CleaneEaters with open diaries



  • Thanx everybody for your kind words. I m feeling good in your company
  • lori_spanbauer
    lori_spanbauer Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2015
    New to clean eating. I have sent friend requests to several of you. Just want you to "see" who you're friending. Thank you for sharing!
  • welcome here lori. do we have a vegetarian in the group
  • ckcrain671
    ckcrain671 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I'm Kathy from Alaska. Just went through and invited lots of open diaries as friends. I have an open diary and journal allot. I don't just journal about food but daily struggles and goals and good and bad days etc. some maybe tmi for some people but feel free to add. Love some feed back. Been on mfp since jan 1 and started by just logging in calories. Then realized why I wasn't loosing and decided to make changes in the new year. Been trying to eat more clean diet and doing juicing. Be nice to see other diaries that having juicing as to get ideas etc but all in all it's inspiring to td other people's struggle and success. Love to have others that journal too. Love to write so it can get lengthy. Feel free to add and thanks everyone. Great inspiration here and feedback and motivation and last but not least help!! We all could use that! Also I'm on a 1200 calorie a day and need to loose approximately 40 pounds.

  • ambarsch
    ambarsch Posts: 7 Member
    My diary is open. Knowing that other eyes could be on my log will keep me even more accountable. Awesome!
  • Keeping your diary open helps for sure and talking is a motivation too. all the best to kathy. 40 pounds is a tall order
  • curvypersimmon
    curvypersimmon Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm trying to eat clean too. I'm 30 and been vegetarian for 15 years. I have a lot of weight to lose and I'm one month in. Trying to cook more and better. Add me! :)
  • Grinage1027
    Grinage1027 Posts: 31 Member
    Please add me my diary is open and am also searching for fellow clean eaters :smile:
  • PrettieBrwnEyez
    PrettieBrwnEyez Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I just joined this group and I am looking for ways to stay on track with clean eating. I tend to struggle on the weekends. So please add me all encouragement is welcomed. I will do the same. Thank you!!
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    Hi! You can add me and check out my diary although some days are better than others. Last few days I've been hitting the chocolate harder than I like to and last week was my birthday, but usually I'm pretty good. I'm happy with my food choices for the most part. I eat about 70-80% clean and I don't feel deprived.
  • Stephleduc72
    Stephleduc72 Posts: 17
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to take a peak. I also live in Montana. Love it here! I drink fair trade coffee maybe once a month a place called cowgirl coffee. I'm currently doing the lchf way of eating and in a month lost ten inches alone in my waist, four off the hips. Can't work out like I used to, neck injury, but I'm back in doing Turbo Fire with minimal adaptions because of left arm damage. Only shop non GMO 100%.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    I am back on the clean eating wagon after being sick last fall. Feel free to add me.
  • becam01
    becam01 Posts: 18 Member
    feel free to add me as well - I think I've posted here before, not sure?
    I do NOT have a low calorie goal, my daily goal is 1800 calories and 1450 on rest weeks. I am training for a half ironman and 1200 just does NOT cut it for me, must fuel the body. therefore, my diary entries are vast. I divided my journal in the following session:
    5am - 12pm
    12pm - 6pm
    6pm - 11pm
    Post workout

    I eat mostly clean but do eat out on the weekends. haven't weighed myself in weeks, it's hard but I can't keep focusing on weight loss right now. performance is the goal, after the race we will see how things go.

    Sorry for the long post. :)
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Mostly clean eater here with treats on a Sunday (and sometimes Wednesday...!)
    My diary for February is pretty dire but I'm firmly back on the wagon now. :smile:
  • Braincatcher
    Braincatcher Posts: 66 Member
    I'm also just getting started, but my diary is open. Add away!
  • the_raptor
    the_raptor Posts: 24 Member
    You beat me to it! LOL

    I have an open diary, but be warned, I tend to only eat 70% to 80% clean. There are some things I am just not willing to part with. :tongue:

    I know what u mean, we have to have our guilty pleasures from time to time. Although some of them, such as chocolate, can be made healthier like switching from milk chocolate to dark chocolate
  • the_raptor
    the_raptor Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all, Just joined the group! Have been on a break from lording food with MFP, bit this week I felt like making a comeback.

    I'm looking to build muscle, which means I need to gain wait and body fat in order to build muscle in the gym.

    Friends at work keep telling me to dirty bulk to gain mass quicker, but I am persisting with a clean bulk, to avoid all the negative health consequences of a dirty bulk diet plan.

    Looking forward to new meal ideas and recipes to bulid mass and muscle.

    This Community wasn't here last time I use MFP (I THINK), looks like there have been major changes in the last app update, I'm loving the new app!

    Feel free to add me, my diary is open!
  • judiness101
    judiness101 Posts: 119 Member
    I do not eat clean 100% of the time but my diary is open. Feel free to add me
  • beatnikragamuffin
    beatnikragamuffin Posts: 19 Member
    Mines open to friends. I try to eat as clean as possible, Feel free to add.
  • eabiss9
    eabiss9 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! I've been on a 95-100% clean diet for about 6 months now. Not every day is perfect but pretty close! I'm vegan about 90% of the time and vegetarian 100%. Open diary. I always am cooking new crazy good clean recipes. I love to share if anyone is feeling stuck!