Tell everyone about yourself!



  • Hey ladies, hope everyone isn't too sore from their Monday session! I've been following the Bikini Guide for two months now but back tracked back to week four again after the start of the new year due to travelling/taking time off. I'm not following the HELP eating program because I have a very small variety of food I can eat. If anyone else on here has any good paleo/vegan/gluten-free recipes they'd like to share it would be GREATLY appreciated! I'm currently training not only to boost my health and confidence but also for a half marathon in eight weeks. This year has already brought so many changes, I can't wait to see what comes in the following months!!
  • Smexy88
    Smexy88 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I'm Trish, 26, and I live in QLD, Australia. I will be starting BBG next Monday, I am very excited and nervous at the same time.
    I have not exercised properly in what feels like years, so I will be completing the 4 weeks of pre- training first.
    I wish is all luck and great progress!
  • Does anyone else use Instagram to post/record their progress? If so what are your names?
  • Hi, I have an IG account but until I see some results, I'm too shy to post any before pictures. I'm 32 and an American living in South Africa. I started getting into shape last year but took a break over the holidays and want to use the BBG guide to see some real changes to my body!!

    Stay motivated, everyone! I know you already look great today, and that with the support of this group, we'll become stronger and healthier, with those famous abs to match! I'm hoping this group and MFP will limit my cheat meals and how much wine I drink ... I haven't weighed myself in a long time but I'm usually around 115 lbs and I'm 5'2".

    Best of luck! Stay strong!!
  • Hi, I have an IG account but until I see some results, I'm too shy to post any before pictures. I'm 32 and an American living in South Africa. I started getting into shape last year but took a break over the holidays and want to use the BBG guide to see some real changes to my body!!

    Stay motivated, everyone! I know you already look great today, and that with the support of this group, we'll become stronger and healthier, with those famous abs to match! I'm hoping this group and MFP will limit my cheat meals and how much wine I drink ... I haven't weighed myself in a long time but I'm usually around 115 lbs and I'm 5'2".

    Best of luck! Stay strong!!
  • gkates202
    gkates202 Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya! I am into week 7 of the BBG and am really enjoying it. It would be great to meet some other people also on the programme, and my Instagram is g_eorgias x x
  • abb117
    abb117 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey! I'm also in week 7 of BBG. I really love it and have seen more results in such a short amount of time than I ever thought possible! I would also love to meet people that are currently doing this program or have already done it!
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    Hey all. 24 years old from England. I'm 5'2, started out at 140lbs and got down to 110lbs using MFP. At first I did it without exercise and then when I finally joined a gym it was all just cardio. Felt like I've been left looking the dreaded 'skinny fat'. Started this programme to tone up and have some sort of structure with the resistance workouts. Currently on week 4 and my IG name's the same as this one. Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • Jacqueline_Conley
    Jacqueline_Conley Posts: 26 Member
    Hey I'm Jacqui! A 20 year old college student. I am 5.2 and currently 134. My goal is 125! I play rugby for my school and I am an active BBG follower and runner! I have been on MFP for 2 week and have lost 6 pounds:)) ADD ME!!!