February ETL - Food and Fitness



  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member

    OH - I think I hear my little man moving around. Gotta run!

    Have a great day.
    Uh-oh. Hope it's a reasonable quiet day.

    Sabine, that made me laugh out loud. Karrie, I do hope it's a better day for both of you!

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Just a quick pop in and say hi! I am having a weird and busy day, but the kind where you feel a bit paralyzed by what to tackle first, so MFP it is! lol.

    Yesterday I had a great day too (today so far, so good). I ended up trying T25 again! My back was slightly bothered, but I did my stretches and everything feels okay. I'll try Day 2 tonight!

    Peas, sorry - Happy Birthday!!

    Sabine, when do you think you will start? It would be great having a support group! I don't find the plan intuitively easy either. I think I will start next Wed the 18th. 6 weeks would bring me to the beginning of April!

    Elena, that retreat sounds like it was wonderful! Thanks for sharing. I actually went and looked up retreats in my area too lol.

    Mihani, I really hope you're feeling better. When is your next break in sight? Weird about the stomach pain but I guess it does go hand in hand with stress..
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I plan to start after my trip, so...Feb 23. Good luck!
    liapr wrote: »
    Just a quick pop in and say hi! I am having a weird and busy day, but the kind where you feel a bit paralyzed by what to tackle first, so MFP it is! lol.

    Yesterday I had a great day too (today so far, so good). I ended up trying T25 again! My back was slightly bothered, but I did my stretches and everything feels okay. I'll try Day 2 tonight!

    Peas, sorry - Happy Birthday!!

    Sabine, when do you think you will start? It would be great having a support group! I don't find the plan intuitively easy either. I think I will start next Wed the 18th. 6 weeks would bring me to the beginning of April!

    Elena, that retreat sounds like it was wonderful! Thanks for sharing. I actually went and looked up retreats in my area too lol.

    Mihani, I really hope you're feeling better. When is your next break in sight? Weird about the stomach pain but I guess it does go hand in hand with stress..

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,055 Member
    Sabine, getting in that pound of raw veggies is still tough. I eat a lot of lettuce/greens and they don’t weigh much. I can only eat so much of other raw veggies before I’m too full.

    Karrie, you got in a great treadmill session despite the chaos, that’s awesome. Dinner sounds delicious. Hope your son is better.

    Lia, sometimes stepping back from it on a day like that is the best plan. Hope tomorrow is easier. No breaks in sight for me. :\

    So my experiment in fixing my self-diagnosed acid reflux problem seems to be successful so far. I had gone off coffee a couple weeks ago but today I skipped even my decaf and I just had some rooibos tea, Kymmu got me started on that and it’s good. I read that coffee and chocolate are two of the worst things for acid reflux so I skipped my chocolate plantfusion powder in this morning’s smoothie too. No stomach pain today so I am hoping that just laying off the decaf will do the trick. I was still really tired after lunch though. I need to stay away from starches at lunch and see how I feel with that. I meant to today, but I kept getting into the wasa crackers.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Here's what I think I've decided to do: From now until my trip comes and goes, I'm going to do South Beach phase 1 (mostly vegetarian style). And then after my trip, I plan/hope to do the six week plan. I can't, logically, do the six week plan with a work trip in the middle, where others decide what/when I eat (and I'm in a hotel/conference center. All day meetings, no car). But I can do phase 1 of SB. I often use phase 1 of south beach when I'm traveling as it gives me such good "boundaries". So, for the next while: greens, beans, nuts, seeds and a small portion of animal protein as needed. Very limited/no grains, unless that's all there is to eat for that meal in the conference center. Cheers!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Hey - I meant to say Happy Birthday to you too Peas - sorry I got distracted! I hope it was a great day.

    Yesterday was a pretty good day overall. My son is still coughing quite a bit, and spent the wee hours of the morning coughing at me (I was laying with him to make sure he wasn't going to throw up again). So I kept waking up, but I think he mostly stayed asleep through it all. I decided that I'd keep him home one more day so that hopefully he can get over this thing once and for all. Fingers crossed!

    He's still sleeping right now - and I'm hoping he has a good sleep-in again today.

    I did get onto the treadmill yesterday and did a nice, long session. 95 minutes, baby, and most of it at a 3% incline!! I'm hoping to rock that again today. But, as yesterday, I'm going to wait until he's awake and knows where to find me.

