Who you are and what's the goal?



  • Hi ladies! I'm Alma from Miami :) Wife, mom of 2 and full time employee. Never had a weight issue until my 2nd pregnancy - gained 60 lbs, effectively lost 20 and have yo-yoed between 170-190 for way too long. In November, I had reached 173 and then the holidays came and I put on over 17 lbs!!! I mean the last time I had weighed myself I was 190 which was the beginning of January but I'm pretty sure I had packed on an extra 5 lbs prior to starting keto again (I just didn't have it in me to weight myself). I didn't start back on keto until the 19th of January. Carbs are so addicting and I feel like I have no control over myself when I introduce them back into my diet. I have roughly lost 14 lbs in 14 days. My first and main goal is to go under 170. I haven't seen the 160's in about 3 years. Once I get there, I'll give myself another goal.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Just started keto in January --- no weight loss goal, but interested in the diet as a path toward long-term neurological health. Got here from reading Permutter's Grain Brain book and have continued to research since.
    Looking for friends in this 3 month challenge as a way to keep me going and make sure I'm well and fully keto-adapted.
    My foray into keto last month was also under the umbrella of a Whole30, so I'm looking forward to continuing those good habits.
  • freshstart
    freshstart Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I am Linda from Indiana. I lost 30 pounds last year doing low carb/induction. This year I would like to lose 20 more pounds then reevaluate. I, too, am interested in brain health and guidelines from Dr. Perlmutter's Grain Brain book. I appreciate this 3 month challenge and look forward to learning more about the ketogenic diet.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Hi. I'm Jess, a reformed carnivore. You can call me Bacon or Jay if there are too many Jessica's about.

    Today was my 8 month ketoversary, and I've lost 76lb and I'm staying keto until I get to my goal, which is 26lb from now. I may even stay under 50g once I reach my goal, but right now I'm <20, as I have been since I started.

    I'm a 36-yr-old, homeschooling mom of 4. Busy busy. And a little crazy. :wink:

    KCKO, everyone.

    Happy Ketoversary! and just wow! 76 lbs is amazing!! I only lost 25 lbs in 6 months :\ Fell off the wagon during the holidays and packed on 10 lbs but I ate good (I ain't going to lie) I started back on keto on the 19th of January so todays marks day 14 for me. Any tips on how you managed to lose so much weight? :smile:

    I had 102lbs to lose. I had to start watching my calories after the first 2 months or so to keep losing. That's just the way my mean ol' body is. Plus, it was summer, I was helping get the kids in shape for soccer and practicing them since their coach didn't have time for more than 1 practice per week. We camped a lot where we hiked and rode bikes.

    And mostly my body just is really happy with keto-level carbs. Keeps my chronic fatigue quiet most of the month. I find the diet easy to stick with and delicious. And I was determined to be consistent. Kept my electrolytes good and fat high. All these factors combined to make it just fall off. The past 2 months though have been hard. I'm less than 30lb to goal and my body is fighting me like crazy about it. But I KCKO every meal, and it comes off eventually. Little by little. I'm trying an IF (16:8) to shake things up right now. So far so good. :smile:

    I'm doing dumbbell routines and am on Week 4 of the C25k program to keep in shape during the winter.

    Consistency + time = Success
  • KRPolo
    KRPolo Posts: 56 Member
    HI everyone! I have been back to logging on MFP for 23 days now, and have seen about a 6 lb weightloss in that time. I have been doing low carb, but really only started LCHF about a week ago based on reading a lot of info on the MFP low carb group. I have a goal to lose 65 lbs to start, but more importantly want to feel healthy and fit again. I have completely let myself go over the past year following a knee injury, and am about to turn 40, so know that I need to make some permanent changes to my lifestyle.

    I would appreciate any tips along the way from those of you who have been doing keto successfully. Thanks so much!
  • nsoss
    nsoss Posts: 34 Member
    Hello! My name is Loretta I am 65 years old and from eastern Ky and have been married to the love of my life for 47 years. I have been on this woe for 20 days this time. I have lost 11 lbs. so far. I am doing 1,100 calories, 5% carbs, 20% protein, 75% fat and have stayed on it consistent. I weigh in on Mondays. I am having no trouble at all on this woe, but the weight just isn't coming off as fast as I want it to. ...

