New here- looking for Paleo friends!



  • kodiakke
    kodiakke Posts: 379 Member
    Would also love to be able to look at other people's paleo/primal diaries. I'm not strict paleo (I don't want to live without rice and beans, I just don't make them a major part of my diet), but I avoid wheat, corn, and currently dairy and alcohol. Trying to figure out what works best for my body in terms of healthy weight loss, and it's obviously "Start with healthy, fresh foods, mostly vegetables, and add protein". Because of the principles of "eat good food", I'm in!

    So feel free to add me! I also love recipe ideas; I mostly assemble my own meals so I'm always looking for new ideas/combos.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hey guys, I've been strict Paleo for almost two years and lost weight only when I did the Whole30 diet. Sadly, that's extremely difficult to maintain. My problem is that I have fibromyalgia which all but prevents me from losing weight. At one point I had two personal trainers scratching their heads when they saw my workout schedule and my food diary. However, I do feel incredible on this diet and my blood tests show I'm SO much healthier, so I'm sticking with it.

    This go around, I'm going to try my FitBit, plus a heart rate monitor plus MyFitnessPal. I hope that combination, along with my regular workouts, will at least help.

    My problem is I don't know what to put in the calories section of MyFitnessPal. Since we aren't really supposed to count calories on Paleo. Any ideas?

    I have my calories set to 1500. MFP would have set my calories to 1200, at my present weight, in order to lose. However, I found 1200 calories was not enough. When I dropped below 1350 (MFP will adjust your calories downward as you lose weight), my weight loss stalled. It was like my metabolism went into conservation mode. Someone on this forum suggested that I increase my calories between 1500 and 1700. Years ago that was a "maintenance level" of calories for me, after I lost weight with Weight Watchers and entered maintenance phase -- of course, eating the Standard American Diet -- and this, as I said, was years ago, when I was younger and running every day.

    However, I can lose weight years later (when I'd expect to be trying to get along on 1000 calories or so) eating 1500-1700 daily calories, following low-carb paleo guidelines. Go figure.

    My experience on "needing" to count calories? I found out I need to count, on occasion, to make sure I'm getting *enough*. The food is so satiating that it's easy for me to get by on 800 calories or less and not feel deprived, and I'm pretty sure 800 calories is probably not a healthy practice.

    So yes, I log, and I do look at the bottom line where the calories are, but only to make sure I got over my (self-assigned) minimum number. Some days I have to settle for anything over 1250, just because I can't eat another bite.
    FYI, here's what I have for protein, carbs and fat (though I'm not sure it's right either):
    Carbs: 78 Fat: 118 Protein: 58

    My gut instinct would be to switch around the carbs and protein (making your formula Carbs: 58, Fat: 118, Protein: 78).

    That would be grams, not percentages. With my calories set to 1500, my numbers are Carbs: 75, Fat: 100, Protein: 75.

    However, I don't fret if my carbs are under 75 (I'm happy when they're between 30-50) or my fat goes above 100.

    The things I used to set these numbers: Mark Sisson's carbohydrate chart (see his website*), and a lean body mass calculator somewhere on the web. I read somewhere a long time ago (might have been Robb Wolf's book, or Mark Sisson's) that your protein intake should equal your lean body mass times a number between .8 and 1 -- I don't remember the exact formula now, but it's as important to get enough protein as it is not to get too much.

    I'm pretty sedentary due to joint and ligament pain, so I use the lower number (using .8 as the multiplier in the lean body mass/recommended protein intake formula, works out to 75g). So I set my protein first, according to that calculation, and then I picked "75g" (for carbs) out of the air because it's right in the middle of Mark Sisson's carbohydrate range for steady ("effortless") weight loss (50-100g), and then made up the rest with fat. I think it works out to 15-20% carbs, 60-65% fat, and 20% protein. But it's been awhile since I did the math.

    Hope this helps. I must emphasize that this is the formula that works for me. Everyone's body works its own way.

  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Good article, punchgut. It reflects my experience. I lost ten pounds the first two weeks on low-carb paleo, and after that had a pretty steady two pounds a week loss, until I stalled because I was following MFP's recommendations (and MFP kept reducing my calories, all the way down to 1200).

