  • lilyandree59
    A favorite of mine in the evening is also a cup of decaf chai tea made with unsweetened almond or almond coconut milk.
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Sounds good, I'll have to try the tips too! Walden Farms products are at Albertson's in my area (thanks Kheinl). No carbs, No sugar, No calories - I'm going to try them... chocolate sauce, caramel sauce and more. I heard another tip today... if you're craving something sweet - drizzle a pinch of salt on a piece of fruit. I would need to plan for that fruit due to the high carb (raises blood sugar).
  • anndieringer
    I've been doing reading about 'cleaner' eating. I'm really trying to cut out sugar and processed foods. I saw a quote somewhere, "If you're not hungry enough to choose an apple, you probably aren't hungry. " For some reason this has really helped me.
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Hey everyone! I bought Stevia in the raw (the bag,no packets) on the back was recipe for blueberry pie...70 calories!!! So I made one and it was really good. Still too low on carbs and too much protein and fat. I've gotta figure how to balance so I'm within goal. I'm under on calories and don't really know how it works yet.
  • monyokks
    monyokks Posts: 16 Member
    I will drink decaf herbal tea at night, make a simple smoothie (1 cup almond or coconut milk) with 1/2 cup frozen fruit and maybe some kale, or eat an orange or apple. I also use a Soda Stream to make seltzer water --- drinking bubbly water seems to help me on days when I am tired (and am more prone to "cheat").
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    I also found these mini rice cakes at Ralph's (Kroger) with caramel. Really good as rice cakes go
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    I have eaten the whole bag of those caramel rice cakes in my past, so good.
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I try to make sure that I have enough calories left for a treat - if I don't I just do without. I am one of those people that HAS to have a sweet after dinner, so I am pretty careful though!! :)
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I definitely plan for treats. I know I won't give up goodies. I love baking anything from scratch. I feel planning is the key.
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    I agree ladies, planning for treats is a great strategy, savor it! I save my treat for fruit (being diabetic it is a better choice then a dessert). However, I believe I can have anything. I pair up fruit/dessert (high sugar) with protein and/or fiber to stop the glucose "spike".
  • monyokks
    monyokks Posts: 16 Member
    Ya, I can't have those yummy rice cakes in my house --- at least not now. ;)
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    Funny, how different we all are in some ways. I don't care for the rice cakes at all. Now chocolate, there's another story.
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    I agree mare, we are all different. I really don't like chocolate, sweet creamy desserts, biscuits, most cakes etc - cheese however (most types as long as its not reduced fat) is a completely different matter, and as for wine ...
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Ooh, chocolate!! And bread, and ice cream too. Actually, there are a lot of things that could tempt me! That is why I try to save up for them - so I don't feel deprived.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    mmm, I do love cheese and wine! Golly, how did I get fat, lol!