    You've lost 11 lbs in 20 days. How is that not fast enough?
  • Saral2013
    Saral2013 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Sara from Colorado and my goal is to lose 25 pounds. I have struggled with my weight since I hit puberty and have tried and failed at many, many diets. For the past two years I've lost and gained the same 10 pounds, over and over.

    I've tried low-carb diets in the past; most recently the Paleo Diet and I noticed a big difference in my energy level and well-being, but I fell off the wagon and started overloading on carbs again.

    For the past few months, I've been feeling awful, and my doctor 'strongly' suggested that I clean my diet again. I started last week, but I am definitely struggling to keep my carbs low. I know I'm eating too much fruit, but after years of automatically reaching for an apple or banana or a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, I am having difficulty knowing what I can eat. I am always hungry and the cravings can be so intense.

    I am here because I need support, and I hope to finally get my unhealthy eating habits under control. I cannot wait to have energy and not feel like I'm about to get sick all the time.

  • ConanSonja
    ConanSonja Posts: 32 Member
    Saral2013 wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    For the past few months, I've been feeling awful, and my doctor 'strongly' suggested that I clean my diet again. I started last week, but I am definitely struggling to keep my carbs low. I know I'm eating too much fruit, but after years of automatically reaching for an apple or banana or a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, I am having difficulty knowing what I can eat. I am always hungry and the cravings can be so intense.

    I am here because I need support, and I hope to finally get my unhealthy eating habits under control. I cannot wait to have energy and not feel like I'm about to get sick all the time.


    That is easy to feel like that. When I started keto the first time, I had a really hard time finding out what I could eat. It sort of felt like a punishment. This time is a lot easier as I have not been afraid of the fat and found some great sites (this being one of them).

    If your stuck on recipes try http://www.reddit.com/r/ketorecipes I have found they are great. Good luck and feel free to add me
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    nsoss wrote: »
    Hello! My name is Loretta I am 65 years old and from eastern Ky and have been married to the love of my life for 47 years. I have been on this woe for 20 days this time. I have lost 11 lbs. so far. I am doing 1,100 calories, 5% carbs, 20% protein, 75% fat and have stayed on it consistent. I weigh in on Mondays. I am having no trouble at all on this woe, but the weight just isn't coming off as fast as I want it to. ...

    You've lost 11 lbs in 20 days. How is that not fast enough?


    Loretta, what's your height/weight? 1100 calories is pretty low.

  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Hi! Name's Katie. I've spent the last three+ years steadily gaining weight. Biggest culprits seem to be a lot stress (family illness, death, transitions at work) and a primarily vegetarian diet. I'm the girl who can polish off half a watermelon, a pineapple, a basket of peaches, or a peck of tomatoes in one sitting, with no ill effects.

    I'm wheat-free by design (have been for 15+ years, before it was "cool" to be GF, and long enough that the tests are inconclusive, since I'm not ticking off my gut). My diet includes poultry and dairy in an otherwise vegetarian diet. (No seafood, nothing with 4 legs.)

    I've been keto since the beginning of the year. In less than a month and a half, I'm down 11 lbs and the scale is FINALLY starting to move. I'm more concerned about getting back into the clothes I no longer fit into, as well as getting my LDLs and Triglycerides down, and less concerned about BMI or what the scale says. (I find BMI to be pseudo-science anyway.)

    Here's what I look like on paper...
    Height: 5'7"
    Worst weight (12/31/14): 170 lbs
    Current (02/10/2015): 158.8 lbs
    Goal: 138 - 145 lbs
    I know I can hit my goal weight, because that's what I weighed when I fit into the clothes that are too tight now.

    Nutritional stuff:
    Net Cals:1,600
    Fat: 25g
    Carbs (net): 20 g
    Protein: 80g
    If I'm still hungry at the end of the day, have gone over net cals, and don't feel like exercising, I'll eat something high in fat. That seems to be working so far. : )
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Nutritional stuff:
    Net Cals:1,600
    Fat: 25g
    Carbs (net): 20 g
    Protein: 80g

    Math seems a bit off?

  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    Nutritional stuff:
    Net Cals:1,600
    Fat: 25g
    Carbs (net): 20 g
    Protein: 80g

    Math seems a bit off?

    Heh. Yeah. I'm batting 1000 with MFP. The math isn't off. It's a total PEBKAC. That's lack of sleep shining through, right there. What I meant to say was...

    FAT: 133g.
    FIBER: 25g.