New to Group - Accountability partner??



  • NYC8889
    NYC8889 Posts: 9 Member
    Please feel free to add me also. I am 41 and it is so much harder to lose weight now than even 2 years ago. I really need the push with my workouts and being sure to eat on more regular intervals during the week...with my work schedule this is sometimes very difficult to do. I would like the support while supporting others. I have done this before and while it seems harder this time around, I know it can be done.
  • Yes, we are hitting pre menopause! It's so much fun, lol. Feel free to add me too! I'm nearly 46, 4 children myself, since September I've been on somewhat of an overhaul with my diet (LESS pasta, carboholic). I had gained 20 pounds, with 10 of those in 2014-which woke me up quickly!

    Hey everyone! I agree with the pre-menopause idea! I know both my mom and sister went thru it in their late 40's- early 50's. I'm 43 and the last couple of years have definitely been tougher! It's not only hard to keep it off, it's so much harder to lose! So I need the support as well and would love to be a part of y'all's cheer group! :-) please add me! I'm still trying to figure this app out on adding friends and a picture! Lol...
  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    I'm 48 - 90 lbs to lose - Any of you can add me for support! I could use some too! :)
  • caro0318
    caro0318 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all. I am new to MFP, been on the app for 2 weeks now. This is my first time in the "community." I am 44, will turn 45 in March. I had lost weight in my early 30s but gained it all back, plus. This time I want to do some things differently. I want to lose weight, but I am not committing to a goal weight. Last time I did that, even when I hit the goal, it wasn't good enough. At some point I have to able to accept me, i just know right now it must be a much "lighter" me. I also realized losing weight in my 30s was sooooo much easier than in my 40s. A sad wake up call! I can use all the support I can get and will do my best to support others!
  • cwstrak
    cwstrak Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2015
    Feel free to ad me as well. I'm new here, but not new to weight loss ... it's a journey :)

    I lost 70# 7 years ago
    Put 20 back on
    Lost 25 1 year ago
    Put 10 back on

    Have lost 5 with 5 to go :)
  • myfreeacct
    myfreeacct Posts: 16 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I am a returning MFP, lost some weight few years ago. Then just stopped ( what was I thinking) So for the past 2 months I have been trying to educate myself on what I have been doing right and wrong. Tired of making the same mistakes. I really want to do this the right way. I want to make a lifestyle change for myself and my family. I always felt like I was strong enough to do this on my own and didn't need anyone's help, boy am I wrong.
    I would really welcome some friends on here. Feel free to add me.

    " I can do this, I will do this."
  • beachbum4044
    beachbum4044 Posts: 57 Member
    Keeping my goals simple and realistic was the best way to start. It is a lifestyle change not a diet. I don't have anything that I can't eat. It is about portion control, serving size awareness and eating more often. Now that I have mastered that its time to move. My new goal is to get at least 30 minutes of movement 3x a week. I will slowly build on that. I am also working on getting to bed by 10:30pm at least 3 days a week. Feel free to add me :)
  • hollia13
    hollia13 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! I joined MFP about 6 weeks ago. I had lost about 68 pounds but just stalled doing what I was doing. I came to MFP in hopes of starting the weight loss back up and would love to have some more motivation and an accountability partner would be fantastic! Feel free to add me!
  • I could use a buddy, too. I am on day 3.
  • dmt366
    dmt366 Posts: 22 Member
    Just joined and would like to find friends for support and encouragement ~ feel free to add me too!
  • I would love to support any of you ladies. We need to surround ourselves with understanding, strong, and motivated people. I need good, old-fashioned, straight talk sometimes! Add me!
  • fivetimenana
    fivetimenana Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am 46 year old female who is looking to lose weight and keep it off. Tired of the yo yo dieting. Looking for like minded individuals for accountability and motivation. Friend me if you like :)