April 2015 Due Date Club



  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm right there with you momma...now that holiday busyness and distractions are over, Christmas is put away, this baby stuff if getting real! We are in the home stretch, I just can't believe how fast it's going by.

    I'm trying not to get discouraged, but am feeling discouraged about weight gain. Think I'm nearing the 20lb mark, and this is only week 25...I haven't weighed for almost 2 wks, I shouldn't avoid it, but I am right now. Keeping up with my water class and try to walk when I'm up for it. Focusing a bit more on food, and making healthier choices.

    Really hating what my lower baby bump is doing...think my previous C-section scar is the cause...but that stupid little flab that I had such a hard time making any progress on, is still just hanging there underneath baby. Just this gross loose chunk of skin not tightening up (at least as of yet) as the rest of my belly grows. I know I'll just deal with it after, but am not enjoying my profile, that's for sure! And aren't we entering the phase of bigger gains? Ugh...all I can do is pay attention, and the best I can. He's worth it!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Pregnancy brain is in full swing!

    Apparently my OB appt was for today - not NEXT Tuesday like I thought. Completely missed it until the nurse called "just to see if I was okay" WHOOPS! Rescheduled for tomorrow morning. Awesome.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hey All! 25 weeks today! Feeling crappy as usual! I went to a prenatal yoga class and out of the 20 some women in there, it seems like I was the only one really feeling icky and down about it. I'm trying to stay in blue sky mode but it is really hard. I am so looking forward to having my old, positive personality back in 15 weeks, along with a sweet little baby!

    Mormonmomma: I totally did that with one of my appointments, too!!!

    I've gained about 25 lbs... it's the same pace I gained at with the last one, so I'm not too worried, even though it is a shock to see that number and worrisome to imagine the final total... That just seems to be what my body does during pregnancy. But if I could lose it once, I can do it again!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I'm finally starting to have some "good days" with the nausea! Hooray! Still on the Diclegis and Zofran - but it looks like my insurance doesn't want to pay the Diclegis this month (Grr!) so I'm not sure how I'll be feeling once the meds run out!

    Tried to go play racquetball with my honey for date night last week, but I'm feeling too big/awkward to be quick enough to play athletic games now. Boo! I'm measuring about 4 weeks ahead, but that's typical for my pregnancies... my body likes to grow 8 lb 3 oz babies, so we will see if baby brother follows the trend his older brothers set!

    Also - I got my fake soda to take for the glucose/GD test later this month. Yuck! Usually my appts are in the afternoon, but I scheduled this one for mid-morning so I can just get it over with. I've never failed the 1 hour, but it still makes me nervous. I also need to schedule a second u/s (which is so exciting! normally I only get 1) so woo-hoo for that!

    I am 26w2d and in the "less than 100 days count down" (96 until the due date - but I've never made it to the due date, so hoping closer to 90)! And I can totally relate to wanting my old personality back! I feel like I'm still kind to my littles - but poor hubby has been in the dangerzone for the last 6 months. Especially if he dares to ask if we can get intimate. He'll be happy once my body is my own again too!
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Had check-up yesterday...right on track measuring 26 wks exactly, heard that amazing strong heartbeat again, and dr. pleased with everything. I've reached the 20lb mark...ugh! They are not concerned, I mentioned not being thrilled about it, but if their not worried, I shouldn't be so hard on myself. It's just putting me closer to 200 on the scale again, and that I hate! I don't think I'm going to be able to stay under it, but pretty good shot of getting under again pretty quickly after he comes. That is if I don't go completely crazy and gain another 20 in these last weeks.

    Time to do the glucose test (again, I already had to do early on because I'm such an old lady) and actually get the C-section/tubal scheduled on the calendar...can't believe how fast it's going, but I think I'll feel better having the date/time set in stone. Been assuming 4/14 delivery since the beginning, but depending on doc schedule we'll see if that changes a day or two. My birthday is actually 4/12, is it selfish of me to not necessarily want to share that day? Probably, I just think everyone deserves that day for themselves, even me although they seem to get more depressing as the years go by. :smile: But I guess I couldn't possibly get any better of a gift!

    Also signed up for the hospital L&D tour, and a Little Helpers class for my daughter & I. Looking forward to that...wanting her to be involved and feel as much a part of this as we can. There's going to be such a big age gap between these two, she'll be 7 1/2 by the time he's here, and as much of an amazing helper I know she'll be, and will want to be. I also don't want to saddle her with feeling like she's just a fetcher, always getting stuff we need for baby, etc. Any of you have big age gaps between kids? How is it? When she was 4-5, I felt like we'd missed the boat on having more because the gap would be difficult...now I feel completely opposite and see it as a benefit in our household...since she's becoming little Miss Independent, and getting into her own things...I think we'll be able to focus individually on what she has going on, and she's no longer really in those "needy" stages, where baby will get lots of one on one attention as well. I know there's going to be growing pains, and her behavior may change a bit once he's here, but feeling pretty positive about what's ahead.

    Double hooray for the good days Momma...hoping those continue and you're not plagued the entire pregnancy!

