Looking for gay male MFP weightloss pals



  • EricGQ
    EricGQ Posts: 5
    Hiiieeee! I'm a newbie to clean eating and fitness. Beginning P90X3 Classic exercise and nutrition plan on Monday, 8/11/14. I'm very much looking forward to the exercise program but not the nutrition plan so much, haha. Also, looking forward to meeting other like-minded people to befriend along our fitness journeys. Please, feel free to send me a friend request, as I am new to MFP and am looking for support and encouragement as I begin my final transformation!

    1. Where were you born?
    Conneaut, OH

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    West Springfield, PA

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Erie, PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Cleveland, OH

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Current: Attorney
    Dream: The Next David Geffen

    5. Tell us 5 things about yourself
    I once weighed 498 lbs. on 6/13/02, the date of my gastric bypass surgery.

    I'm turning 40 in less than 6 months, so I'm determined to be in the best shape of my life by 1/28/15.

    I'm finally to the point in my life where I'm getting happy with who I am as a whole.

    I'm a big believer in nutritional supplements, especially probiotics, as they have helped me overcome intestinal issues and food cravings in the last 5 months.

    I quit smoking 2 months ago using Chantix and this has helped me greatly in learning "needs" from "wants" and realizing that I can overcome any of my psychological "crutches."
  • GhostriderMav
    GhostriderMav Posts: 308 Member
    Hi all, I am looking for new friends as well.
  • lovenyoga
    lovenyoga Posts: 6 Member
    I am new here. Just wanted to say hi and make some connections.
  • mrJRamos
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Jeff and I live in Vail, Arizona (a small town 25 miles SE of Tucson). I'm 51 years old and have been with my partner for 25+ years and married since 2008. I have struggled with my weight most of my life and am finally looking to turn around the yearly weight gains and become a "LOSER" -- hopefully of about 35 pounds. I know that slow and steady is the way to go. I exercise nearly daily and have been logging my food intake. I cringe sometimes at how high the calorie count goes but have promised myself that I will always completely and honestly log my food - no matter what the food diary looks like. My weakness is that I love to eat in the evenings - sometimes snacks, sometimes whole meals (outside of the main meals of the day). I'm looking for some supportive friends to help me on this journey of healthy habits. Feel free to friend me if you think we'd be a good match.


    Jeff :wink:
  • yesmikan
    yesmikan Posts: 98 Member
    I'm looking for some more new friends, so add me, ya'll.
  • rican_skittles
    Im new here. please feel free to add me people :P
  • LMMelch123
    LMMelch123 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I've been out of touch for a while, but back again. Hoping to try harder and really make it work this time. I'm sick and looking and feeling like this ... UGH!
    So here's to all of us! :)
  • johnnycan415
    johnnycan415 Posts: 10 Member
    Kinda new here too and hoping to find someone who be a gym buddy in SF...one who can stand my moaning about the groaning, sloppiness, guys washing their underwear in the shower.
    Where were you born?
    Where do you live at the moment?
    San Francisco since 1980.
    Where else have you lived?
    Vancouver BC, Edmonton AB, Hamilton ONT
    What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    San Francisco Department of Public Health, HIV Prevention
    Tell us any 5 things about yourself:
    1) I am on PrEP (If you guys don't know what it is, please ask me!)
    2) I met my partner online.
    3) Other than my mother, my blood family lives in the Czech Republic.
    4) I used to be on SecondLife.
    5) I follow up on all friend requests!
  • davebarron
    1. Where were you born?
    Vancouver, Canada

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Clearwater Lake, outside Sudbury, Ontario

    3. Where else have you lived?

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself
    1. MFP junkie. Lost 50, should really lose another 10 or 15 according to my NP.
    2. Live on a lake in rural Canada with my husband of 25 years.
    3. We have two 20 lb siamese/tabbie brother kitties named Kai and Zeb.
    4. Like snow shoeing, skiing, swimming, hiking, canoeing, used to love camping but we now prefer hotels. Wimp out and use an elliptical trainer in the basement on colder days (-20C or below.)
    5. Heat mostly with wood, as heating with oil costs $800 per month. So I split lots of firewood. But I really need to start proper strength training and have purchased a set of dumbbells that I have no idea how to use properly.

    Friend requests are welcome.
  • exlibrissilvio
    exlibrissilvio Posts: 69 Member
    edited January 2015
    1. Where were you born?
    Long Island, New York

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Eastern Long Island

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Brooklyn, NYC, South Carolina, and Texas.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Writer/Author. That is what I am and that is my dream.

    5. Tell us any 5 6 things about yourself:
    1. I am a Vegetarian.
    2. I have 8 tattoos. And I want MORE!
    3. I have a 7 year old kitty named Tex and he's my world! I only want animals, not children.
    4. I also carve, sculpt, and am quite crafty.
    5. I am fascinated by world cultures, pagan religions, and folklore.
    6. I am down 52 lbs. from 261 since 2008. With a lot of up and down in the middle. TIME TO HIT GOAL! I want to be svelte. :wink:

    Friend requests are welcome and appreciated!
  • Deanodino
    Deanodino Posts: 28 Member
    Add little ol me too :p
    Need some new buddies on myfitnesspal
  • bkj1964
    bkj1964 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Guys, Started back up here the first of the month and have lost 12 lbs so far. Now for the questions:

    where were you born?
    Lindsay, Oklahoma (you've probably never heard of it)

    where do you live at the moment?
    Durham, North Carolina

    where else have you lived?
    Worcester, MA

    what is your current occupation? what is your dream occupation?

