Feb 2015 Challenge ~ Feb 9th - Feb 15th

cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
I borrowed this from Jenny Sugar...

12 Best Dumbbell Exercises For Strong, Chiseled Arms

When you want to isolate specific muscle groups in the arms, using dumbbells is truly effective — get ready to feel the burn! Depending on your strength, grab at least two size weights ranging from five to 15 pounds so you can switch up the appropriate size dumbbells for each move.

Sumo Squat With Bicep Curls

Work your middle arms and your lower body at the same time.
• Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands with your arms straight and your palms facing away from you. Step your feet apart so there's about 20 inches between your heels. Point your toes out slightly.
• When you're ready, bend your knees and elbows at the same time. Keep your shoulders over your hips, and lower down so your weight is back in your heels. Then straighten your legs and arms. This is one repetition.
• Complete two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Upright Row

This move will work the upper arms and shoulders.
• Stand with your feet hip distance apart, and place a dumbbell in each hand. Your closed palms should be facing your body. The shoulders should be over your pelvis, with knees slightly bent.
• Keeping the dumbbells close to your body, raise them to your shoulders, bending your elbows out to the sides.
• Slowly lower them to the starting position. This counts as one rep.
• Complete two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Overhead Triceps Extensions

Here's a move you probably know and love that'll target the backs of the arms.
• Stand with your feet hip distance apart.
• Hold one dumbbell (go for your heavier weight) with both hands, bending the elbows behind your head.
• Straighten your arms to lift the dumbbell into the air, then slowly bend the arms to lower. This counts as one rep.
• Complete two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Bent-Over Row

Get ready to feel this in your upper back and triceps.
• Lean forward and bend both knees, remembering to keep a flat back.
• Extend your arms so they are straight. Lift the dumbbells straight up to chest level, squeezing your shoulder blades together as you do. Be sure to keep your elbows in and pointed upward. Don't arch your back.
• Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position to complete one rep.
• Complete two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Bent-Over Reverse Fly

You'll feel this one in your shoulders and upper back.
• Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with the knees slightly bent. Keeping your back flat, bend forward at the hip joint.
• Exhale and lift both arms to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Then, with control, lower the dumbbells back toward the ground. This completes one rep.
• Complete two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Bicep Curl and Overhead Press

This move works both the biceps and shoulders.
• Stand with your feet directly under your hips, holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing out. Bend the elbows, bringing the weights to your shoulders, performing a bicep curl.
• Stabilize your torso and keep your arms moving upward, straightening the arms above you, performing an overhead press with the palms facing out.
• Bend the elbows coming back to the end of your bicep curl, then straighten the arms coming back to the starting position to complete one rep.
• Perform two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Single-Leg Scarecrow

Challenge your sense of balance while shaping the shoulders and upper back.
• Stand on your left leg, and lift your right knee up until it is level with your hip. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, raise your arms out to the side until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees.
• Maintaining a strong sense of balance, rotate your upper arms forward to bring your fists to the floor; then rotate the upper arm backward to bring the fists up. Do not lower or raise your upper arms; keep them parallel to the floor. This completes one rep.
• Do 10 reps, then switch legs lifting the left leg up, and stand on the right foot for another 10 reps to complete the set.
• Complete another set.

Lateral Arm Raise

Here's a basic yet effective move to target the shoulders.
• Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand so your palms face in toward the sides of your body.
• Start with the right side first. With control, keep your arm straight (but don't lock that elbow) and as you inhale, raise your right hand up toward the ceiling. You want your palm to be facing down and your arm to be parallel to the floor. Then as you exhale, slowly lower your hand back to your body. You should be able to see your hand in your peripheral vision. Your arm won't be directly out to the side but slightly forward.
• Do the same move with your left arm.
• Then do both your right and left arms at the same time.
• Continue these moves of right, left, together, right, left, together, for a total of two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Pilates Boxer

This move will target your entire arm, especially the triceps.
• Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Bend your elbows behind you, keeping your upper arms even with your back.
• Bend your knees to come into a half squat while creasing at your hips so your spine is almost parallel to the floor. Keep your spine neutral with the pelvis and head forming one long line.
• As you exhale, simultaneously extend your right arm straight out in front of you and the left arm straight behind you. Rotate both wrists so your front palm is down and your back palm is up.
• With control, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This completes one rep.
• Do 10 to 12 reps on each arm, and repeat for two to three sets.

Reverse Lunge and Press

This shoulder-shaping move will also target the thighs and butt.
• Stand with your feet together, holding the weights at your shoulders with your palms facing out.
• Step your left foot back coming into a lunge, making 90-degree angles with your front and back knee.
• Push off your left foot, bringing your left knee forward so it is even with your left hip, while raising your arms above your head. Do this motion with control.
• Without touching the floor with your left foot, step back into the lunge to start your second rep.
• To complete one set, do 10 to 12 reps, then switch legs.
• Repeat for one or two more sets.