    After I upped my calories to 1500, I started losing again. However, a season of travel, followed by selling our house, packing up to move, moving (no kitchen for two weeks), and then unpacking, followed by the holidays... well, let's just say I got off track until recently.

    However, it has not been hard to get back on track. I know what to do, I know how to do it, and it's a lifestyle I can easily sustain. The food is satisfying, and I can eat as much of it as I want (as it turns out, the food is so satisfying, I don't really pig out the way I did before when I ate lots of carbs in the form of grains and potatoes and sugar).

    And I feel so good when I eat this way, that I don't want to eat stuff that makes me tired and foggy and unable to sleep and experiencing pain that constrains my activities.

    For me, the weight loss is simply a side effect of eating for minimal pain and maximum energy.
  • punchgut
    punchgut Posts: 210 Member
    Good article, punchgut. It reflects my experience. I lost ten pounds the first two weeks on low-carb paleo, and after that had a pretty steady two pounds a week loss, until I stalled because I was following MFP's recommendations (and MFP kept reducing my calories, all the way down to 1200).

    After I upped my calories to 1500, I started losing again. However, a season of travel, followed by selling our house, packing up to move, moving (no kitchen for two weeks), and then unpacking, followed by the holidays... well, let's just say I got off track until recently.

    However, it has not been hard to get back on track. I know what to do, I know how to do it, and it's a lifestyle I can easily sustain. The food is satisfying, and I can eat as much of it as I want (as it turns out, the food is so satisfying, I don't really pig out the way I did before when I ate lots of carbs in the form of grains and potatoes and sugar).

    And I feel so good when I eat this way, that I don't want to eat stuff that makes me tired and foggy and unable to sleep and experiencing pain that constrains my activities.

    For me, the weight loss is simply a side effect of eating for minimal pain and maximum energy.

    ^Exactly. Quit trying to macro yourself to death. FYI, I only use MFP to keep myself honest. I do not for one second follow their recommendations.

  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Yeah, you said it. People who follow MFP recommendations must be eating a ruinous amount of carbs, from what I recall, before I chose the custom option and set them myself. Sheesh.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    And, yeah, I only use MFP to make sure I'm getting enough calories and enough fat. (Enough fat! Imagine it! I've come a long way from the bad old low-fat, lots of whole grains days.)
  • QuakerMom
    QuakerMom Posts: 56 Member
    Hi All-- rejoining the party here on MFP after nearly 3 years (?) of going it on my own. Fell off the paleo wagon midway through last year mainly due to stress and being robbed of time. Back to it, just did a 21 Day Sugar Detox last month -- about 95% successful -- to jumpstart me back into the land of healthy eating!
  • iyamkristin
    iyamkristin Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, Guys!

    Would love some like-minded Paleo friends! Feel free to add me =)
  • snappy36
    snappy36 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I am new to MFP and to Paleo/Primal. I have been reading up on it for a couple of years and make slow changes.
    I'd like to hear from you, "snappy36"
  • WillCams
    Hello I am new to MFP and new to Paleo. Seems quite high in fat but it is the 'stay away from grain and process foods' that is attracting me. My kids are not happy at the moment as more vegetables that I never would have dreamed of trying before are finding their way on our plates. Hoping kids get used to it as it is a life lesson so they are healthier in the long run. So no bad snacks. I am crazy in the kitchen making all sorts of snacks. New to fermenting as well. Still trying to get my head around butter is good for you concept as I am from the era of no no butter eat margarine and fats are bad eat low fat this and that. I like the option of introducing the kids to more healthy carbs rather than the quicky process bad carb snacks. Now that the juice is gone I can testify that my skin is looking great with the increased water drinking. I am yet to get this gelatine in my bone broth. What am I doing wrong?
  • WillCams
    Oh I forget to say please please add me
  • WillCams
    Question: if you eat less carbs do you stop loosing wright? I read someone carb level was at x they were loosing weight at a good rate, and when they reduced it they stalled. When carb was increased weight loss started again, Anyone know about this
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Not for me. Low carb means optimal health and EASIER fat loss (cuz when carbs are low the body is burning fat). When I'm eating too many carbs, I can be in a supposed calorie deficit and still pack on fat and there's even "science" to explain why it's not just "calories in, calories out". There's NEVER been a direct relationship ever developed between those two things; it's such an over-simplification that it's completely ludicrous to adhere to that belief, yet so many do.... and avoid healthy fats because there's "too many calories".

