SMART CARBERS (Smart Carbohydrates) and Calorie Counting/LCHF



  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    I'm still struggling this week too. I think it's because I'm turning 50 on Sunday and I'm not exactly happy about it. So typical for me, I eat my way out of bad feelings. But I am up for any challenge to get me back on track Christine! :)
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Ok, the three of us need a reboot. I have not been doing well the past few days. Now I have a head cold. May not work out a lot, but need to get back on track with eating. Shall we do a one day at a time of meeting our calorie goal challenge??? Report in with plan of the day in the am?? I am leaving for San Francisco shortly for soccer games this weekend, in the rain.
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited February 2015
    carlsoda wrote: »
    I'm still struggling this week too. I think it's because I'm turning 50 on Sunday and I'm not exactly happy about it. So typical for me, I eat my way out of bad feelings. But I am up for any challenge to get me back on track Christine! :)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARL!! Welcome to the GOLDEN AGES!!! I survived last years blues of being 1/2 a century. There are still some down times when I feel old LOL :'(:'( You will survive it as well, besides we don't have any choice!! :o;)

    As for the 3 of us we need to regroup and reboot. I am waiting for weight watches to kick in. We need each other to make this happen.

    Have an awesome trip to SFO Phoebe I left part of my heart in SFO!!
    Carl - Happy Happy Birthday again!!

  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Happy B-day Carla. I wishing you feelings of strength and power... I see those biceps.

    I have been sick, feeling pretty crummy the last few days with flu like symptoms. Will check in when I feel better.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    Hi everyone! Back to work today so super busy getting caught up! At least I didn't have hundreds and hundreds of emails :) Phoebe - sorry you are not feeling well...hope you are on the road to recovery!

    Christine - thank you for the welcome to the 1/2 century group. Yes we don't have a choice do we? I was pretty grumpy on the weekend - I really don't like birthdays to begin with let alone turning 50! But I'm over it now. Going to start focusing on my summer vacation...hoping to hike in and around Montana! But who knows, we could end up going anywhere! It's nice not having to worry about kids and family vacations anymore it's just the two of us!

    Today I'm back on track, no weight gain and no loss so I'm just fine with that! My goal this week is to just stay on track and count points. I have a fresh stash of raw almonds in my desk drawer if I get hungry. I always find the healthy fat really helps with cravings!

    Hope everyone has a great day and week!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    I attended my first weight watchers meeting after being on AWOL for more than a year. I am back to where I started when I joined them the first time. But we can not erase our mistakes but start fresh again. The challenge is harder for those of us entering the golden ages so let us see how I can handle it.

    I am going to watch my carbs in more detail and eat more vegetables. I have to purchase healthy fruits those that are not too rich in sugar. Let us see how things work.

    I am ready for the challenge and need to get back in shape before my beach trip on July 20.

    Ladies lets do this.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Ok, Nice to have you all back on track. I have had two good days so far for eating. Still not feeling 100%, but doing better, and I looking forward to coming back strong.

    Had another MRI tonight, looking at my whole hamstring/lower back issue. Will see what it shows....

    Let's be strong and have a great Wednesday!!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    Welcome back to WW's Christine! Let's support each other, I've been having good weeks and bad weeks but over all I think things are getting better (??!!??) Why are some times so much easier to stay motivated then other times?

    Phoebe - good luck with the MRI - sorry about your hamstring/lower back issue. I had a bulged disk almost 2 years ago that through me for a loop, but with the help of a very skillful chiropractor I'm a lot better!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello Carl! The group meeting was fine yesterday and keeps me thinking of choices that I need to make. My biggest struggle is PMS time and during my period. I stop working out since I can't do it during that time period, I literally get sick. Let us see how weight watcher goes, I get support also at work since it is an work program.

    Phoebe good luck on your MRI, I would do acupuncture before I do injections and other medical interventions. Keep us posted.

    Have a great Hump day ladies!!

    (YUCK Weigh In) :s
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Weigh in day and time to face the music. My weight is actually the same, because I went all out the past two days to lose the weight I had gained. So now, just need to stay on track and look forward to posting a loss at the next check in!!

    Christine, for me the planning ahead the ww teaches is so key. The concept of filling foods was also a good one for me. The eating when you are not really hungry and you know you are self-sabotaging (that you mentioned on the app feed today)... that is a hard one that I struggle with at times. I am open to any ideas there!

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Day 3 of my weight watchers life. I have been doing pretty well. Been working out daily as well. Tonight is our Valentine date since we will have grandparent duties on Feb 14. I have to sit down and compute my points. So far I have budgeted the night well. Tomorrow I will let you know how I did.

    Enjoy ladies - - - keep us posted!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Great job on the planning ahead. We are celebrating tomorrow night. I guess I had better do some planning ahead myself! Ok, will get a work out in, check the restaurant menu and plan out what I am going to have and then see what is left for the day. I am determined to make a dent this round.
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello ladies :) Considering WW I went over by 4 points but no regrets I still have 45 of the extra points and 10 activity points left. I am very confident about WW and I do not think I will quit this time. Being over confident was my problem.

    Do you want to help in the next challenge? Co-lead? Thanks
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    Good morning everyone! Christine - before I forget good luck with your WI today! I'm sending you skinny vibes!

    Well, my WI this week wasn't pretty. I guess the stressed eating has caught up with me, but I'm on track this week. I have some good snacks stashed in my drawer at work including, almonds and Luna Bars in case I have a terrible chocolate cravings. I'd rather have one bar at 5 points then a bunch of cookies at 10+ points! I also have a plan I made with my WW coach for when I struggle with cravings and can't get them out of mind: she said to put a rubber band on my wrist and snap it. So I wore a very pretty stretchy elastic bracelet that I will snap when I'm heading down the wrong path!! I also have a stretchy band on my watch in case things are really bad :o

    So that's my plan for this week! Tomorrow is also the beginning of lent so I really want to take this 6 weeks to work on this stressed eating and change my reaction to things. It's crazy how we just automatically turn to food to comfort us. I just don't need to be comforted by a cookie :)

    I hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Carl, That's good you found me at WW. I think I am doing good and wouldn't know until next weeks weigh in. We have no work today which means WW is canceled. I have an alternative to weigh in at the WW center close by. I think that is the best option to get accurate weight on our WW Challenge.

    As for my lenten sacrifice, I haven't really decided on it. Last year I tried my best to follow the Daniel Fast but this year I do not know. I am sure I will do the no meat Fridays. I am also thinking of no unhealthy snacks like chips and cookies.

    Help me decide. Have fun ladies.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    I've always tried to give up chocolate but give in by day 2. :o Last year my husband gave up ice cream which he loves almost more than life itself and meat on Friday. He did so good and made it all the way through. He's my inspiration this year!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    And when you're up you're up
    And when you're down, you're down
    And when you're only half way up
    You're neither up nor down

    Thanks to weight watchers I lost 4.8 from Feb 10 to today!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    Oh nice job!!! If you work the program, the program does work! Keep it up Christine!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello ladies, sorry for being AWOL and will continue to be for the next few weeks to a few months. I am not emotionally doing well. My husband and over 100 of my co-officemates will be losing their jobs this year. Everybody is emotionally drained at work. From 400 employees prior to 2008, we will be down to less than 100. I am trying to stay healthy.

    Miss you ladies.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Christine, I am so sorry that you are going through this. I guess we will stop this thread, but come by and see us on the main one any time you want This sounds like a time when you could use some support.