Jan 2015 Challenge ~ Jan 26th - Feb 1st

cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
I liked this so let's play with our kettlebells again!!

5 Kettlebell Exercises plus Shelley's Quick Draw


There is a short ad before his explanation of each exercise.

10 Goblet Squat - hold kettlebell upside down - squat

10 Kettlebell Clean - knees bent, holding kettlebell in left hand, swing between your legs then to a straight-up standing position bring the kettle bell to your chest. Repeat 10 times then switch arms.

10 Push Press - with kettlebell at your shoulder, straighten arm pressing kettlebell up, bring it back to your shoulder, squat slightly. Left arm then right arm...10 times each

10 Deadlifts -

10 2-Handed Swing - swing kettlebell between legs to shoulder height ...repeat

5 Quick Draw - Stand like an old western shooter, knees slightly bent, kettle in right hand, like a gun in a holster. Now draw, just like a pistol. Kettle should end out in front of you like you are shooting. If it is a light bell hold it out away from your hand, if heavy let the bell lay against your wrist. Hold it until your grip is shaky. Wrist bands really help.

Do these 6 exercises twice.

If you don't have kettlebells, use a hand weight.

Have a great week! <3<3



  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    I completed the challenge x2 this afternoon. Plus did housework and laundry. Will get cardio in tomorrow. Going to the office in the morning.

    Have a good evening!
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Challenge x2 completed plus my 12k steps are conquered.

    Still fighting this cold so I am really kinda physically exhausted. Getting up and moving even to just get my steps in feels good though.

    Have a good evening ladies

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    have been lazy so getting my act together. Jogged on Saturday, did weight lifting workout today. Looking forward to doing the kettles.
    Hope you feel better Lynnette!
    Wow, Kathy you got a lot done!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Glad we are doing kettles again. Got in some cardio today. Stayed in my calories and really busy! Phew.

    Kathy I know I would love your mom. :D

    Off to bed. You all sound so busy. B)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    No gym...DD still sick. Got our challenge done twice, got my 15,000 steps done, stayed within my calorie allotment and now I'm in search of my pillow.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Chris, I'm following in your dust. Only 9pm and already finished my workout. No middle of the night reps tonight.

    Look at us all go! Yeah baby!!

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Good morning everyone. Off to gym, getting haircut then working 12-9 tonight. A busy day!
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Feeling better today. Was prepared to conquer the challenge and my 12k step goal then I burned my poor big toe :o Yep only me. Stepped in water on the kitchen floor and got my sock wet. Decided to go in the living room and dry my sock/foot by the fireplace. Held my foot up and accidentally touched the glass on the fireplace with my foot. Needless to say it made the wet sock steaming hot and burned my toe almost instantly. So here I sit with Aloe and an ice pack SMH :'(

    Hope everyone has a better night than I did.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    edited January 2015
    Oh, Lynnette! How awful! I hope the aloe and ice help. What kind of shoes do you wear for work? Oh, I hope you are all right. No toe roasting allowed!!

    I got four miles done...got out there as soon as I got home. Finished before the sun went down! I couldn't get a 15 minute mile to save my life...I was just plodding along. The shoes I wore to work must have tired out my legs or something. They were just cute fool-around shoes. No real support. I'll have to think about that and plan better.

    I'm at 14,544 steps. I'll have 15,000 by bed time.

    We had some internet problems this evening. Everything was down for a bit. It just came back up. What would we do...

    Okay, got to get ready for some slumber time.

    Tomorrow, my friends,

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Tennis practice - 90 minutes after work. Came home and watched the Australian Open. Not getting much sleep these days. Up late watching the live matches sometimes until 3 am. Obsessed maybe... ;)
  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!! I know it's been a couple months since I've been around. I'm so glad to be getting back into things and reconnecting with some great people. I found out a couple things since the last time I've been in with the group. The first is I have a sensitivity to wheat. So that's been kind of hard figuring out what foods to eat but I've been feeling a lot better. The second is I'm pregnant :smile: I'm due in July and finally getting over the intense morning (really all day) sickness I've had. Yay for eating lol. So my goals are to not gain an excessive amount of weight and try to stay a bit healthier during this pregnancy then my last (I gained 55lbs! :s ) Also I'm still getting used to this new update of the boards. Everything feels so different. But anyway it looks like everyone is doing well which is great. I'm so excited to be back in the group. Yesterday I was able to work out a little bit - Just the elliptical but it's all snowy outside so I can't wait for that to melt so I can get back out and run :smiley:
    - Kat
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Chris I have to wear steel toe shoes as it is a manufacturing plant. Toe is much better though so I was able to conquer those steps and the challenge x2 tonight. Steps took forever being that 6k of them were done in the basement, UGH!!!

    Kat welcome back and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

    I noticed today that it was almost 6pm and there was still some light fighting to stay out there tonight, YAY!!!! With longer days come warmer temps soon!!!! :D

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Kat! There are a lot of gluten-free foods on the market now. They won't have wheat in them, if that helps. I like rice crackers, they're easier to stop eating. :smiley: And CONGRATULATIONS!

