Weekly Post 01/02/ - 07/02/15



  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Just wanted to share something that I am focusing on this week on my non-fast days and wonder if you guys had any thoughts:

    How much is "full" or "satisfied" dictated by your mind, emotions, feelings, or even habit, vs your physical state?

    Oh my. I think this topic could be it's own thread. I do feel it is an important topic for me to address if I am going to keep my loss.

    At this point, full is totally disconnect from my physical state and largely controlled my mind, emotions, feeling, and habit. If I just ate when I was physically hungry, I am convinced I would never be overweight. It is the cravings that get me every time. I see food I like, I cannot resist eating it, unless I am stuffed to the gills.

    Have not ever been able to work through this. Best I can do I manage my calories i.e. logging) so that I don't eat more than my body needs. Wish I was like normal people, able to control my calories internally, naturally.

    If you have made any discoveries, I would love to hear them.
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    End of fast day.
    Holding strong around 550cals. Love this way of life! It just feels natural now.. At least for today.

    Carb-answering your question... On fast days it's easy to feel hungry and eat allotted cal's and feel satisfied. Non-fast days it's different. I just want to constantly snack. So I try not to. Also, I find I will rarely leave food on my plate-regardless of portion size. I'm training myself to take smaller portions and wait for that "satisfied" feeling. Then not going back for seconds. If it's emotional or for comfort, I take a hot bath.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    I'm afraid I'm like jknight in that I crave food all the time, always have and probably always will hence a 40 odd year cycle of yo yo weight loss and gain.
    5:2 has given me an insight though into how little or much I 'really need' to eat so since my last attempt at following the lifestyle, in the year not following it I actually only regained a few of the pounds lost.
    I now recognise the need to pre log EVERY day, whether it be fast or feast. If I plan a treat rather than just grab one I can keep overall control. Now all I have to do is make this habit!
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member

    I'm new to the 5:2 group. I just started the diet this week.

    I'm assuming these posts with weekly dates are for people to check in on how they did that week??

    A little about myself...
    Classic yo-yo dieter. I've been trying to lose weight since I was about 13 (now 30). I had a lot of success using MFP 2 years ago and dropped 57 pounds (222-165, I'm 5'7.5''). However, I've since gained some back and stand at 185 currently. I've spent the last month giving mucho effort, only to see minimal weight loss, so I thought I'd experiment and give this a try. My goal is to get down to 155 by July 31, as I have a tummy tuck the beginning of August.

    Yesterday was my first fast day. I had intentions of doing 500 calories, but slipped a bit at night and ended up with 700 (possibly more.. :neutral_face: )
    I was pleasantly surprised that I had no headache, dizziness, or tiredness. I even worked out.

    I'm giving this a month or so. I hope to see results :) I'd be happy with 6 pounds lost this month.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    jknight001 wrote: »
    Just wanted to share something that I am focusing on this week on my non-fast days and wonder if you guys had any thoughts:

    How much is "full" or "satisfied" dictated by your mind, emotions, feelings, or even habit, vs your physical state?

    Oh my. I think this topic could be it's own thread. I do feel it is an important topic for me to address if I am going to keep my loss.

    At this point, full is totally disconnect from my physical state and largely controlled my mind, emotions, feeling, and habit. If I just ate when I was physically hungry, I am convinced I would never be overweight. It is the cravings that get me every time. I see food I like, I cannot resist eating it, unless I am stuffed to the gills.

    Have not ever been able to work through this. Best I can do I manage my calories i.e. logging) so that I don't eat more than my body needs. Wish I was like normal people, able to control my calories internally, naturally.

    If you have made any discoveries, I would love to hear them.

    Feel you @jknight001! Obviously, since I struggled with emotional eating and bingeing, I was a 10000% "mental" eater. I ate to distract from my feelings or ate more and more to give myself different feelings (for pleasure, to disgust myself, to blame for how I felt, etc).

    On fast days, I feel like I'm learning to eat for different reasons. I plan out my day and can stick with it without any emotion tied to it (besides positive ones). I guess because I'm focused on my goal to make it a fast day, I'm eating what I physically "need" to get through the day vs what I "think" I need or tell myself I need.

    On non-fast days, I am relieved I'm not feeling the need to binge for the old reasons- emotional eating or bingeing- but still struggle a bit with the mental "want" vs actual physical need. It's like once I get a food in my head, my head won't rest until I have it. Instead of having a mental battle with myself and obsessing with food (which obviously hasn't worked with all the other restrictive diets of my past), I just EAT IT! However, I try to cut the portion down. This is especially successful when cooking at home because once I go through the whole process of cooking and then getting to enjoy (even with a smaller portion), I feel just as satisfied as if I ate three times more.

    This isn't a huge issue because at my high weight I have a higher calorie allowance that can absorb some of those extra, superfluous foods, but my goal is to continue learning and reprogramming myself to cut out that extra "mental" eating fluff. I guess there are still ways to do it without having to track obsessively on non-fast days, like not snacking in-between meals.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Interesting topic.. I have a problem on my feast days. I still need to pay careful attention to WHY I want to eat on these days. I know I can go on far less, so why the urgency to eat?
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Bundles are packed and fast day done...

    I ended at 600 because I backed a recipe for a LCHFHP bread, I discovered a while back. Had to taste it...with the almonds, eggs and lots of different seeds in it, it isn't low cal. But at 16% protein and just 3% flour it's worth it. Was yummy fresh out of the oven. Will see how it is cold and how long it stays fresh.