    Hang in there Laser...I saw your other post too, I don't think you need to force yourself to be in "blue sky" mode...this is freaking hard, and there's a lot of crap days! The end is clearly in sight now, and you'll be back to yourself soon. I bet a lot more of those women in the prenatal class do feel like you, but are portraying something different for others. Wish it was more acceptable to just say I know this is a blessing, but it sucks, and I'm doing the best I can. Hugs to you!!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hey all! Thanks for the support -I do think I have some form of perinatal depression. I definitely had it with the last pregnancy, and this one is not different. I went to a La Leche League meeting last night and they were very understanding, and even shared their own perinatal depression experiences. It does make me feel a bit better actually putting a name to how I'm feeling, accepting it for what it is, and hearing about other people's experiences. Many women have positive mood reactions to the pregnancy hormones, and I just think my body experiences them negatively.

    Robynn: I think it is perfectly fine to want your own birthday to yourself! Since it's a section, you should be able to control the day, right? One of my close friends had an emergency c-section at midnight on the eve of her birthday; they listed the time of birth as 11:59 pm because she wanted to her daughter to have a separate birthday! My son will be almost 2 when this baby comes, and I am totally clueless about how to integrate him into caring for the baby! I can imagine a 7 1/2 year old daughter having a really great time helping out with the baby, though. She will probably adore that little one and want to play a lot with him/her :)

    Mormonmomma: so happy to hear you're starting to recover from the nausea a little! Hopefully you are on the up and up and it will disappear soon!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hey Ladies!

    Want to share a little tidbit for online shopping (my almost 3.5 year old needed new long sleeve shirts). Old Navy is running 30% off their clearance prices so I'm getting 14 long sleeve boys shirts & a maternity pull over sweatshirt for myself for $59 including shipping. The maternity sweatshirt isn't on sale - but most of the boys shirts are averaging between $2-3! Looks like most of the "baby" items are girl clothes, but I'm happy to stock up on the next few sizes for my oldest kid.

    Code is: SAVENOW
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    A bit of a good news update: we switched some things around with our son's sleep situation, and he started sleeping really well! I got three nights straight of better (still wouldn't call it "good" -pregnancy-insomnia & bathroom wake-ups are ongoing) sleep, and I feel like my mood & my health have improved. I actually have a little energy today! I know it's only a few days, but I haven't felt even remotely close to "myself" for so long that I can see this as progress!

    Mormonmomma: thanks for the tip!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    edited January 2015
    So. Tired.

    I cannot explain why I've been hit with a wave of extreme fatigue again, but sleep is all I can think about... I'm debating leaving work early to get home in time to nap before my 1 year old wakes up... please tell me I'm not the only zombie lately! I had been doing so good on energy levels, but I'm running on zero the last few days.

    @TheLaser: I'm so glad your little man is sleeping again! What did you change?
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi All! I am feeling a lot better these days: getting more sleep has made a HUGE difference. Also, I discovered that fermented foods can really help with my digestive issues (slight nausea and increasing heartburn), so those issues are taken care of. I remember that with the last pregnancy, my energy levels started to pick up around this time. I'm almost at 27 weeks, which is almost the 3rd tri, which is the home stretch!

    @Mormonmomma: those waves of fatigue come and go! Hopefully yours is gone by now. I'm not surprised you're wiped out, what with the nausea and the two little ones at home! How we solved the sleep issue: my son would not sleep in his crib, and throughout the night he would wake and toss and turn (and scratch us) while in bed with us. So I put a twin mattress on the floor in his room, and then lay in bed with him as he falls asleep as usual. There's no need to transfer him to the crib, and if he wakes up in the middle of the night or early morning, one of us goes in, settles him back down by laying next to him, and then we can go back to our adult bed in a few minutes.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey Ladies.

    Forgot to schedule my next u/s so I need to call as soon as the clinic opens this morning and see if they can get me in tomorrow morning. I'm super sick again... can't even keep the Diclegis down and I'm out of the zofran... Big meeting at work today otherwise I'd seriously consider a sick day.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hi again.

    Just got back from a marathon of appointments. I had my GD test this morning (blah!) and then my last monthly check up (I move to two weeks for 1 month and then WEEKLY). And then I had a follow up u/s to get a better look at spine and profile of our little man.

    My doctor talked to me about when I need to go in and get an IV for dehydration, because I'm down five pounds from my starting weight... so that might be in the future if I have another day like yesterday.

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    28.5 weeks along. Honestly, no one could pay me enough to go through this again. I am so glad that I do not live in a previous era, because I seriously would have run away to a convent rather than endure pregnancies for my entire child-bearing age range.
  • Due on April 24th.

    Not a healthy eater and I don't work out, but as I am geting closer to my due date and my doctor recently telling me I need to get my weight under control I decided to give MFP a try.
    I used it a few years ago and it helped.

    The biggest problem I face is that my husband and I are not cooking. I need to figure out a way to get a bit healthier without .... food prep or home cooked meals. I love walking my dog and doing light streching at home so I will try to increase my activity.

