How close are you to getting out of the 300's?



  • Lynette4321
    Lynette4321 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm at 322 from a high of 328. Knees were starting to hurt. I want to be at a weight where if I fell and couldn't get up, I wouldn't have to worry about how many firemen it would take to get me up. That's been taking up space in my head for a while now.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    I'm at 322 from a high of 328. Knees were starting to hurt. I want to be at a weight where if I fell and couldn't get up, I wouldn't have to worry about how many firemen it would take to get me up. That's been taking up space in my head for a while now.

    As a retired fireman, your comment cracked me up. lol
  • justcindy59
    justcindy59 Posts: 904 Member
    I have just joined this group I started last week at 302lb ( I have been bigger) think my fittness pal is great
    I am so pleased to be under 300lb I lost 9lb in my first week feels so good
    I am 51 years old
    10 years ago I lost about 138lb but put it all back on and more I was down to 140lb ( I lost half of me )
    I did not lose the weight for me ( a friend said there was no point me trying as I could not do it ) and I think that was the problem i was never happy all I saw in the mirror was me not happy missing out on chocolate and think I never really saw I was small.
    instead of seeing a person that could go in any shop and get clothes, could do anything I liked and not have to sit down every five minutes, and I could have chocolate but only small amounts.
    So I just ate and ate and my health has got real bad I now have very high blood pressure and diabetes type2 and my asthma is very bad.
    This time I am doing this for ME , for my health , to come off some of the tablets I have to take.
    I want to play/run with my grand children not just sit there and watch them play
    I want to walk my dogs ( I can't at the moment so I just sit here while my husband goes out with them)
    So this time I will lose it and keep it off this time it's for ME

    So happy for you. Being out of 300 is a big deal and it will only get better.
  • I started at 310 this year and now am at 304. I feel a bit silly saying this, but is this a "real" loss of 6 lbs or just "water weight"? My problem is that I am chained to my desk all week and have been very inactive up until now. The first week on holiday break I struggled to get over 150 pts on my misfit flash that I got for christmas. I also struggle with eating as I'm never hungry and often skip meals. As I don't eat in the morning and am not active, my metabolism is never jumpstarted and seems to cling to everything! I've always been self confident, and have't had a lot of what I considered to be consequences of my weight, however I am getting older (34) and don't want to push my luck! So far I'm logging everything, and mainly trying to teach myself to eat and drink water. I have a lot to learn!
  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    I started at 425
    and am now 325
    I have been around this weight now for almost 2 months
    I am hoping to break this plateau soon
    A hundred pounds gone is awesome. Here's to breaking that plateau. Keep going strong.

  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    . Way to go, tHat is fantastic!!! I can't wait until I can feel like I have lost some pounds. You are doing GREAT!!!
  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    BRaye325 wrote: »
    I'm at 322 from a high of 328. Knees were starting to hurt. I want to be at a weight where if I fell and couldn't get up, I wouldn't have to worry about how many firemen it would take to get me up. That's been taking up space in my head for a while now.

    As a retired fireman, your comment cracked me up. lol

    This has actually happened to me. It is beyond humiliating...I hope it never happens to me again!!
  • Kittany
    Kittany Posts: 31 Member
    48 to go to reach 299. I've set my goal date for this for my 31st Birthday in August. :) So far I'm on track.
  • justcindy59
    justcindy59 Posts: 904 Member
    I made it. As of January 27th I reached 299.2. It's still so hard to believe because I have trust issues with my scales. It's been 14 years since I have seen a number below 300. I love MFP and all my friends and I'm am thankful for all the support and sharing you have given me. I still have so much to lose but I can now look at it one day at a time. I'm so happy.
  • vaunche
    vaunche Posts: 25 Member
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    I made it. As of January 27th I reached 299.2.

    That's awesome!

    Don't think that just because you're under 300 pounds that you can leave the group! We need you for inspiration!
  • Hi there! My SW: 141kgs/310.9lb and as of Sunday last week my CW: 138.6kg/305.6lb. So I don't have too far to go but it'll still a looonnnggggg journey after that. Congrats to those already under and keep going to those of us still above. I see the light, we all will! :#
  • melx123
    melx123 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all =) I joined while i was at 356. Now i'm at 260, had a bumpy ride for a while, plateaued for a long time, then gained some, but slowly going back down again. Congrats to everyone who's lost. =)
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    I was over 405 in July 2014. (Not sure exactly how high. My scale goes to 400. When I started I got ERR as my readout, but after a couple of weeks it said 405. Now I am at 368.
  • Well done @melx123 and @KimWW, keep up the great work!!

    I'm at 302.3lbs/137.1kgs. So close!!
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I finally broke out of the 300s back in October. That was a fantastic feeling. There was something about seeing a 2 as the first number that made me feel as if I wasn't quite so huge. Right now I'm 47 pounds away from ONEderland!
  • melx123
    melx123 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks katie :-)

    That's awesome cincysweetheart.