Weekly Weigh In #5 Jan. 30th - Feb. 6th

kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
Sorry I'm late!


  • bahbedwire
    bahbedwire Posts: 95 Member
    As of the 29th, I weighed in at 67.5kg! Lost 1kg (that I gained). :)

    January Week 1 - 68.3 kg (150.6lbs)
    January Week 2 - 68.2 kg (150.4lbs)
    January Week 3 - 67.5 kg (148.8lbs)
    January Week 4 - 68.5 kg (151lbs)
    January Week 5 - 67.5 kg (148.8lbs)

    Total loss .8kg. Let's hope I continue losing. Lost 25cms from around my body in the last 30 days. Very happy about that. Good luck with the Feb. 1st weigh-in, everybody! :)

  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    144, UP 3.5 pounds (groooaaannn). Not sure how that happened, but I suspect post-PMS and fighting off a cold (and last Saturday was a bit of a foodie day, lol) bah!
  • EntropyIgnited
    EntropyIgnited Posts: 33 Member
    Week 1 - 226
    Week 2 - 224.2
    1.8 lb loss
  • Soliasan
    Soliasan Posts: 30 Member
    1/1 - 179 lbs
    1/8 - 177.6 lbs
    1/15 - 175.2 lbs
    1/22 - 174.2 lbs
    1/29 - 172.6 lbs
    Total Challenge Loss: 6.4 lbs

    MFP Start: 191 lbs
    Easter goal: 159 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 150 lbs
  • Farmgirlfit85
    Farmgirlfit85 Posts: 65 Member

    SW (Jan 1 160)
    01/01: 160
    01/08: 157
    01/15: 155
    01/22: 154.8
    01/29:<<<mini goal weight 153 >>> actual 154.4 :-( I took my calories down to 1460/day. Hopefully this will help speed up my results. I've been mostly good. So it's frustrating not seeing progress.
    02/26:<<<mini goal weight 150>>>
    03/26:<<<mini goal weight 147>>>
    04/05: Easter Sunday <<<GOAL WEIGHT FOR THIS CHALLENGE ***145-*** >
  • Just joined the group. I've lost 3 pounds since Christmas. .. slow and stay dies it. I have lost 55 pounds and kept it off since January, 2013. 20 pounds by Easter works for me. ..
    January 29 weight. ...226 :D
  • estrellachacon
    estrellachacon Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined the group too. Current weight 178.8lbs, goal weight at least to 160lbs

    January 31st >>>178.8lbs
  • summeroflove99
    summeroflove99 Posts: 168 Member
    Start weight : 139lbs
    Current weight: 128lbs

    Only 0.5lbs lost this week but I'm happy it's still going in the right direction.

    11 lbs lost in total (woohoo!)
  • AmandaStrickland1
    AmandaStrickland1 Posts: 58 Member
    Jan. 1 - 150 lbs
    Jan. 9 - 146.4 lbs
    Jan. 17 - 145.8 lbs
    Jan. 24 - 143.4 lbs
    Jan. 31 - 144.2 lbs

    I am up 0.8 pounds and I am totally ok with it! I knew last week after a 2.4 pound loss that I would probably gain. I can't even be mad, because I feel thinner... and I feel great! I know it's a process and it's still working. Weight is only a small part of this, right? So, my goal next week is to be where I was last week. Or maybe even a little less ;-) January was a good month in my book!
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    edited January 2015
    I switched it up a bit so that the scale does not rule my life ;)

    01/01: 234.8 lbs
    01/08: 232.4
    01/15: 233.6
    01/22: 232.8
    01/29: 234.0 <<<Goal: Drink 8 glasses and Leave 10,000 Foot Prints Daily>>>

    I am drinking 8 glasses of water regularly. My daily foot prints is definitely hovering around 10K. I have a better method of tracking now, FitBit Charge HR and am feeling very confident.

    Now to start on the next mini goal.

    02/26:<<<Goal: Daily Tracking and 12,000 Foot Prints without Fail - Plus Earlier Goals>>>
    03/26:<<<Goal: 2 Daily walks a day, 14,000 Foot Prints - Lunch and After Work - Plus earlier Goals>>>
    04/05: Easter Sunday <<<The ability to say that I met my goals for this challenge>>>
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    01/01: 156.5
    01/08: 155
    01/15: 154.75
    01/22: 154.25
    01/29: 151.5 <<<mini goal weight 152.5>>> SMASHED IT er... somehow. Guess I was holding on to water weight for the last couple of weeks?
    02/26:<<<mini goal weight 148>>>
    03/26:<<<mini goal weight 143.5>>>
    04/05: Easter Sunday <<<GOAL WEIGHT FOR THIS CHALLENGE ***141*** >>>
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    starting weight: Dec.26- 231.4 lbs

    Jan. 01- 229.0 lbs
    Jan. 08- 226.8 lbs
    Jan. 15- 225.8 lbs
    Jan. 22- 222.6 lbs
    Jan. 30- 220.4 lbs

    C.G. weight: Easter - 211 lbs
    U.G. weight: ? 2015 - 153 lbs
  • AmandaStrickland1
    AmandaStrickland1 Posts: 58 Member
    SW (Jan 1 160)
    01/01: 160
    01/08: 157
    01/15: 155
    01/22: 154.8
    01/29:<<<mini goal weight 153 >>> actual 154.4 :-( I took my calories down to 1460/day. Hopefully this will help speed up my results. I've been mostly good. So it's frustrating not seeing progress.
    02/26:<<<mini goal weight 150>>>
    03/26:<<<mini goal weight 147>>>
    04/05: Easter Sunday <<<GOAL WEIGHT FOR THIS CHALLENGE ***145-*** >

    You're doing great! Weight does not define us... and it doesn't necessarily show progress. You got this! :)

  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    Here is my WEEKLY progress Thurs 1/29:
    I learned this format from the 20 pounds by Christmas Challenge and it helped me tremendously, so I will continue using what works! Mini-Goals are fantastic....much less overwhelming for me.

    Start weight: 211 (as of 8/12/2014 when started back on MFP again)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 -135

    Lbs to Lose by Easter: 20 (5 pounds lost so far for this Challenge)
    Goal Weight for this Challenge: 172

    09/29 (Started INSANITY Workout)

    01/01: 192.0...gain from holiday indulgence >:)
    01/08: 188.5...I don’t expect 3.5# per wk in future-back on track o:)
    01/15: 188.0…not a lot…but I’ll take it!
    01/22: 188.0
    01/29:<<<mini goal weight 186>>> 187...so close - but that's okay I'm still on track!
    02/26:<<<mini goal weight 180>>>
    03/26:<<<mini goal weight 174>>>
    04/05: Easter Sunday <<<GOAL WEIGHT FOR THIS CHALLENGE ***172*** >>>




  • susu2u
    susu2u Posts: 11 Member
    1/1 223.1
    1/8 220.1
    1/15 219.4
    1/22 217.9
    1/29 213.3
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    01/01: 191.1
    01/09: 189.6
    01/16: 191.3 #Vegas
    01/23: 189.7
    01/30: 187.8
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    157 this week total loss 8 lb. Arrived in Hawaii today. No scale for the next 9 days. Wish me luck!
  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    January was very good to me too. Another 1.1 lbs lost.

    January total loss 12.4

    I just hope February will be nice to me too :)
  • Kaplat
    Kaplat Posts: 138 Member
    Another lb gone - slowly but surely creeping downwards...
  • ineedachange185
    ineedachange185 Posts: 30 Member
    I am holding steady at 172 from 178 at the start of this challenge but I am okay with that because I turn 30 in May and weigh less now then in high school. So I'm happy with that.