    I'm not really doing low carb, but my digestive system doesn't really like alot of grain carbs. Thus I normally go for high protein bread. There are more and more stores and bakeries that sell good options, but sometimes I'm a do it yourself kinda gal ;-).

    I'll be off tomorrow morning to my 4 day retreat to the mountains for snow shoe hiking and yoga, thus I won't be commenting much the next few days.

    You all have a great weekend!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Sounds yummy Flumi! Have a great trip!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    I'm afraid I'm like jknight in that I crave food all the time, always have and probably always will hence a 40 odd year cycle of yo yo weight loss and gain.
    5:2 has given me an insight though into how little or much I 'really need' to eat so since my last attempt at following the lifestyle, in the year not following it I actually only regained a few of the pounds lost.
    I now recognise the need to pre log EVERY day, whether it be fast or feast. If I plan a treat rather than just grab one I can keep overall control. Now all I have to do is make this habit!

    This has been my experience as well. I have seen that I can let go of food and survive. It has been freeing. I have moved a bit closer to being able to take or leave food. Very thankful for that.

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    On non-fast days, I am relieved I'm not feeling the need to binge for the old reasons- emotional eating or bingeing- but still struggle a bit with the mental "want" vs actual physical need. It's like once I get a food in my head, my head won't rest until I have it. Instead of having a mental battle with myself and obsessing with food (which obviously hasn't worked with all the other restrictive diets of my past), I just EAT IT! However, I try to cut the portion down. This is especially successful when cooking at home because once I go through the whole process of cooking and then getting to enjoy (even with a smaller portion), I feel just as satisfied as if I ate three times more.

    I can soooo relate. I will be watching a stupid commercial about some item I wasn't even thinking about eating and all of a sudden it is all I can think about until I eat copious amounts of it. I know it has something to do with "the cool people get to eat whatever and however much they want" and seeing the denial of food as punishment (forgive the repeat post). Truth is that anyone in a normal weight range cannot eat everything they see. But I can't seem to make that emotional jump. The fasting really does help with that but I have some more work to do emotionally.

    And the other truth is that there is more to food than just physical need. It tastes good and stimulates the pleasure centers in our brain. That was intended so we wouldn't let ourselves starve to death for lack of interest in food. However, when food becomes our biggest source of comfort then we are enslaved to it. :cry:
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    @flumi_f - A four day retreat in the mountains sounds so wonderful! Have a great time. Can't wait to hear about it when you return.
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    I find that on feast days if I use a smaller fork/ spoon I eat slower and feel full on less. tip from the BBC Horizon program for all those over the pond.
  • cal0rina
    cal0rina Posts: 111 Member
    I find fast days are almost days off from obsessing about food. I know exactly what I will eat and dont worry anymore about it, but food days are harder, I still log every thing but as above my mind will fix on something and not shut up till it gets it. I know I'm an emotional eater am working hard at only eating if hungry but that hungry voice is sometimes very loud!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited February 2015
    I think it was @snaps27 who brought us Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass".

    May this parody make you LOL!
    "All About That Cake"
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Now I've got that song jumping around in my head ☺

    1.5h and I'll be at my destination. I'm in the train to Graubunden. Which a a big mountainous Kanton in the south east of Switzerland. And a nice lady from the tourist info just walked by offering a piece of a local sausage . Only happens here! Now into the 20k tunnel....
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    chiccam wrote: »
    End of fast day.
    Holding strong around 550cals. Love this way of life! It just feels natural now.. At least for today.

    Carb-answering your question... On fast days it's easy to feel hungry and eat allotted cal's and feel satisfied. Non-fast days it's different. I just want to constantly snack. So I try not to. Also, I find I will rarely leave food on my plate-regardless of portion size. I'm training myself to take smaller portions and wait for that "satisfied" feeling.

    I agree. On fast days I am very aware of feeling hungry and they feeling 'satisfied'. And there is a very small margin between the two, (i.e. on one fast day I felt so hungry before bed, but then I let myself have a small Ovaltine and one rich tea biscuit [140cals] and I was completely satisfied). However, on the other days...hunger, full don't even register...lately its just been the little kid mentality...give me, give me and I let myself have it.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    edited February 2015
    jknight001 wrote: »
    I think it was @snaps27 who brought us Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass".


    That's right...everyone get your booty shaken and burn some cals!!!


    Oh, and the cake one is LOL!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Now I've got that song jumping around in my head ☺

    1.5h and I'll be at my destination. I'm in the train to Graubunden. Which a a big mountainous Kanton in the south east of Switzerland. And a nice lady from the tourist info just walked by offering a piece of a local sausage . Only happens here! Now into the 20k tunnel....

    Wow!! Have a great trip...I'm so envious!!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Last fast day of the week for me today (not doing Sat this week). Got the batteries changed in my scale...and yes the doggy batteries were weighing me less, poops! Gotta get this train moving again B)
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Yesterday was my another 6:1 fast day for me. It ended up being about 36 hours! Just ate my usual coffee and hot chocolate with fat in it (butter, coconut oil). This was the easiest yet (been at it since October). Checked my stats first thing afterwards, everything's good.

    Today is lifting day and TDEE+. Plan on another couple of these and then a fast day again.
    Good luck!