    I used my pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy and now it's time for a big change. Wish me luck!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Welcome @lcristiano87!

    I'm starting to fantasize about maternity leave. I cannot wait to just be home focusing on my three little boys and probably staying in PJs all day long. I'm not looking forward to the breastfeeding battle this time... but I'm hoping that my older boys can keep themselves amused while baby and I figure that out this time (with my first I exclusively pumped, 2nd I tried nursing but only made it to a month).

    If baby isn't here 10 weeks from today we will induce - I'm getting excited that it's almost here!
  • Hey ladies! I am 28 weeks pregnant due April 24th and would like to not gain too much weight. I've lost weight so far during the pregnancy and don't want to balloon toward the end. I need help with keeping up my calories with healthy food. I also have a 2 year old and work 3 12 hr nights a week so I've struggled finding the balance between being mommy, eating right and getting adequate sleep. The only exercise I get is chasing my daughter, and running around at work.
    Any suggestions and support would be greatly appreciated.
  • afbaka
    afbaka Posts: 7 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm 30 weeks today (due on April 14th with my first!) and really starting to feel like a couch potato in the worst way. I'm itching to get moving again and ferociously planning out my post-partum exercise and nutrition plan. I just rejoined MFP today after not being on for a few years, and just started tracking calories again to see where I was at because I used pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy about it. Now I know how I've already gained 20 lbs! Yipes! I'm going to try to start walking the dog more and doing some bodyweight exercising at home (had to give up my Golds Gym membership for financial reasons recently and I'm still kind of sad about it), but I definitely need to do *something* soon or I'll drive myself crazy. Nice to meet you all! :smiley:
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Welcome new members! You two are due on the same day! (And I'm due the day after!) I've also got a toddler and I work full-time, plus I feel terrible, so even though I LOVE exercising, right now I am not able to do much.
    I'm certainly no expert on food prep, but we do somehow end up with all home-cooked meals here. People talk about meal planning, which is good if you're organized enough for that. I'm medium-organized, I guess. I use the slow cooker A LOT (maybe 2-3 times a week). There are tons of quick, good-tasting and healthy recipes out there. I made a delicious whole chicken in the crock pot for the first time, and the prep took literally less than ten minutes. Maybe redirect however much time you spend getting food in other ways toward easy recipes? It is a conscious lifestyle change that takes some initial adjustment, but it's worth it.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Mormonmomma -I know what you mean about maternity leave! The bf struggle is daunting, and I struggled with it, too. But we made it to 19.5 months when I had to stop due to pain from the pregnancy. I found it was crucial to have the help of professionals. Are you able to reach out in advance to some resources that could be in place in case you need help again? Independent IBCLC's, hospital support groups, the La Leche League, Baby Cafe? (http://www.thebabycafe.org/)
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hey ladies...these last 2 weeks have been a blur...7yr old & myself got the flu, then I somehow ended up with tonsillitis and 10 days of meds (just finished yesterday, thank GOD!), out of work the entire last week...and hubby comes home from working out of town covered in poison oak last Thurs. when I was finally rounding my own corner...stay away!! I swear, I fully expected & have been bracing myself for baby bean to make his appearance, because I don't know what else could've happened to us. Thankfully everyone's recovered/ recovering...and it doesn't feel so much like a sick house at home. I dropped about 6lbs, so that puts me back at 18 gained...wish weight wasn't at the forefront of my brain so much. There's that little bit of me that was actually happy about the loss, so dumb. Like when you're sick you think, or at least I do, at least I'll lose a few.

    Had my OB appt yesterday, 29wks...I failed the glucose! UGH! Totally shocked...guess it's gestational diabetes for me...so annoyed! So, I'm supposed to be getting a call from a nurse/consultant/somebody about the next steps...feeling in this weird limbo like, what am I supposed to be doing about this right now? Very strange, and maybe since we're c-sectioning, some of those delivery risks are removed from the equation, my dr really wasn't overly concerned about it...basically nothing I could do about it, not my fault, now we just need to deal with it. Ok, I can handle that...sort of feel like, I've got 10wks to go...not very long to deal. And maybe I end up with an 11lb baby instead of the 10lber I got last time (w/out GD)...not so worried about that either, am I in denial?

    Next Friday I have my next u/s to check on placenta position, and now probably do more baby measurements for GD. Maybe they would do that anyway, but feel like I need to make sure they know about that so we get a thorough look. Excited to see him again. This will be my 4th u/s...guess that's a little perk of going through this as such an old lady. They keep pointing out all the risks and issues due to my age, gotta find something positive about it.

    So right there with you on maternity leave...short timers is kicking in, can't wait to get out of this office and focus on baby, family & home for a while. Sometimes don't know if I can come back full time, so don't want this baby to have to do full time daycare like DD so little. Well, can't focus on that...times gonna fly by as it is, want to enjoy every second.

    C-section is officially on the calendar, April 14, 7:30am...it definitely just got real! There's a lot of relief in it for me knowing the date/time...can't wait to meet this little man. Just hoping no early arrivals! :)