    While I wouldn't say that my experience is applicable to all people in all cases, I do think I represent the majority of people in our society as most of us are metabolically disordered from far too many crappy foods and a carb intake that's insane for what our bodies are best designed to deal with. Seriously, I should eat 300 grams of carbs per day? And only 40 grams of fat? Nope, I don't think so. Is that ratio good for anyone? I would say a loud "NO".

    I hope that you can choose to get the "fat is bad" myth out of your life as I don't think you will find optimal health if you are avoiding fat, consciously or unconsciously. Less fat means more carbs; likely more sugar. I don't see the "win" there. But try different things and find what works best for you. :)
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    WillCams wrote: »
    Question: if you eat less carbs do you stop loosing wright? I read someone carb level was at x they were loosing weight at a good rate, and when they reduced it they stalled. When carb was increased weight loss started again, Anyone know about this

    I found that when I kept my carbs at about 50g/day for several weeks, I stopped losing weight eventually. I read somewhere about carb cycling, and incorporated one or two 100g carb days into my week -- not back-to-back days, though, because that can trigger cravings for me.

    However, the thing I read about carb cycling is that some people need to do it, in order to keep their body guessing, otherwise the body gets used to the lower carb intake and adapts to it. This may be junk science, and there may be no scientific basis for it -- it doesn't necessarily work for everyone. But it worked for me.
  • jordy1129
    Brand new to primal. (Literally, today is day one, but I won't be 100% until I go shopping again for groceries on Friday) And I'd love more some friends. Open diary, looking to lose about 50 pounds, eating around 1400 cal. a day.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you have 50 pounds to lose you should be eating much, much more than 1400 calories.... that's why it's best to go into Paleo or Primal without tracking calories and only focusing on food choice because our faulty idea of how many calories we "should" eat gets in the way of achieving ideal health. Been there, did it.
  • tshirtartist
    tshirtartist Posts: 109 Member
    I would love support buddies! Can I join? :)
    I used to be really overweight and lost 168lbs on a Paleo type diet called the Schwarzbein principle. During that time I felt great and all my cravings were gone. Then I read a book that made me decide to switch to a vegan diet because I thought it was healthier. I have been vegan for 9 years and managed to lose another 32 pounds to reach my goal weight. Only problem is the entire time I was vegan (all 9 years) cravings returned and I struggled to keep the last 30lbs I lost off. I did numerous juice fasts and cleanses and in the last 6 months I was having tendon problems so I felt there was something missing in my diet and I needed to make a change again.
    I started Paleo the a few weeks ago but Although I have more good days then bad I still have problems with overeating nuts and Paleo treats. I have decided to get serious and really focus on eating only 3 meals a day with maybe one snack if I need it and staying away from all Paleo treats and excess nuts. I have 23lbs to lose to get back to my goal weight and am determined to do this! Who's in? I am here to support others and would love all the support I can get. We can do this!!!
  • punchgut
    punchgut Posts: 210 Member
    I would love support buddies! Can I join? :)
    I used to be really overweight and lost 168lbs on a Paleo type diet called the Schwarzbein principle. During that time I felt great and all my cravings were gone. Then I read a book that made me decide to switch to a vegan diet because I thought it was healthier. I have been vegan for 9 years and managed to lose another 32 pounds to reach my goal weight. Only problem is the entire time I was vegan (all 9 years) cravings returned and I struggled to keep the last 30lbs I lost off. I did numerous juice fasts and cleanses and in the last 6 months I was having tendon problems so I felt there was something missing in my diet and I needed to make a change again.
    I started Paleo the a few weeks ago but Although I have more good days then bad I still have problems with overeating nuts and Paleo treats. I have decided to get serious and really focus on eating only 3 meals a day with maybe one snack if I need it and staying away from all Paleo treats and excess nuts. I have 23lbs to lose to get back to my goal weight and am determined to do this! Who's in? I am here to support others and would love all the support I can get. We can do this!!!

    You might really enjoy the discussion on this thread:

    Feel free to add me.
  • tshirtartist
    tshirtartist Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks so much for the link punchgut! I am new to this forum, how do I add you or anyone as a friend?