FOOD ~ Please share your food plan, tips, suggestions



  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Omg I was driving myself crazy trying to get the percentages right for carbs,fat and protein! I was trying to get each meal perfectly at 50/30/20. Then I realized it usually works out at the end of the day at least pretty close. A friend (nutritionist) told me just concentrate on protein and carbs and the fat will work out. Any thoughts?
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    That's what's working for me ~ low carb, protein diet, not concerned about fat intake, striving for 1200-1500 calories.
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Breakfast: 2soft boiled eggs(no butter) 2 slices whole grain toast (with butter) hash browns with Pam (no fat no cal) I know you're on low carb T but whole breakfast 420 cal. Not bad and I almost feel like I cheated.
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I focus mainly on calories as I am lucky enough not to have any issues with all the other stuff. Which brands of bread and hash browns do you use kheinl, I would use them with such low calories.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I plan and make breakfast and lunch the night before. I usually have about 1600 calories to eat before exercise. I know exercise is good for you, but I just do it to get more calories. lol. I eat a lot of fruit and veg during the day. I am a night time eater so I have to save enough so I don't overdo it. I eat lean meats and fish, but not much "white" food.
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    I love it ~ can't wait to eat more because I can exercise more!!!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Earning calories is my most favorite part of exercising. I use them so I can have my evening sweet treat. I don't always use them though and sometimes I have so much that I get the warning from MFP when I complete my log! I get a kick out of that!
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    I focus mainly on calories as I am lucky enough not to have any issues with all the other stuff. Which brands of bread and hash browns do you use kheinl, I would use them with such low calories.

    I get this whole grain omega-3 bread from Sprouts. 135 cal for 2 slices. Ore Ida frozen hash browns 70 cal. I make eggs in a basket: Pam in muffin tin, slightly cook hash browns and make well for egg. Nummers.
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I didn't realize hash browns were so low. I'll be buying them soon!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I don't get too concerned with daily numbers on the macros, they all seem to work out by the end of the week. I have learned fat is not the enemy, neither are carbs. Trite saying about moderation, but it is all true. I read some research that 50-60 grams a day for a woman my age is plenty, (since I am not an pro-athlete). That is good because I am not a big meat eater. My problem is sugar, UGH!
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Yeah I'm finding I can pretty much have anything. Its portion control mostly. The one thing I really miss is slathering butter all over everything!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Portion control is totally the answer. If I had controlled my portions after I lost the weight I gained from not controlling my portions, I wouldn't be back where I started! :wink:
  • lilyandree59
    Kheinl...those eggs in a basket sound great! Will have to try them...need to go looking for hashbrowns as well.
  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone....just thought I would share....having the best lunch today (could be part- dinner too....small portion of cooked salmon, blue crab spread from Costco (4oz), tomato, cornichons, shallot, all on the sweet kale salad from Costco....just scrumptiousand all for 437 cals! I am really trying this week and will be curious to see what the scales have to say about it!!!!!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I didn't even know they made sweet kale! Isn't it great when we can eat right and be satisfied?
  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, it is Bethlauren8!
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    I've got to go to Costco!
  • lilyandree59
    Way to go poutchikins sounds like an awesome meal ! Love the name by the way!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    It is wonderful we can eat great and be healthy. Now if only, I don't give in to my sweet tooth. sometimes I can be completely full on a healthy meal and still want a treat :(
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I always, always need a sweet after dinner. The meal doesn't feel done without it. So, yes, I made chicken tonight in a tasty marinade, but I will not complete my diary until after I have my Skinny Cow Salted Caramel ice cream bar!! And I don't feel bad because I have the calories left to do it, and it makes me feel done.