Skull Crushers

No more bat wings! Tone those triceps with this move.
• Grab a set of dumbbells, and start by lying on your back with the knees bent.
• With one dumbbell in each hand, raise your arms so they are above your chest, making sure your elbows are straight but not locked.
• Slowly lower both arms toward your head, bending your elbows to 90 degrees as the dumbbells reach the mat. Aim to lower your dumbbells so they are on either side of your head, elbows bent and pressing in toward your head.
• Lift your arms back to starting position. This is one rep.
• Complete two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Lying Chest Fly

This move looks relaxing, but it'll give your chest a little lift.
• Lie on your back with your hips and knees both at 90-degree angles. Using your low abs, press your lower back into the mat. Raise your arms toward the ceiling, palms facing each other, keeping the elbow joint slightly bent.
• Keeping your torso stable, open your arms out to the sides until your elbows are about two inches from the floor.
• Raise your arms back to the ceiling, bringing the weights together over your chest. This counts as one rep.
• Perform two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Do this 12 exercises twice.

Let me know what you think.

Have a great week. <3<3




  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Getting my steps in before we go to the gym. We haven't been in two weeks...ugh! It's going to be a tough one.

    Back later.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    edited February 2015
    K@thy glad to see you are picking yourself up one day at a time. I am next to you all the way. Doing a Walking Dead challenge. I love the show.

    Chris you will be needing DH to give you a full body rub by tomorrow. You are going to be hurting. But what a great feeling! :D Love the challenge, will do it tomorrow. :D

    Got in 30 minutes of cardio. Off to bed.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Workout was great! I really missed going. I'll be doing our challenge tomorrow too.

    Done for today!


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    I'm also doing the challenge on Tuesday after work...I think it's going to be good.

    Shelly - Walking Dead is one of Ron's favorite shows as well...

    Chris - glad you enjoyed being back at the gym.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Can't do the challenge...rest day...every muscle in my body is sore!! :s I will work on doing it tomorrow if I'm able to sit without thinking about it on the way down!! :# It really is a good feeling! (*)

    Eating has been good two days in a row. That's much better than last week, for sure. Think I'll hit the sack early...read some.

    48 days to go!! Hope I make it without telling someone where to go. :| ,--me with my mouth shut!



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Kathy I take it you are not a fan. And I bet Ron was upset, as am I, about the loss of Tyreese. I was just starting to think he was here to stay. But then they just killed Beth off. Argh!

    Chris we knew you would be sore. Sure hope DH gives you a muscle rub. 48 days. That is fabulous.

    Got the new workouts done and some cardio. It was a good day. Changed out the phosphate reactor also.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Had interviews at work all day but pleased with our choice for the new employee. Have been doing okay this week with my treadmill running and my weights. Taking it easy this am but will work on challenge when I get home.
    My husband love Walking Dead. I love other gruesome things (Bones Tv show) but can't get into the zombie thing. I let him enjoy it.
  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    Hi all! I have been taking a couple days off. "Resting" if you will. If you can call running after a crazy almost 3 year old resting lol. I had a bit of a scare on Saturday which led me to the Dr.'s on Monday. Some bleeding some pain. Everything is good though. Baby looks great, healthy heartbeat. Everything else checked out who knows what happened. Could have aggravated something during my run? But I've been cleared to keep up with what I'm doing so that's good too. I hope to get out tomorrow because I'm starting to get antsy.
    Any who.

    Chris that recipe looks awesome I'm definitely going to have to try it. I made a lentil & brown rice soup that is pretty good last night.

    My husband enjoys the walking dead. After the first season I really just couldn't stay into it.
    Glad everyone is getting in their work outs! You all make me feel lazy ;)
    I do love this workout I think I'm going to give it a shot tonight with my smaller weights and see how things go :)
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Fink glad to hear everything was OK. Scary stuff.

    Clara my whole family watches TWD together lol and Bones too

    Chris I need to follow your lead back to the gym, *sigh* when hubby goes to 3rd shift I will be able to go again right after work. Driving together is crimping my style, lol.

    No challenge today but I need to finish up my steps. Went to dinner with hubby and daughter and actually did very well there. However this morning at work when the guys brought in the cake and ice cream bars I CAVED, bad!!!! Oh well you only have a birthday once a year right? ;)

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Completed the challenge...love it. Went to my 7 year old godson's basketball game.

    Headed to bed.

    Good night
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Kat...glad everything is okay.

    Lynnette...when does DH go to 3rd shift? Boy, howdy...I really disliked it when my DH did shift work. To the gym with you!!

    Kathy...good job. Was the game good? Are they cute? Seems the ball is bigger then they are!

    No challenge but I grabbed Bean as soon as I got home and we went out for a fast hard walk! It was great and they sun stayed in the sky for us!!!!! I'm still sore for Monday!