    Tonight I'm going to be out taking my daughter to her activity, so I'm gonna get the fixin's for the red lentil kale soup. mmm.... looking forward to trying it!!

    Happy Travels, Sabine - February 23rd is my birthday!! The big 4-2...

    Alright, I've got a load of laundry calling my name... Have a great day everyone!
  • JCN80
    JCN80 Posts: 29 Member
    You guys are inspiring me to to try the strict 6 week plan again, though I think I'm going to hold off for now because I'm still nursing my babies. Perhaps I can join in with 6 weeks of strict ETL without completely cutting out whole grains and limiting nuts/seeds/avocado so strictly. If I start on Monday (after my weekend trip), I can do almost 6 weeks before I leave for vacation. My weight loss seems to be slowing down to about 1 lb a week. I know I should be happy with that, but it still seems frustratingly slow.

    Mihani, I'm glad you're having luck with the acid reflux. Coffee is the one thing I haven't tried to give up yet. Long term, losing weight may make the acid reflux better too.

    Elena, your yoga retreat sound great. One day I would love to do something like that.

    Karrie, I hope your son is feeling better. It sounds like it's been a rough couple weeks.

    Lia, I hope your back feels better!

    Sabine, good luck with traveling. I think that's the hardest time to eat well. I'm a little worried about my upcoming trip this weekend.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hey - I meant to say Happy Birthday to you too Peas - sorry I got distracted! I hope it was a great day.

    Yesterday was a pretty good day overall. My son is still coughing quite a bit, and spent the wee hours of the morning coughing at me (I was laying with him to make sure he wasn't going to throw up again). So I kept waking up, but I think he mostly stayed asleep through it all. I decided that I'd keep him home one more day so that hopefully he can get over this thing once and for all. Fingers crossed!

    He's still sleeping right now - and I'm hoping he has a good sleep-in again today.

    I did get onto the treadmill yesterday and did a nice, long session. 95 minutes, baby, and most of it at a 3% incline!! I'm hoping to rock that again today. But, as yesterday, I'm going to wait until he's awake and knows where to find me.

    Tonight I'm going to be out taking my daughter to her activity, so I'm gonna get the fixin's for the red lentil kale soup. mmm.... looking forward to trying it!!

    Happy Travels, Sabine - February 23rd is my birthday!! The big 4-2...

    Alright, I've got a load of laundry calling my name... Have a great day everyone!
    I saw those step numbers, you really DID get going on the treadmill!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,055 Member
    Calories today were fine, fat was way too high. I had a bag of curry cashews, which I hadn't bought for some time because they are high on the bingeable scale, but I got into them today and ate 3/4 of a cup. Worth it, I think. ;) I left my lunch salad in the fridge this morning by mistake so I stopped at the grocery on the way in and got a bag of romaine mix, an avocado, some grape tomatoes, and a bottle of Newman's Lite Balsamic. Made a very nice salad of that with an apple and the cashews. Dinner was the last of the 10 spice veggie soup. I will be making that again for sure.

    Tomorrow I'm going to make a tofu scramble and a baked potato for dinner, and make a batch of the tortilla soup which will get me through the weekend. My stomach has been much better the past two days without coffee, even my decaf, and with making sure I don't eat for at least a couple hours before bedtime. Haven't felt queasy at all. Also avoiding grains until dinner other than a wasa cracker or two, just for a period of time. I love my grains, but it seems to help with my afternoon headaches and tiredness if I don't eat them during the day.

    Karrie, that is some serious mileage you are putting in! Glad your little guy is feeling better today.

    JCN, I think you are wise to not try the strict 6 weeks until you are done nursing, but it would be great to have you along on a modified plan.

    Sabine, good plan!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Morning all! Today's plan:

    A run on the treadmill, as soon as hubs is done with his.
    A ride to work/back, weights at lunch at work

    B: green smoothie
    S: probably cheese
    L: vegetarian mapo tofu over black soybeans (instead of over rice)
    S: snap peas
    D: probably left over mapo tofu

    cheers and happy thursday!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Well I tweaked my back a bit yesterday (housecleaning will kill ya!) and then I couldn't really bend over very well, so I decided to take a rest day from the treadmill. Then, as usual, I got to bed WAY too late last night and then slept through my alarm. Ugh. I don't think I'll get my workout in tonight, because I've already made plans to help a friend out tonight, so I guess I just need to make a point of going to bed early so I can get up with my alarm...

