Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • lulufee317537
    lulufee317537 Posts: 50 Member
    Rica03 wrote: »
    denabbot1 wrote: »
    Cool group! I want a twin too!!
    I live in Canada
    Age: 41
    Height: 5"9
    Highest Weight: 190 (January 1st 2015)
    Current Weight: 181(Heading in the right direction)
    Goal Weight: 149 (my 6 years ago "divorce weight")
    I wanna feel pretty and sexy again :(

    Hi! We are sooo very close! :smiley:
    I am 39
    5'9 3/4"
    HW 180
    CW 175
    Goal 155-160

    Struggling to lose right now, working out like a maniac diet is mostly good. Have issues with my thyroid.

    Hi y'all. Looks like we're all in the same-ish boat.

    age - 36
    height - 5'10"
    current weight - 185 lb 30% fat
    highest weight - 205
    lowest weight - 150
    GOAL weight - 165 20-25% fat


  • niskmom
    niskmom Posts: 32 Member
    This is just what I've been looking for.

    age - 55
    height - 5'4"
    current weight - 144.5 lb 20% fat
    highest weight - 144.5
    lowest weight - 112
    GOAL weight - 112

    I gained a bunch of weight this past year, after knee surgery. I just can't seem to get motivated. Would love a mfp twin to help get me on track again.

  • happymom92092
    happymom92092 Posts: 17 Member
    Ejwelton wrote: »
    Here's me

    Age 42

    HW 155
    CW 138
    GW 135

    Was there before my holiday last month and gradually getting back to it.

    We are pretty close!

    Age 42
    Mom of two - 13 & 9

    HW 160 (two pregnancies thru Thanksgiving and Christmas was tough!)
    CW 139
    GW 135-130

    You can find me at happymom92092
  • happymom92092
    happymom92092 Posts: 17 Member
    jansago wrote: »
    Hi! I'm new. Haven't seen my twin yet! ( well at least in the last 10 pages.... )

    Age: 40
    HW: 155
    GW: 130

    I should have started with these recent posts & I replied to a 2012 post :blush:

    I'm pretty close
    Age: 42
    HW: 160
    GW: 130

    Mom of two - 13 & 9
    - play soccer twice a week, but find it tough to fit in much more with work, the kid's schedules and other commitments. Would be great to find a buddy!
  • happymom92092
    happymom92092 Posts: 17 Member
    Jeanniekal wrote: »
    Age 45
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 155
    CW: 136
    GW: 133 - current weight goal, Subject to change when I get there! ;)

    We are close...
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 160-post pregnancy
    CW: 139
    GW: 133 - current weight goal, maybe 130! But I agree, my goal is also "Subject to change when I get there!"
  • allisonwhitstine
    allisonwhitstine Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hey ya'll :wink:
    27 years
    Height: 5'6" ish
    HW: 175 (day I gave birth to my second son 9/12)
    LW:110 (too thin)
    CW: 126
    GW:120, want to get lean and toned more than anything!
  • markiemichelex3
    markiemichelex3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm a bride-to-be for June 2016 and want to make sure I look great in my dress which I bought in Oct. which means no gaining weight, losin some weight and toning. I just started at a gym and would love advise on a good circuit routine. :).

    Age 27
    Heaviest weight 155lb
    Current weight 150.4lb
    Lowest weight 115lb
    Goal weight 120-125lb.
    Height 5' 5"

    Activity level is mostly sedentary m-f during the days due to a desk job.

  • chelseabench
    chelseabench Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, hope I find my twin! :)
    I'm 23
    Heaviest weight: 120
    Current weight: 112
    Goal: 105
    Don't really care too much about weight just want to be toned and maybe have some abs ;)
  • Lil_Northern_Light
    Lil_Northern_Light Posts: 3,529 Member
    kls13la wrote: »
    Here's me:

    Age: 38
    HW: 146
    CW: 125

    I'm at goal, and am just maintaining now, and would love some more friends in the same boat. It's been a little difficult switching over into maintenance mode.

    HW: 136
    CW: 127
    GW: 122

    I'm pretty close
    Age: 37
    HW 142
    CW: 122
    GW: 120 with more muscle tone
  • MizzzFit
    MizzzFit Posts: 11 Member
    aarilynn wrote: »

    I'm 5'6'
    Heaviest Prior to MFP: 175-180 (back in 2006 ... kinda weird for me to admit these days)
    CW: ~134
    Goal : around 130... really just trying to lose the stubborn fat.
    Struggling to lose any type of weight/inches though, maybe lost .5 at the waist and .5 of a pound since May :sad: .. it'd be great to find others to stay motivated...feel free to add me. :)

    Aarilynn, we're pretty close!