    Currently I'm a lab manager for a major medical reference lab. My dream job would be to be a psychologist or psychiatrist, but its a little late to start on that :)

    tell us any 5 things about yourself:
    1. I have a wonderful and supportive husband.
    2. We have two Boston Terriers, one of which is a sweetheart and the other is terrified of me for some reason, but loves my husband.
    3. I dabble in acting and improv when I'm not at work.
    4. I drink way too much coffee.
    5. I do some photography on the side and I'm currenly working on a project involving my weight loss that I hope to post online when its done (a.k.a. - when I''ve transformed by body)

    I am open to making new friends on here and would love to find a workout partner if there is anyone in my area looking for one.
  • joshuagustamente
    joshuagustamente Posts: 3 Member
    New here, any guys in Central Texas?
  • DanBGVa
    DanBGVa Posts: 50 Member
    edited January 2015
    Where were you born?
    Ashdown, Arkansas but grew up in Houston, Texas

    Where do you live at the moment?
    Glen Allen, VA

    Where else have you lived?
    Amsterdam, SF, Texas

    What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I worked for a metal company as a senior purchasing manager for 15 years. I have recently decided to change careers and I am working on a degree as an LCSW it will be my 3rd degree and my first in Social Sciences.

    Tell us any 5 things about yourself:
    - I have an amazing partner who I have been with for 16 years, we were
    finally able to marry in October of 2013.
    - I have 3 rescue dogs. A Otter Hound, A Lab and A Beagle.
    - I love Snow… the more the better
    - I love to play video games and be on my Mac
    - I am convinced the universe created Donuts to tempt me at every turn --- WHY!

    I am open to support and being supportive of others, please feel free to friend me. Its nice to have a place where gay men can support each other.

  • nygr8guy
    nygr8guy Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all!

    It's not that I ever left, but now I really need to change my eating habits! I welcome more MFP friends!

    where were you born?
    New York City

    where do you live at the moment?
    Apollo Beach, Fl. (Tampa area)

    where else have you lived?
    Brooklyn, NY, Bayside,Queens, NY, Scarsdale, NY, Hartsdale, NY, Stamford, CT.

    what is your current occupation? what is your dream occupation?
    Retired early, moved to Florida and currently looking for opportunities. Love technology so helping people with technology would be something I'd like to pursue.

    tell us any 5 things about yourself:
    1) I'm married to a wonderful guy
    2) Have 2 dogs - a Sheltie and a Yellow lab.
    3) I'm very outgoing and friendly.
    4) Love exploring new places and doing new things.
    5) Looking for a way to lose weight and keep it off. I've been searching for this solution all of my life.

    So if you like what you see friend me and let's take the weight loss journey together!

  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    Posting here Again. I'm andy, my screen name is for my dad who passed last October. I am a single dad. I was in the closet for a long time but I been out for two years now. I live in Michigan. So yeah add me!
  • dcc56
    dcc56 Posts: 172 Member

    Posting here again since I just noticed I have not updated my "story" since July of 2012.
    I'm still here on MFP but since then I have lost 97 pounds. (so far)
    Please feel free to read my profile to learn more....then please send me a friend request.

    where were you born?
    Iron Mountain, Michigan

    where do you live at the moment?
    a suburb of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota

    where else have you lived?
    La Crosse, Wisconsin (college), Palatine (high school) and Des Plaines, Illinois

    what is your current occupation? what is your dream occupation?

    Currently I'm a Prepress Quality guy for a major screen and digital printer.
    My dream job would be to become a best selling an author.

    Tell us any 5 things about yourself:

    1. I have a partner of nearly 25 years.
    2. We have a house cat who thinks he is the boss of the house.
    3. I love to read but never seem to find the time.
    4. I like going to the gym for many reasons....ask me why sometime.
    5. I had bariatric gastric sleeve surgery in May of 2014.

  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    OMG disappearing butt has been the worst! Loose skin also suuucks. At times I wonder why I lost so much weight to just have all this loose skin anyway...still can't walk around shirtless.
    kskroch wrote: »
    I did not mind, in fact, I liked being a big guy and like bigger guys. I was very comfortable around 240-250 pounds for a long time. I do kind of miss my butt....

    But the health issues just really got to me and I topped out about 292 and now last week I was 194 (on my own scale - I use the program/Dr's for tracking here)

    My activity level is so much better, and I'm hoping my energy level comes back after I switch to a higher calorie maintenance program.

    ... yea, not sure where I fit in the zoo anymore...

  • kraigiark
    kraigiark Posts: 27 Member
    Hello all! Not new to mfp but new to this group. I started out my journey at 206lbs. After getting married, I guess I let myself go. I decided that it was time to slim up or ship out. So I now weigh in at 158 and am currently focusing on building muscle and tone rather than losing any more weight. I'm always inspired by the journeys I see on here and it keeps me going day after day. Feel free to add me as a friend!

    where were you born?
    Colorado Springs, Colorado

    where do you live at the moment?
    Near mil base in Germany

    where else have you lived?
    Spent most of my life in northern Virginia

    what is your current occupation?
    Currently enrolled in school
    what is your dream occupation?
    Free Lance graphic designer

    Tell us any 5 things about yourself:

    1. Married to my partner of 4 years
    2. We have a little frenchie named Louis
    3. I've got red-hair and a soul
    4. I've never broken a bone
    5. I had two webbed toes on both feet when I was young, had surgery to correct it.

  • djasper73
    djasper73 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi All...Been using this app for close to a month now, and am delighted to have found this group! I was wondering if there were other gay men on here...glad to have found you all! Feel free to add me :)