Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, February 9th - 15th



  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    lol Kim WW
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Jocoblossoming, I know what you mean about the emotions involved in losing weight. I know it is something I want and need, but it is sometimes scary. Being fat has been a wonderful scapegoat fact for whenever I need one.

    I'm not the best at a sport, well, of course not, I'm fat.
    Guy I like doesn't like me back, well, he can't see past the fat appearance.
    I didn't get that job I wanted? It's because I am fat.

    When things go wrong after I lose weight I might have to face other reasons.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member

    This is honestly the first time I have been hungry like this in a long long time......I woke up at 4am hungry. Refused to eat because I did not want to take a shot at that hour of morning and not be awake two hours later to test my blood sugar levels. I woke up at 10am, and was eating breakfast within half an hour,, UNHEARD OF! It usually takes me about 2 hours from waking to eating even if I am hungry.

    I usually eat lunch around 2pm, but ate at 1:30 because I could not wait anymore. I was walking laps at my store and just had to stop and eat. I felt good and satisfied after lunch. After work I went to the gym. Then came home, puttered around the house and showered. I ate dinner at about 8pm, I was hungry but not starving....I did not care for dinner much, I ate the meat and a bun but left the potatoes.....for the last hour or so I am dying of starvation....

    I just logged a whole bunch of stuff that I shovelled into my mouth while prepping things for tomorrow....I also logged some popcorn and a chocolate bar as that is what I planned on eating tonight....not sure if I will or not yet......

    Anyone else that normally feels satisfied just have a day like this sometimes?

    On the plus side of today, I am super impressive with myself for going to the gym after working on my day off, lol. That almost never happens......

    Joco - When did you gain that weight? Do you mean you lost it once and gained it back? Awesome that it is almost gone now!!
  • astro_katie
    @Italian_Buju I totally had one of those days too.....and I just discovered why. I was too cold so I was eating food to keep warm. It was the air conditioner.
    Now that it's turned off I don't feel hungry, I'm not full nor am I now hungry. I wasn't bored either as I was busy-ish today.

    @KimWW and @jocoblossoming I totally feel that too. I'm also really worried about the 'apron' that my weight loss will leave behind. But I know there is things that I can do to make it not so bad. So I'll do those and just work with what's left. Besides it's better to be a healthy size than risk myself as an obese person.
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    Checking in and loving all the positive posts! It keeps me motivated :) Weigh in was today...I am down 2.2 for a total of 10.6 in 2 weeks. It takes about 25 lbs on my size to see a difference so onward I move. My goal this week is to cook at home everyday but Valentines Day...allow myself 1 Valentines treat of my chosing (in the past I would have several ), and to keep measuring all my food!
  • astro_katie
    Congrats on the loss @WVMountainMamma!! (*) that's bloody brilliant in 2 weeks! You should be chuffed. :)

    Just updating you all on my goals this week. I have successfully completed no.2 & 3 (set up Instagram and body measurements, respectfully).
    If you would like to see some daily pictorial updates on Instagram, my handle is the same as my name on here @astro_katie‌.
    My measurements....well let's just say I should have seen it coming. Now to bring it down!!
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    @jocoblossoming‌ I hear you about the emotions! My big concern is about becoming visible again and anticipating anger to those people, "Why didn't you pay attention to be before when I was fat?!" Only one (totally hot) guy said hi to me at the gym last night. When I lose weight, will all the guys suddenly start saying hi to me?

    Last night was Try It Tuesday for the 90 Day Challenge. It was a seminar called "Why Can't I Lose Weight?" which I thought was code for "Buy our programs". I'm happy to report that it was actually quite informative! The pitches that were included were soft sells; strong enough to make me want "it" but soft enough that it's easy to ignore and doesn't irritate me.

    There was also an official weigh in which I didn't want to do because I had a date with Ben & Jerry the night before but every weigh in enters you in a drawing to win $300LT bucks (gym dollars). I had forgotten that I had padded my initial weigh in with a heavy lunch so I shocked to see I had "lost" 2.2 pounds since Saturday! WOO HOO!

    I did strentgh training after that and then went home and made White Bean and Escarole soup, the recipe of which I will be posting on my blog later.

    More aqua fit tonight.

    Stay Strong!
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    Katie I will add you on Instagram :)
  • shballa
    shballa Posts: 133 Member
    Italian_Buju - I have come to realize that when I have those days where I'm absolutely starving all day long means that a couple pound weight loss is about to happen. It seems that my body is trying to tell me that if I don't eat more, it will have to give up a couple pounds. Knowing that is what helps me get through the hungry days.
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Goals update
    I only walked 10 minutes yesterday, for no other reason than that I was being a brat and didn't want to. I also over ate by a bit. See reason previously mentioned.

    However, I did do extra the day before, so if you average the two days, I am still ok. That is NOT a crutch i want to get in the habit of using, but I'll take it for now.
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Stepping on the scale this morning I had a bit of an epiphany.

    I don't actually believe I am losing weight. I get upset when people say not to pay too much attention to the scale. Because that number is all I have. (at least the disturbed part of my brain says)

    I do feel better physically, and I can do things I couldn't before, BUT not by much.
    I am wearing the same clothes I wore 40 pounds ago, and it is not really noticeable in my appearance.

    And there is a feeling inside, not even enough to make a "voice," that thinks some sort of atmospheric or gravitic anomaly is why the scale is lower most mornings and I am not really losing weight.

    I guess self-esteem can trump reason and logic. Not giving up though.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    I am super frustrated, I've been doing good on my eating for the last 4 ish days including sizeable deficits from exersize, so I hop on the scale today looking for a little motivation. I gained 4 #. WTH! I'm hydrating, and sleeping. GAHHHHHHH!
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    This week is going really well. I'm active, eating well and being positive.