    Last night I hauled four bags of wood pellets inside and downstairs. Made my arms hurt happily. What are arm muscles called? Mine are little masochists.

    Tonight I'm doing the mini-workout. Then it's snoozers for Paula.

    Hope y'all stay warm and dry!!! Worshiping those warmer daze - yeah!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Kathy -- Killer workout! 90 minutes blasts it for sure!!

    Hi Kat - Glad you're back. Congratulations! Hope the all-day sickness passes quickly.

    Lynnette - YAY!! Sunshine past 5:00 in the evening! We've had some pretty great afternoon weather here. I was able to get out there yesterday. It was terrific! The morning fog can be awfully thick though. Glad your toe is better.

    Paula - mini workouts work too, you know!!


    Work killed me. BUT!BUT!BUT!BUT! I got my Intent to Retire letter written. I'll be handing it to my boss Friday morning. 63 days to go!!

    Back tomorrow. ;)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Wow so much happening!

    Lynette I am so sorry. But really, roasting your piggies! Ouch.
    Kathy obsessed you are not. Because if you are, what would that make me? I am up late almost every night stressing over my aquarium build. I have changed my mind more times than I have flowers in my garden. :s So you stay up late watching tennis. It is like practising. B)

    Kat you made it. Glad you are here. And congratulations again. :D

    Chris I am losing my marbles with the tank build. I just need someone to make up my mind for me. Lol

    Oh and my live black worms arrived today. WOOHOO. So the instructions said to rinse them and place them in a large shallow container, cover with aged, RODI water. Then place uncovered in the fridge. :p I was shocked when hubby was not understanding about my new friends in the fridge. Muahaha. Guess I will be getting my own fridge! o:) Off to the drawing board again.

    Oh, YES I have been getting on the treadmill and doing our challenge once through. It keeps me sane.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Ah, my poor obsessive buddies - you all make me smile. :smiley: Shelley, a lot of marbles end up in fishbowls - seems appropriate in your case, silly.

    My obsession is miniatures. Probably have tens of thousands of figures - mostly horses - and use action figures instead of classical dollhouse figures. They are mostly boxed right now due to lack of space. When I retire (I'm jealous, Chris, so exciting!) my dream is to (1) build a whole room of fields and houses for them, and (2) use a chainsaw to let the dryad out of (carve) the dead tree in the front yard.

    Lynette, your poor toesies! Too bad you can't kiss it and make it better! :cry:

    Workout makes me feel good. Helps getting projects done without panicking. So content.

    Love to you all!
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    I've been busy but I have been doing the couch 2K podcast on the treadmill at the gym. This nice English lady tells you when to run and when to walk and the music is nice. Doing week 1 right now.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    It was so much fun to watch my boss turn beet-red when he read my letter. I managed to get the things I wanted though. I talked to his boss and his bosses boss right after I talked to him. I put my thoughts out there and explained to both of them why what my boss was wanting wasn't going to work. They were totally on board with what I was thinking and went forward with it. Of course, my boss comes back to me and explains what happened in the meeting making sound like it was all his idea...yeah...Nopey, nope!

    Then I picked up Bean and when my DH got home, I took Bean out for a walk...my right arm is longer than my left arm right now, but it will be okay by morning. I'm thinking if the pup and I do this enough times, he will stop stopping at every puppy piddle spot along the road!!!! At least I'm hoping that's what happens.

    Walking is all I did today. Turns out DD has an sinus infection...drugs prescribed...doubt if she'll be wanting to walk in the morning, but we have Bean for a puppy sleepover, so DH and I will walk w/him over at the school in the morning. Then I have lunch w/friends.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday...supposed to be sunny and 70 tomorrow...yeah, January!!


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    edited January 2015
    Bah humbug, January! :grumble: Where's our miserable overcast and torrential rain?!! It's South, East, North, anywhere but here where we need it! I'm tired of GI showers (think "moist washrag") and I stink! In real time, the weather is beautiful but in the recesses of my mind, it's scary. :sick:

    2:00am in the morning and I'm up, uppitty up upp. Did my workout, it's taking longer to get a burn and the shoulders aren't all bone anymore - all good.

    Clara, At first I thought the couch 2K meant you were watching it on TV :laugh: - I happen to be a professional couch potato, myself. :blushing:

    Chris, Hope ur DD is better soon. Sinus infections are no fun. :noway:

    Shelley & Chris - ur poor DH's! Garages and worms - they must love you a lot! :love:

    I've raised my calorie level to 1300 - probably maintenance level for me. Haven't given up on losing those last 5, but happy as is. Must post new photos.

