February Challenge - Weigh-in; Report #2 - February 10, 2014

Week one of the challenge is now over. I didn't do the greatest. Just have been in a funk for some reason. So consequently no change in my weight:

2/3/15: 151.5
2/10/15: 151.5
Goal 3/3/15: 147.5

None weight-related goals:

Resistance Bands: Goal 2X/week. Reality 0
Meditation: Goal 3X/week. Reality 1

I did do Tai Chi.

There is a chair exercise class today at work and a meditation class tomorrow. Think I will try to get to both of them. The chair exercise class isn't doing exercises "in" the chair, but "with" a chair. You use it for balance and as a prop.

I'm anxious to see if people did better than I this week.



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Met my 10k steps goal. Went over cals 1 time due to a dinner with friends but got back on track next day.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Weight 151, down a pound. 16666 steps goal per day met. Actively resisting temptations of donuts bought by husband, and cake and brownies baked by visiting daughter.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sharon, if I had a daughter who liked to bake I would make her stay in a hotel room with a nice kitchen. Maybe even offer to pay for it. I don't know how you withstand fresh baked goods!! But you are STRONG no doubt, stronger than I!

    I did well with my goal, which was to rack up at least 40 minutes of exercise each day. I met or exceeded that goal 6 out of the 7 days, so I am happy with that for now. This upcoming week I want to meet that goal every single day! (I am down a pound since last Tuesday, although I have not set a weight goal for this challenge - I let that come along as it will.)

    Mother Nature has been cooperating by providing us with plentiful fresh snow for shoveling and skiing. Here's a shot that a neighbor took to post on FB. ~ Kathy in beautiful Worcester, MA e86d8qkbtpsq.jpg
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Beautiful picture of the snow and you! (and I'm so glad I'm not there to 'enjoy' it) B)
    Great job, ladies, for staying on track, or almost on track.

    This past week I've been much better about logging (not perfect), have walked a minimum of 13,000 steps daily, and avoided eating or purchasing the two of my downfalls I've targeted. The last habit goal, eating 1000 calories less than Fitbit says daily, I've been pretty close on & the scale is finally moving the right direction.

    I'm still fighting the holiday/winter hibernation gains. I'm hopeful that another week will bring me back to pre-gain or at least close.

    Charlie, thank you for starting this. Publicly making a commitment has helped me stick to it, including walking another few hundred steps in the garage before going to bed lol-049.gif
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Weight down 0.8lbs on Saturday weigh in, getting there slowly, just over 6 lbs to go now
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning Everyone I am down over 1 lb YAY! On my way to being a loser B) Sticking with my 30 min. / day of excercise. Today I will plan on reaching 10,000 steps again
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    edited February 2015
    Well, here I am at Mom's since last Thursday and discovered she does have a digital scale. I weighed in at 161 which is just not possible --- a 3.8 loss from last Tuesday's weigh in, but I don't think I've been calculating my food correctly. I feel kind of weak. And I hope I haven't lost that much. I want to be losing fat - not muscle. It'll be fun to compare when I get home next Sunday.

    Non-scale-wise - I haven't followed through on my exercise goals at all. I've done nothing since I arrived here, though I have all the tools at hand - a treadmill, stationary bike, and barbells. And mom (94) puts me to shame with her hand weights, yoga tapes, and step (no risers). No risers!! What a wimp!! :)


    Charlie - I'm glad I have some company on not so great follow through.
    Retire - awesome!! and inspiring
    Sharon - Wow!!! You are a workout machine!
    Kathy - Great picture. I wish I could ski. Maybe if I can get my core together my back will cooperate.
    Marilyn - These step totals amaze me - and congrats on your logging and progress.
    Farway - I can hardly wait to have only 6 pounds to go. Has it gotten harder the closer you are to goal? And, if so, what have you done to keep making progress?
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi everyone.....some great results there!
    I am pleased to be still under my goal weight - though only by half a pound but it meets my goal ... :D

    Managed over 10.000 steps every day - weekly total is 93,500 which I am pleased about and am hoping to beat this coming week......good start today as I am over 20,000 today!