    Halfway through my walk last night I felt really weak and tired. Then my bus randomly stopped right next to me. I couldn't refuse. It was necessary. As we drove by my walking path, I knew it would be impossible to make it home without feeling really sick. I plan on having a snack before my walk tonight.

    Lately, I've been making this chicken and vegetable stir fry, and it's so delicious! Roasted garlic, fresh ginger, onions, cabbage, carrots, peas, red bell peppers and corn. Simple, flavorful and ready in less than twenty minutes.

    On Saturdays, I make a special meal. Usually, it's a new recipe I want to try. This weekend, I'm trying jalapeno popper pizza. I'm still deciding on what I want for meal prep next week.

    I plan on going to the park early in the morning and walking ten miles on Saturday or Sunday. I usually get in ten miles throughout the day, but it's been a while since I've done it all at once. Feeling good.
  • michellewalker8866
    Wow shballa I never thought of being hungry all day meant that. I would tell myself it just that time of the month and I am needing something. But now I am going to change my way of thinking now. Thanks again.

    The last couple of weeks have been very stressful. I haven't been posting like I wanted to. So, today I am getting back into the groove of things. With that said I haven't been doing any workouts, I am lucky if I get my steps in. So, today is my reset day.

    How my life has changed in the last 3 years.

    1. I have come to the conclusion that I have to take my thyroid medicines.
    2. I have been working through some of the emotions that has caused me to not care about me.
    3. I am wanting to get healthy for me. I do fall down some times but it doesn't take me as long to get back up.

  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    Today has been tough for me food wise. I stayed home to be with my daughter who has had mono since Christmas. Last couple weeks she hasn't been able to go to school. Anyways I've wanted to just graze all day! I'm still under calories...but I don't think I made the best nutritional decisions...I also have PMS I know that is where that food hunger is coming from.

    Finally made dinner...2 slices of bread, pasta sauce, one string cheese cut up in bits, and shaker cheese. After eating I feel satisfied! Maybe I was just needing some to curb the cravings. What do you all do when you have a day like this?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    WOW sounds like we are all having half assed weeks lol

    I have been super tired for days now.....Yesterday, I had a wicked time getting out of bed to go to work (at 10am!!!)....then when I got home from work, I slept, on the sofa, sitting up, for over an son made dinner lol

    Then I ended up eating everything in sight last night....ugh

    Again today, I did not have to wake up until about 9am, and barely made it out of bed at 9:30 to make it to the dentist.....afterwards ran a few errands, and just now woke up from sleeping sitting up on the sofa again, for well over an hour, maybe like an hour and a half.

    I did not make the best food choices this afternoon again (I tend to lose control when I am really tired). But I am going to do a few chores and go for a walk soon (I didn't make my 10K steps yesterday either, I was just too tired to care).

    I can (try) and stay up late tonight as tomorrow I work the late shift (4-midnight), so I am going to spend the day tomorrow just hanging around my place and hopefully catching up on sleep, as I will be able to get my steps in when I go to work in the evening....

    Hopefully this passes soon, I hate being tired like this.....I have a problem with red blood cells and it does make me tired, but does not get this bad too often.....I have gained back a couple of pounds at this point, so I really need to get my butt in gear, esp since I have my son's birthday tomorrow and mine next week, so between us we are looking at FOUR fattening dinners out and THREE cakes.....ugh

    Kim - I wanted to ask you before, you said you get about 5K steps in a you have a fitbit or what are you using to count??
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    I have a FitBit, when I remember to wear it.

    Yesterday did not go well. I made the mistake of allowing things in the house for the rest of the family that I told myself I would ignore or only have in moderation. FAIL! That plus not getting sufficient exercise in makes me want to kick myself. I need to shake that off and move forward.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    @WVMountainMamma‌ - Don't regret what you ate. When there is something I want and I fight the urge to eat it; I'll typically end up giving in eventually, and eating it in much higher quantities. There's nothing wrong with eating your cravings, but be mindful of portion sizes and how it affects your calories/macros (protein, carbs, etc.). There's an interesting thread on this at Fitting it In and If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM).

    @KimWW‌ - Whenever there's been food around the house that I don't want to eat (because of diet, etc.) I've made sure to ask for it to be stored away from my normal "Grazing" area. When I feel hungry I'll try to get water or fruit, but if there's something tastier in that area of the counter (or one I walked by to get there) I'll typically get derailed. If you require that your family not have items that don't fit into your calorie plan, they'll push back (maybe subconsciously) and you'll not have the support you need to continue successfully. In addition you shouldn't deprive yourself the opportunity to train yourself to ignore foods that don't meet your targets; It can (and from experience will) make it harder to walk by unhealthy foods in other settings. I did this on my last diet and when I started at a new office and there was lunch 2 times a week and snacks all the time I failed and put back on all the weight I had lost.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I just woke up! However, I feel well rested finally and am on late shift tonight.....
    My daughter is on her way home from school and should be here any time now for about a week....hopefully I make it out alive lol
  • astro_katie
    I agree with @ScrAgnX in regards to eating what you crave but doing being mindful of portion sizes and in moderation. You might have noticed in my shard diaries that I tend to have something like chocolate everyday! I'm not strong enough to say no yet but I will only have it if it fits into my calories. If I say no but don't mean it...I'll eat an entire block of chocolate in 1 sitting.
    I weigh in tomorrow and I'll post my results (good or bad), I'm pretty tired from physio again today and would love an afternoon nap.
    Hope your Valentine's Days are going well!

    @KimWW do you like your fit bit, does it take your heart rate?