Feb 2015 Challenge ~ Feb 2nd - Feb 8th



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Okay, the first week is going to be easy. We have a rattan basket of magazines with dust on them. The only reason they aren't gone yet is Derek says he wants to look through them. Doesn't know it yet, but guess what Derek's going to do today? :laugh: Basket is sitting in middle of room. :bigsmile:
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    I am a de-cluttering freak. As soon as something comes in the house, it has to be put away or used and I'm always recycling, bringing things to charity, etc. So I encourage you Kathy and Chris, as you'll feel so good when it's done.
    Have been doing my running but need to tighten up on the eating. Too many good things around and I've been indulging. Husband's losing weight so I just need to watch things when I'm away from him, like workday lunch time!

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Hello ladies :) been a bit busy here with college visits again and making daughters pros/cons list so we could narrow it down. Also had to get her FAFSA and PHEEA (or whatever the heck they call it) finished for her financial aid decisions. She has it narrowed down now to two schools. Slippery Rock University here in PA and Malone University in Canton, OH. Both are very nice, safe campuses however the Ohio one is a bit pricey. Hoping her band audition goes well so she can get more scholarship $$$ from them.

    Kathy I can so relate right now. Just feeling kinda blech and very unmotivated. Need to refocus here also. I think it is the winter blues. Maybe my new bi-focals will help ;) Heard that our gym at work has gotten some new equipment and classes going kinda looking forward to getting back there with some new routines.

    Oh how I dream of paying off our house. The lottery would be an AWESOME help but I guess I have to play in order to win, lol. OK, OK I am going to get some steps in as I have been deep couch sitting all day.

    Good night ladies


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Muahaha, a Bonus room, and an over flow bookcase! Let's get to it ladies. No snacking while working unless it is raw veggies or fruit.

    I cleaned out a bunch of magazines and books. Just tossed them. Until DH said I had to quit because our outside garbage can was almost full! B)

    My plan is to fill the back of our truck this coming Friday and then take it to the dump Saturday morning.

    Got am email from the aquarium place. They have to custom make the cabinet. No surprise there. I told them to go ahead and make it the way I want it. They say an extra two weeks. I am betting three! Now how much clutter can I rid myself of in that amount of time. :D

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Paula I love your new picture! Very nice! Did your obvious rattan basket move work?

    Shelley I have the same problem with DH and the recycle trash can. I have to do a little at a time. Can't wait for pics of your new cabinet!!

    Lynnette and Kathy...I have to do something, too...I don't know kick myself in the fanny??!! I'm just piling on the pounds here...I can be good during the week then the weekend is shot to pieces...then my good week gets shorter and shorter and I'm indulging in things that trigger none-stop-grazing. :#

    Couldn't declutter today. Had to catch up on all the shopping I couldn't get to during the week. Puppy squeak toys and puppy treats...Target for stuff...Safeway for more stuff.

    Made a new soup this evening. DH liked it!! In the end...that means after eating a whole bowl of it...I thought it was rather strange that they combined sweet potatoes and rice... It's a Peanut Stew over brown rice. Yum, both are my favorites, but I think I'll try the stew w/o the rice for tomorrow's lunch.

    We spent a lot of time this morning on the front porch watching it rain!

    Have a great Monday, everyone!


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    edited February 2015
    Rain, rain, don't go away. Stay and rain another day. Pouring and blustering in the Santa Cruz mountains. :bigsmile: Bad nasty drought must be defeated!! yesyes!

    Finished my workout and have 2 shopping bags of old old old magazines going away.

    New photo & if you look closely, there's Maynard's cat apartment (don't tell him it's a dog kennel) holding my dumbbells. Had to reinforce the roof so it wouldn't buckle with my baby inside. :noway:

    Happy new week tomorrow to all! And a new day to start a-fresh!!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    edited February 2015
    This is so strange! I have not read any of these posts, but mine of course before. I read a couple of others, so how did mine get here? Just to weird. I know my Kindle was having issues......But this is more like possessed! :#

    Paula love, love, love the new photo. Wish I could have seen his face. :p I know I missed something. Why is kitty going to be locked up? Something happen at the vets? Two bags out of the house is fabulous!