    I'm 5'7
    Heaviest 175-180 around 2006-2008
    CW- 140
    GW - 130
    Also just trying to tone and lose fat. I'm generally happy with my shape and size and the scale doesn't really matter.
    Also struggling to lose the fat, mostly tummy and thighs!
  • MizzzFit
    MizzzFit Posts: 11 Member
    Jeanniekal wrote: »
    Age 45
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 155
    CW: 136
    GW: 133 - current weight goal, Subject to change when I get there! ;)

    We are close...
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 160-post pregnancy
    CW: 139
    GW: 133 - current weight goal, maybe 130! But I agree, my goal is also "Subject to change when I get there!"

    hey ladies!

    Im close to you both..

    HW 175-180
    CW 140
    GW 130ish

    My main focus isn't on the weight but more to tone and losing the fat that just doesn't want to leave me! ;)
  • shiro_anz
    shiro_anz Posts: 3 Member
    kekevela wrote: »
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 157
    LW: 112
    CW: 138
    GW: 115-120

    Perhaps you are my twin?

    Age: 22

    Height 5'5"

    Current BF: 29%
    Goal BF:22%

  • shiro_anz
    shiro_anz Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5ft 4in
    Highest weight 143
    Goal 125
    Current 140
    I just started out. Age 25

    You sound a lot like me, can I add you? I just need to understand what I'm doing wrong, I've weighed the same for the last 5 years or so:


    HW: 145

  • Canuckette
    Canuckette Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Age: 42

    HW: 124
    CW: 123
    LW: 114
    GW: 118

    Goals: I gained 6 lbs in about 6 months after being the same weight for decades (barring pregnancies). Clothes don't fit as well...I also want to tone my arms, abs and legs.
  • vanillaorange2
    vanillaorange2 Posts: 63 Member
    Age: 36
    Height 5'7
    HW: 150
    CW: 137
    Goal 130

    Trying to loose that last 5-10 pounds, and mostly tone up for spring and summer.
    Wanting to fit back into my skinny jeans and be bikini ready for the beach and the lake :)
  • FighterGal86
    FighterGal86 Posts: 5 Member

    Heaviest: 155
    Goal: 135

    I can see my top 4 abs on a daily basis. I need to start upping my cardio and stop baking so many f'in cakes. I need to get under 135 for a fight in February. I would love any advice from any of the females!

    I think we may be twins!
    Heaviest: 155
    CW: 140ish
    Goal: 130

    Can also see top abs... also into MMA (not a fighter myself but I am super lucky and get to train with some pros)... would love to keep each other accountable! I might be able to give some advice (lol it's following it that's tough for me!!)...
  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    Height 5'6
    Heaviest 176
    Current 168
    Goal 135

    My weight is higher than a lot of others who posted, but I am not horribly fluffy :-) I am strong and pretty well proportioned. Would love an accountability partner for weight loss and/or fitness. Currently working toward an Olympic Distance Tri, but also I do strength training in circuit, P90x and whatever class tickles my fancy at the gym to mix things up! Would love more MFP friends who really want to work hard so send me a request if you like!
  • Azathera
    Azathera Posts: 48 Member
    Ok, here is me:
    - 33 years old, 5'4
    - 130 after pregnancy
    - 124 currently
    - 116 my goal, my pre-pregnancy weight

    I did martial arts for 11 years and stopped 5 years ago when I moved to Canada because I couldn't find a club I liked. I still practice on my own, but not as often. I am strong and pretty well proportioned if not for the extra baby fat on my tummy and back. I don't like to lift weights, I just don't enjoy it and I don't like to run on the treadmill.
  • Ok I am 28 yrs old, no kids.
    Heaviest 132
    Current 127
    Goal 113


    You're the closest to my twin it seems!

    28 (29 in March), 2 kiddos
    Heaviest: 150-ish, prego with my last kid, who is now 8
    Current: 128
    Goal: 113-115

    I run using a HIIT program 3x week, with long paced runs on Sat. Yoga and strength training 2x week. Food is my biggest weakness. :neutral_face:
  • CatFrogPanda
    CatFrogPanda Posts: 45 Member
    Age 23
    Hight 5ft4
    Current weight 134
    Highest weight 135
    Lowest weight 117 (four years ago)
    Goal weight 119 (8st7)