    Good news: My son is at school today. Bad news: I now have his cold & cough. Joy. At least I'm not as mucous-y as he was. Yet, anyway.

    Other good news: After tomorrow, we all have 9 days off. No specific plans - we might go skiing out at our cabin (we are on a lake, and there is a ski hill just 3-4 blocks from our cabin, so we can enjoy summer fun AND winter fun!) :smiley:

    Other bad news: I didn't get my work finished last weekend, so I have more work to do this weekend, but it shouldn't overwhelm the entire weekend, I hope!!

    Alright, I have to go - I'm back at work today, unfortunately. :wink:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Well I tweaked my back a bit yesterday (housecleaning will kill ya!) and then I couldn't really bend over very well, so I decided to take a rest day from the treadmill. Then, as usual, I got to bed WAY too late last night and then slept through my alarm. Ugh. I don't think I'll get my workout in tonight, because I've already made plans to help a friend out tonight, so I guess I just need to make a point of going to bed early so I can get up with my alarm...

    Good news: My son is at school today. Bad news: I now have his cold & cough. Joy. At least I'm not as mucous-y as he was. Yet, anyway.

    Other good news: After tomorrow, we all have 9 days off. No specific plans - we might go skiing out at our cabin (we are on a lake, and there is a ski hill just 3-4 blocks from our cabin, so we can enjoy summer fun AND winter fun!) :smiley:

    Other bad news: I didn't get my work finished last weekend, so I have more work to do this weekend, but it shouldn't overwhelm the entire weekend, I hope!!

    Alright, I have to go - I'm back at work today, unfortunately. :wink:
    I'm sorry you have a cold! No fun at all!
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Well I tweaked my back a bit yesterday (housecleaning will kill ya!) and then I couldn't really bend over very well, so I decided to take a rest day from the treadmill.

    Yikes! I didn't know housecleaning was so dangerous!!! That's it. No more for me! :wink: Hope you're already on the mend after a good night's sleep.

    Busy day in the office for me. I've got my focus set on getting enough done to slip out to a restorative yoga class starting at 4:30. Fingers crossed. (also need to remember not to stress myself out over rushing to yoga!)

    Happy Day All!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Elena, I totally do that!! I love yoga, and the hot classes especially, but it was becoming a problem in that I would mega stress out about getting there super early because there was always a big line, and I always wanted to make sure I had a strategic spot in the room that wasn't too visible, lolll. It's sort of pathetic, but I know what you meant!

    Sabine, awesome plan for your trip! I like it. I'm taking a couple days off early next week so I'll officially start it next week.

    Btw, JCN, of course join it whenever you like!! I should preface it with the fact that MY strict 6 week plan isn't exactly like the fuhrman one. I try to stick to it, but I really don't kill myself with exactly the right amounts. I understand the risks and consequences lol. But yes, join in whenever you like!

    Mihani, so awesome that you've been able to help out your acid reflux! That is amazing. Do you feel sad to live without the coffee though? It seems like it might be worth it!

    Karrie, yay for no more barfing, but too bad you've got it now. I hope it stays relatively mild and you can enjoy your time off! I have been so lucky lately (knock on wood), but everyone around me has been so sick and I've managed to stay clear. For now anyway.

    Today is day 4 of T25 and I'm really liking it. It's not horrible or crazy and my back is doing pretty well too! Plus it is actually replacing my evening sweets in a funny and unexpected way!

    B - Green/tropical smoothie; a bit of pb
    L - this delicious dish I tried to copy from a resto menu (brown rice, cucumber, tomatoes, homemade hummus, raw red onion, parsley, spinach, tamari, and a bit of olive oil. I heat up the rice/hummus/spinach/oil and then add the rest cold, and it's such a great mix!).
    D - red lentil kale soup (you're right, Mihani, it really is yummy!)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I really need to make the red lentil kale soup.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Hey all. I started to post a couple of days ago and got interrupted, so will try again today. It is freezing cold here, it could and has been worse but today I just can't deal with it. It just figures that I finally have a full day off and it is freezing. Yesterday I had a meeting that took up half the day, and I did go ride after, but today, no dice. I mostly feel like I would kill for a nap. Not sure what the fatigue issue is today. With my history it always makes me worry a little but then I try not to think about it too much.

