JANUARY 2015 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,943 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:


    And a big congrats to finishers Tappy44, tlacox1 and wtw0n!! Well done. :D (*)

    As for me, I have a scary hard looking interval run on my training program today. I've put it off all morning. Time to go get it done. See you soon!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Please put me in for the "goal streak" , too. Thanks, Gail
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Going for a 1000 miles, hopefully can pick up miles on the less icy days

    Target downed to 800 miles due to several days of ice!

    01-01: 52.38 miles
    02-01: 37.11 miles
    03-01: 23.64 miles
    04-01: 22.04 miles
    05-01: 33.12 miles
    06-01: 42.50 miles
    07-01: 33.51 miles
    08-01: 42.60 miles
    09-01: 42.51 miles
    10-01: forced rest day
    11-01: 36.10 miles
    11-01: 5.13 miles (walk)
    12-01: 34.08 miles
    13-01: Rest day
    14-01: 37.02 miles
    15-01: 35.21 miles
    16-01: 37.12 miles
    17-01: 74.12 miles
    18-01: 15 miles cycling (stationary - health spa)
    18-01: 5 miles rowing (health spa)
    19-01: Rest day - iced over
    20-01: Rest day - iced over
    21-01: Rest day - iced over
    22-01: 25.76 miles
    23-01: Rest day - iced over
    24-01; Rest day - iced over
    25-01; 85.48 miles
    26-01: 40.20 miles
    27-01: school run
    28-01: school run
    29-01: 26.77 miles
    30-01: 4.59 miles - slipping all over, bailed out and took car!
    31-01: 10 miles turbo - hate using it, but only way to hit target
    January Miles: 800.99

    YTD Miles: 801
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,841 Member
    Exercise total for


    Exercise bike 30.70 miles & walk 1.25 miles

    Total 31.95 miles for today

    1026.60 miles done and 76.60 miles over goal .... :D
  • lee134
    lee134 Posts: 280 Member
    1 mile today
    total of 156 miles mtd
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Managed a couple of slow short walks in last 2 days Final TTD 96.1 miles
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    Ending with a 4.4 mile walk. Didn't do as much running as I was planning due to the weather, but I think this 96 miles is my personal record.

  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,943 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:


    Congrats to dcmat for making goal! :D (*)

    @lovemyalex - impressive numbers this month! Is that your all time high?

    As for me, I never cease to be amazed by the relationship between our physical capabilities and our mental attitude. I was quite worried about today's workout. It called for 2 miles of intervals (8 x 400) at my 5k PR pace in the middle of a 10 mile run. And I was supposed to run the mile immediately after the intervals at my 10k pace. I could never have forced myself to do that on my own - I would have given up. But because my training program told me to do it I went out and took it one interval at a time, and you know what? It wasn't that hard. I had no idea I was capable of running that far that fast. I'm closing the month with a whopping 167 miles, which I think is my all time high. Of course starting the month with a 48.6 mile race series does tend to pump the numbers up LOL.

    I'll be back tomorrow to update any final January posts. This was my 36th MYAC. Next month I start my 4th year around here. On to February!
  • angelmo8
    angelmo8 Posts: 242 Member
    1/31- 8.1 miles running

  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    2.00 miles walked yesterday

    2.06 miles walked today

    150.96 miles walked to date
  • future_rockstar
    future_rockstar Posts: 711 Member
    Adding 4.2 miles, to round out the month with 92.2/75. Kudos to you JTH for a job well done (*)
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 934 Member
    ... finally a month when I hit my goal! Wonder had the streak anything to do it? You bet it had. I was going to wait until tomorrow to do my 'long run' but then I would have ended the month 5 miles short of my goal so I hauled my *kitten* to the gym (weather very bad here so no other choice but to take it indoors) and managed to actually stay on the treadmill to hit my goal and then added 4 more for kicks .... it is amazing what the idea of have a tick for hitting your goal will do :D

    Thanks as always for the challange ... looking forward to Feb and getting another tick!

  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    13.93Km today
    TTD 100.3km!! Made it just by the skin of my teeth!!

  • KariD1114
    KariD1114 Posts: 1,213 Member
    Total as of 1/30 = 65.21

    REALLY bad month with a stupid sinus infection that took me down for the month. Ended up coughing so much & so hard that I bruised my ribs. Feeling better, finally, but now trying to get the sore ribs healed up. :#

  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    Well last day of the month, I got more rides in this month than I have in quite some time. Oh well rain is starting up tomorrow, so I may or may not get my 1st day of the month with a ride like I usually do. On to February!

    01/29 - 14.0 miles cycling
    01/30 - 10.0 miles cycling
    01/31 - 11.0 miles cycling

    Total: 232.0 miles

  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    4 mile run/walk

  • jennwhite34
    jennwhite34 Posts: 534 Member
    1/31 - 3.64 mile walk
    - 4.5 miles exercise bike


    Took until the last day but I made goal :D
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Finished off my month with a long run today- 8 miles plus warm up and cool down!

  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Too tired to really catch up with everyone. Congratulations to all who have made goal this month. And a special congratulations to you who are still moving along, even if the goal is not going to happen this month. Keep on trying, you can do it!

    I kept going a bit these last 3 days. (OK, today was only 1.25 miles, but I'm surprised I managed that much around work crazies). Added 6.75 miles for a January total of 85.5 miles


    On to February!!
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