    I got 15,200 steps done and 7.73 miles. It was a good afternoon. Off early tomorrow and have holidays Friday and next Monday, so I should get a bunch done!

    48 days to go.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Not getting home and collapsing until 9pm last couple of dazed days. Ate two bagels today, ugh! Thk gdness they're gone!

    Gonna check out the exercises on youtube tonight. they look fun! anything that warns about a burn is good. :bigsmile:

    Couldn't get into twd but love bones and am taping grimm to watch during rehab.

    :flowerforyou: paula
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Kat...glad everything is okay.

    Lynnette...when does DH go to 3rd shift? Boy, howdy...I really disliked it when my DH did shift work. To the gym with you!!

    Kathy...good job. Was the game good? Are they cute? Seems the ball is bigger then they are!

    No challenge but I grabbed Bean as soon as I got home and we went out for a fast hard walk! It was great and they sun stayed in the sky for us!!!!! I'm still sore for Monday!

    I got 15,200 steps done and 7.73 miles. It was a good afternoon. Off early tomorrow and have holidays Friday and next Monday, so I should get a bunch done!

    48 days to go.



    Chris, yes they are so cute and so serious. They really go after the ball. My godson's team is undefeated...I think 8-0 and headed to the playoffs. It's so fun to watch...
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Happy belated birthday Lynette!
    Wound up drinking wine and not working out last night. Had an aggravating day at work. We have these automatic sliding glass doors for the public entrance. They're not consistently opening and closing. Waiting for repair guys to come and hoping I don't have to station a staff member to act as a doorperson today.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Lynette Happy Birthday also. Glad you have such wonderful co-workers!

    I did my challenge last night and some treadmill. But was to tired to post.

    48 days WOOHOO Chris. Makes me want to sing 48 bottles of beer on the wall! :D

    Paula my hubby loves Bones. I try not to watch cop shows. Almost like still being at work! :)

    Kathy teach them little darling to play tennis next. That could be fun. B)

    Clara I hate them doors. I just know someday I will be trapped in a building because of them. And escalators, their the worst! :#

    Well back to work with me.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Did my running challenge yesterday so that was good. Off today so I'll be going to the gym, once I take my cat, Molly, to the vet for her annual checkup. I'll see if I can post a picture of Molly for ya'll. 1hn4vrheho8s.jpg

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Cute kitty!!

    Walked with bean yesterday for almost 3 miles...the sun was pretty hot for him. Walked with DH and Bean this morning for 4 miles. It was beautiful!! Then cleaned house.

    Gym tomorrow with DD...maybe??...and then walking Bean.

    Hope everyone is doing great!!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Four day weekend and each one booked - no rest for the wicked :innocent: or for me either. :laugh:

    I was on track yesterday but went haywire today. Keep thinking "I'll be good tomorrow" - but now I need to make tomorrow happen. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Not that easy... :cry:

    Clara, Molly is beautiful. You'll have to teach me how to do pictures sometime. I'm in awe of all you tech masters. :blush:

    Chris, Cleaning counts as double points! 47 days!?

    :flowerforyou: Paula
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Paula...since I dislike housecleaning so much, I'll take the extra points! 46 days now!!

    Walked with DH and Bean for 4 miles early this afternoon. Need to shop and make the Peanut Soup. DH asked for more peanut butter in the next batch. I can do that!! Will have to see how the afternoon goes to see what else I get done.

    B) <-- beautiful today!!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    edited February 2015
    Chris, I love peanut sauce - mine is just peanut butter, soy sauce, rice vinegar and water. Over cauliflower, rice, chicken, anything. Yum! :bigsmile:

    We've been saving stuff for the gardener to haul away and he's coming tomorrow already, eek! :noway: So today DH & I spent 1.5 hours hauling broken clay pots, rotted pic-a-nic tables, branches, lumber, electrical cords, boxes and a cabinet out to the curb. :heart:day w/hubbie

    That should count as both an upper body workout and "getting rid of a bag a week" spring cleaning challenge. In fact my body and DH say it should count for the next month's worth. :laugh: ow ow ow ow ow! :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Paula
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    LOL, I had to laugh when I heard you say you hate house cleaning Chris. Muahaha :D

    Clara Molly is so cute. But then I love kitties. I know I mention my boys and fish the most. But it is because I walk the boys, and work with the fish all the time. My kitty Crash sits with me all the time in the evening. Close your eyes and imagine this. I am typing on my kindle on here to you all. Crash has one arm pinned, he is laying on it and is head butting me! Yep, it is a wonder I get anything done. I brush him every night since he has long hair.

    Paula you have a gardener! I am so envious. Yep, the work counts.