    I did run today. One day last week, one day this week. Three miles today of walk/run per the Jeff Galloway method. I have been doing lots of activity that is pretty tough cardio, but also working on resistance, in the hopes to come back stronger to running, and be able to do it without getting the stress fracture back. Last time I tried I did C25K again, was good til week 4. So I am coming at it from a different angle, lol! I just want to be able to do some 5k runs for colon cancer fundraising, as well as some other fun runs. Also to be able to still do enough running that hubby and I can still do the duathlons as a team. Also the resistance work is just so important as we get a little older, so I needed to bring that back in.

    We are going to have lentil tacos for dinner tonight. I will also likely stir in some ground venison to one pan, such that there is a choice of straight lentil or a mix. I don't remember the last time I had beef, but am willing to eat this as it was running around free all its life, right up until it wasn't. But I cannot deal with a cattle feedlot.

    Some health stuff has been changed, my levothyroxine was increased. I had to do a cardiac ECHO to rule out heart stuff due to chemo, but when that came back normal, he gave me a small dose of diuretic as I was complaining of edema and shortness of breath. The first dose took off two pounds and I woke up able to breathe. Four pounds in the first weekend. I will be checking in tomorrow. I really don't want to stay on it, but the idea is to take it to let the increased dose of levo get going, then stop and see if it helps. Edema is common in undertreated hypothyroidism.

    Anyway, take care all. I know I post less than before, but I am taking three classes in this three month period, and am having to be more strict with my time. I still enjoy reading and catching up on everyone's progress!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hubs made this for dinner:

    Stir fried with ginger and garlic. Oh my.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,055 Member
    Karrie… arrrgh! Hope you don’t get the full blown cold. Don’t overdo it if you can help it. Nine days off sounds heavenly.

    Elena, hope you got to your yoga class, and that tomorrow won’t be quite so busy.

    Lia, I had pretty much switched to decaf although I would have regular coffee sometimes. I’m just happy that it seems to be so easily fixed. You are doing great on your T25! Lunch sounds really good.

    Sabine, definitely give the soup a try. And since I have everyone making red lentil kale soup, I’ll just say that the 10 spice vegetable soup in the OSG cookbook is another new favorite. I ate it every day for 5 days and didn’t get tired of it. I want to make more. I have never had Chinese broccoli, nice that your husband is such a good cook.

    Jean, it got cold here again too. Tired of winter. The lentil taco filling sounds good. I hope your meds get adjustment so you’re feeling better. I had just started C25K when my treadmill got fried, still sad about that, but I just can’t afford to get it fixed right now with the extra vet bills my old gal is running up. I did look at a walk away the pounds video on youtube and I have been doing that sometimes. It’s a pretty good workout, surprised me.

    Ate the rest of the curry cashews today. No more buying those. They are delightful and too hard to stop eating. But adjusted my meal plans to compensate for the extra calories and ended up less than 200 over for the day. Dinner of tofu scramble and half a baked potato was really good. Vegan comfort food.

    I got an email about this today... not sure if everyone is on the Dr. Fuhrman mailing list so thought I'd share. I'm contemplating it. drfuhrman.com/events/nj1015/default.aspx
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yup. I have the full blown cold. Coughing, dripping nose - which is dead sexy, I know - and sinus headache like crazy. :warning: I had to leave work today; I just couldn't do it. I just wanted to do a quick check-in so you know why I'm going to be a lazy lump today. And probably tomorrow too. But I'm gonna run myself a nice hot bath now and go soak.

    I hope you all have a better day than me. (And Happy Valentine's Day, too!)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Yup. I have the full blown cold. Coughing, dripping nose - which is dead sexy, I know - and sinus headache like crazy. :warning: I had to leave work today; I just couldn't do it. I just wanted to do a quick check-in so you know why I'm going to be a lazy lump today. And probably tomorrow too. But I'm gonna run myself a nice hot bath now and go soak.

    I hope you all have a better day than me. (And Happy Valentine's Day, too!)

    Well damn. That's no fun.

    I have spring allergies. Not NEARLY as bad.