    All good!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just a follow-up: I went to the chair exercise class at lunchtime! An aerobics class as it really gets the heart pumping and it is fun. I only did 1/2 hour as I forgot about it and the wool turtleneck got a little hot. I'll remember to bring a t-shirt and water next week.

    I am very impressed with everyone's successes so far. Very impressive.

    Joan: We didn't gain so we'll call that a success, too! ;)
    SANGSTER63 Posts: 38 Member
    Down 1lb this week 3 to go for Feb. I did get out on Friday and did some walking around in stores. Good work everyone . :)
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    JoanLovell wrote: »
    Farway - I can hardly wait to have only 6 pounds to go. Has it gotten harder the closer you are to goal? And, if so, what have you done to keep making progress?

    Yes it gets harder,not lugging pounds of fat around so less calories burnt just living. I have reduced carbs because I found they tend to add weight for me, and generally are calorie dense, or the ones I like are, such as pastry, bread, spuds etc

    I have also knocked booze on the head since New Year, again calorie dense, dead calories so they say.

    My next goal is "normal" weight & BMI, still classed as overweight, but not for much longer I hope
  • PrairiePride49
    PrairiePride49 Posts: 45 Member
    I am down 1.2 lbs since last week but have been out and about and haven't done any of the exercises yet. Still have enough days to get at it so tomorrow will be the start again. I have kept my word about logging everything-even the slim man's cinnamon buns! Hopefully he keeps them out of sight. Usually out of sight out of mind. Too many invitations out this week - but I have made all good choices when eating out. Although I understand we have been invited out for steak and lobster on Sunday! I've never tried lobster. I think it will be one taste of the slim man's lobster and I'll stick to a small steak and salad.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited February 2015
    @PrairiePride49: Congrats on the great loss this week and to everyone who has lost.

    If you don't mind red meat, a 6 oz. sirloin can be a good choice. I usually get a side salad (no cheese, no croutons) and dressing on the side to dip your fork in, and maybe asparagus. About 550 at most restaurants. This is usually a lot less calories than a restaurant dinner salad or appetizer.

    Lobster is about 76 calories for 3 oz. But...it is the butter most people dip it in that really adds up! I love lobster and I don't think you need the butter!
  • redzz16
    redzz16 Posts: 31 Member
    I'll gladly join you in your goals. I do much better when I have to check in somewhere. (My name is Jo btw) I want to be down 50 by summer vacation time(July), and get to my goal over the rest of the Summer. I just bought a fitbit and linked it here..... :) Onward and in the right direction!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Jo, we will have a final weigh-in on March 3 for our February challenge. We will weigh in tomorrow and every Tuesday. I, too, like a challenge, but not a competition. Many here create a non-scale goal. It is whatever you want. We can start another in March. It seems to work better if we keep them to a month at a time. Looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    I am very pleased to report that I achieved my goal - exercising at least 40 minutes each day - 7 out of 7 days this week! In the process I have released another 1.5 pounds.

    One of the exercises I do is to go up and down my stairs. For a long time the most I could do was go up and down 5 times in a row *gasp* *pant* - but this week I got up to 7 a couple of times, and once even 8 - still *gasp*ing and *pant*ing but - I did it! ~ Kathy

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    @redzz16‌ Welcome, Jo. This is my first challenge, and the coolest part is that Charlie set it up so we choose our goal. I'm not a competetive person, so this style of challenge is ideal.

    hmmmm. I wrote the above on my phone and it didn't post.
  • redzz16
    redzz16 Posts: 31 Member
    I've stayed the same for 10 days now. If I was anywhere near my goal I'd be happy, but I'm not so I have to take a closer look at things. I had my grandson over this weekend and I was playing with him, turning him upside down and I pulled a muscle in my back. :s (The "little guy" is almost 30 pounds) I've done it before, and it's no big deal, but it means taking it easy for a couple days and leaning on the heating pad.

    I need to get this scale moving downward, and get back to exercising this week. :D
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Charlie is at work, so I'll do this for her...
    This discussion is ended - there's a new one started for Report #3, February 17, so move on over there please ...
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