    I also have had 4 days off this weekend. But been so busy. Today was great. Breakfast with friends. Oscar to the groomer, he had dental work yesterday so missed his scheduled groom. Oscar and Joey both have ear infections. :'(:'( Then to the park for their walk. We went to a hardware store for a paint pan so hubby could start painting. I saw a statue of two squirrels on a tree branch. Oak leaves and acorns. It was concrete, about 16 inches tall. Rocky bought it for me. <3<3 I will have to paint it. Then to a movie. And then gin and tonic in the hot tub. Great day. I even got our work out done, only once. LOL

    Happy Valentines to all my friends. :blush:

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a good, and even productive Valentines Day. We went to a Lunar New Year Festival at the Chinese Community Center. Saw lots of traditional dance, lion and dragon dances and went to eat dim sum. Lots of calories!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Getting my hair cut this morning...should be worth at least 2 1/2 pounds...bwahahahhah! all of my hair doesn't even weigh that much...then DH and I will be walking Bean...then I'll be getting our exercises done and making sure I get all me steps in.

    I made the Peanut Stew yesterday. I had to go buy a bigger pot because DH wanted me to double the chard and the peanut butter. The bigger pot does not fit in the fridge, but the chard cooks down so I was able to transfer the stew to the older pot. Everything worked out just right!! It turned out so good!

    I'll be back later. It is beautiful this morning. I love it! Except for the drought part.

    B) <--California sunshine!!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    edited February 2015
    Chris, I have a MAC (mutual assistance community) potluck tonight and made a version of your stew using left-overs (cauliflower instead of swiss chard) and it is so yummy! Mmmmm! Would have loved the chicken but added wild rice instead to be vegan so everyone could partake. Thank you.

    Today, swept deck, then curls, rows, flys, extensions. Avoiding body weight on legs so doing lifts and kicks instead of squats & lunges.

    :sunglasses: <--What Chris said.

    Shelley - I gave my husband a :heart: card yesterday showing two silly squirrels with their mouths full. Inside it said "you make me feel warm and fuzzy" (I added the "nutty" comment). Your statue sounds nice. I love oaks & acorns too - they feel magical. :heart_eyes: [we don't really have a gardner but are thinking of hiring this fellow to mow the yard once a month - cuz we're getting old and our bones are all crotchetty]

    Clara, Dim sum and dragons, yum and fun!!!

    :flowerforyou: Paula
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Clare that sounded wonderful! So fun.

    Chris I often wonder how much my hair weighs. I have lots of it. And it is thick. Hmmm, weight loss I think? o:) here is hoping for some rain your way. Have fun.

    Paula they will love your version of Chris's soup. We both must of been thinking of squirrels. They are so cute. I just wish they were not so destructive. But I still love them. I lived in New Jersey when I was little. I always loved oaks and acorns after that.

    Rest day today. Other than laundry and some sheet rocking.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Hi everyone. My BFF had her grandsons (my Godsons) this weekend. Had a very good time with them. The youngest who just turned 1 is so active and curious. He will not sit down so I got some steps in.

    Also, I weighed in this morning and had a good loss. Onederland is within reach. I can't wait. It gets me closer to my birthday goal.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. We have been freezing here (-8, feels like -23). Needless to say I have been deep couch sitting today. I did get all of our taxes done though so that's a BIG plus to being cooped up.

    Hubby goes to 3rd in like three weeks or so. I worked it for 11yrs when our daughter was little and felt like a zombie the entire time. Loved being able to be home with her all day though.

    Clara Your kitty is precious!

    We have already booked our summer vacation in Ocean City for August so I have a goal to accomplish before then.

    Daughter has chosen Slippery Rock so back down we go for Accepted Students Day this coming Saturday. Sure hope it warms up some by then, brrrrrrr.........

    Keep warm ladies

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    edited February 2015
    Kathy, Onederland for you - so exciting! Yeah!!

    Shelley, Some sheet rocking = not = rest day! You silly girl!!

    Lynnette - Stay Warm!
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Kathy, congratulations!
    Upset tummy today so taking it easy. may either not go to work or may come home early???
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Paula sheet rocking is my idea of fun. My exercise room is almost finished now. I never did the ceiling since my workout partner was tall. Now she is gone so I wanted it done. Had to stop though. We luckily remembered that we would be adding extra supports under the addition for the new tank. And it would not happen if we closed up all the ceiling. :o So I will be doing that with hubby next weekend!

    Kathy playing follow the leader with one year olds so suits you. And wonderland is you! :D keep going, whatever you are doing is working! B)

    Lynette that is cold! Daughter chose! Slippery Rock, refresh my memory on that one. We just did our taxes last Thursday. It is going to turn into a beautiful tank. Still waiting for the new price for the stand with my alterations. All the fish are doing great.

    Clara hope you feel better soon. o:)

    Walked the boys in the snow today. Poor Joey had snow packing his pads. So I ended up carrying him the last leg.

    Night all.