    My right knee hurts all the time now and seriously curtails steps. Getting a new one at end of February. Refusing to think about it :sad: just gonna let it happen. Will be out of work 2-3 months doing therapy. :confounded: They're going to give me a handicapped parking placard. :bigsmile:

    Later gators!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Walked w/DH and Bean this morning then had lunch w/friends. It was so good to see them! Tried to get my signature notarized for my DHs retirement paperwork but didn't have all the paperwork, had to come home to get page 1 of 2...went back, got it done, went grocery shopping, made soup and that's my day!!

    I walked and managed about 12,000 steps. Now I'm going to go crawl under the covers and get warm.

    See you in February!!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    I played tennis for 2 hours Sat practicing with the ladies. I'm looking forward to the new month. January was a mixed bag for me.

    Taking a rest day Sunday. Having a few friends over to watch the Suoer Bowl. Go Seahawks!

    Paula - sorry about the knee pain.

    Chris - I've started my 7 year count down to retirement. Can't wait ;)

    Clara - good luck with the couch to 2K. I wish I could run...bad knees.

    Shelley - it is 5:15 am and I'm up watching the men's final at the Australian Open. Youre probably up working on the new tank. Nothing wrong with obsession...keeps us focused. :D
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Ah, Kathy, here you are up already Sunday morning in Atlanta (right?) while I just finished Saturday's workout and am heading for bed in San Francisco.

    I'll be thinking of you Sunday. Living in Brady's home county (San Mateo), but married to a Seattle fan. Go Hawks!

    Best all,
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Got 5.31 miles done this morning then Super Bowl with the kids, Bean and nachos. DD made a delicious apple-cake dessert that was fab! 13,000 steps as of right now. That will probably be it for today. Hope you all had a great weekend.

    58 days to go!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Kathy I eat sleep and think constantly about the new tank. I think hubby is just going to call them on Friday and iron out all the details. It has been difficult by emails. We ask a question, they counter with another. Grrrrrrr. Up watching tennis are you. Hmmm, men in shorts! I can think of much worse things you could be doing. Lol. B)

    Apple cake dessert Chris. Sounds delish! Glad DD found out what was wrong and is on meds. Oh my, wish I could of seen your bosses face turn red. Lol. B)

    Paula I was so upset at the Seahawks for trying to pass. Run it in I was yelling! Grrr. :s

    Clara explain this podcast to me. Sounds interesting.

    Paula I would love to play with your miniatures! ;)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Paula I missed you saying you were getting a knee replacement the first time I read these posts. Ouch. Hugs to you. And I have heard from people who have had them done recently. Lots of positive things being said. You will do great! Work on that upper body strength, it will help! o:)
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Got a really good workout today moving two 55# soil bags and seven 22# clay pots to the deck and planting iris rhizomes. Can't wait to see them!! :bigsmile: Worked up a good sweat.

    The Seahawks bet that Marshawn Lynch couldn't move a football with three tries. I know they thought it was too obvious - but even so...!!! Kathy, what did you think?!

    Chris, I'm so glad your DD is getting better!

    Shelley, can't wait for pictures. So exciting!

    Love all,
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Paula, everyone at my house was stunned when they passed the ball??? Are you kidding me, Marshawn would have scored....no doubt. Still it was a good game but very disappointed in the outcome.

    And sending good thoughts your way as you prepare for your surgery.

    I think there's something going on. One of my tennis teammates went skiing over the MLK holiday and hurt her knee. Went to the doctor and found out she tore her ACL and has to have surgery.

    Another teammate was practicing, got hit in the eye with a ball, lost her balance and fell and broke her arm.

    Let's all take care and send out good thoughts to everyone!

  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks Everyone!
    Yesterday I took advantage of the nice weather and ran 4.3 miles outside. It was so great.

    Chris apple cake does sure sound good. Now I'm going to have to find a recipe to make one lol.

    Clara that podcast sounds pretty cool. I've been looking up different running apps (possibly am addicted) I think I'm going to start using the Zombie Run one lol.

    Paula a knee replacement ouch! You have some time to get ready for it at least. The 2-3 months of therapy will probably fly by though.

    Kathy I hope you stay safe. I didn't realize tennis could be such a dangerous sport!! I would love to get into tennis but I guess my hand eye coordination just isn't all that great haha.

    Lynnette I am so excited for the longer days. I'm glad your toe is feeling better. That does not sound pleasant at all.

    Well I'm not sure what all I will get in today. I will try for a little work out when I get home if my daughter cooperates lol. I need to get some new running shoes at lunch. :)


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Kathy that is so awful for them. And for the entire team. :s Hope they heal well.

    I was so mad at the SeaHawks for passing. Really? You are almost in the zone, just push on through! Still a great game though.

    And Paula there will be photos for sure. :blush: As you are resting from surgery I will send photos for you to enjoy. :D

    Kat you have a great run. :D

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    I worked at home today, so I used half of my lunch hour to walk at the park and completed the challenge x1 the other half. This evening I had a 90 minute tennis prActice and boy was it cold!

    I decided I need to push myself and step up the exercise. I'm not doing enough.

    Goodnight, I headed to bed.