    Clara take that de-cluttering freak to the kitchen! Yes yes yes! ;) So envious of people who can just get rod of things so easily. B)

    Lynette the new classes and equipment will help with your motivation. Daughter off to college is a big step. <3 And I dreamed for years of paying it off early also, the house. If hubby had his way we would be paying on it for another five years. I put almost all my extra coin towards paying it off. It was a struggle at times, but so worth it. :D

    Chris watching the rain is so kewl. :) Sounds like you were super busy. And your soup sounds divine! Keep making them. So after I get the bookcase cleaned off next Friday I may just have to donate it. It will be empty! Lol. :p

    Cleaned the aquarium, pulled more algae, redid the phosphate reactor. Going to do it 3 times a week from now until it is down to zero. I found out how to reactivate the GFO. Should make it more cost effective to do so now. Walked the boys and bought my new mini fridge. It has a separate freezer compartment. So all my fish food will be in it. And the worms will no longer be in Rockys fridge. I really did not see the problem. He keeps dead chickens, pigs, buffalo and cows in it for Pete's sake! o:)

    Cannot wait to be able to post photos of my tank. So excited, think I just wet myself, kidding!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    bwhahahahahah! **snort**...**snort** giggle...
  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    I have way too much clutter. I really need to start going through things.
    Yesterday I went for a 2 mile walk with the little. It was too nice to stay inside. Today I'm glad because it's gross and raining with tons of ice.

    Paula that picture is great. :D

    Lynnette that sounds really exciting! Good luck to her on the audition!

    Shelley you are too funny with this extra fridge. lol. Well I hope they stick to their 2 week estimate :wink:

    Chris that soup sounds awesome. I could go for some soup today!

    I'm a little sore today so I'm going to skip my run and take it easy. I really wish I could take a nap haha. Evie was up a couple times last night and I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    edited February 2015
    Peanut Stew


    • 1 tablespoon high-heat cooking oil
    • 2 yellow onions, cut into 1/2-inch dice
    • 6 cloves garlic, minced
    • 2 cans mild green chilies, chopped
    • 2 tablespoons curry powder
    • 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
    • 6 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
    • 1 large can chopped tomatoes, with juices
    • 1/2 cup smooth or chunky all-natural peanut butter (I used Adam's smooth)
    • 1 3/4 pounds sweet potatoes, cut into 1-inch dice (I used more!)
    • 4 cups shredded green or red Swiss chard
    • 3 cups roasted chicken breast, chopped
    • 1/3 cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro


    In a 5- to 6-qt saucepan or stockpot, heat oil on medium. Add onions and sauté, stirring occasionally, until tender, 5 to 7 minutes. Add garlic, chilies, curry powder and ginger and sauté for 1 more minute.

    Stir in broth, tomatoes and peanut butter. Add potatoes, chard, and chicken and increase heat to medium-high. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer and cook until potatoes and chard are tender, uncovered, 12 to 14 minutes. Top with stew and cilantro.

    Nutrition Information

    Serves: 10 | Serving Size: 1 3/4 cup

    Per serving: Calories: 304; Total Fat: 10g; Dietary Fiber: 6g; Sugar: 8g; Protein: 19g

    I like it!! I didn't include the rice here because I don't think it adds to the soup. Try the rice if you want but remember to add to the Nutritional info.

    The original recipe called for 3 jalapeno chile peppers...to hot for me...I traded for the mild canned chilies. AND...the original didn't have chicken in it...had to have chicken with the sweet potatoes!!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Chris, The deli had "yam/wild rice" salad today, which I got since you put me in the mood, and it's really good!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    And I still have not plugged it in. I wonder if I could dip a nice sour dough slice of bread in this soup. Like peanut butter & soup! Thanks for the recipe, and yes, it needed the chicken!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    I love sour dough bread! ...a lot! :#