U.S.A to change cholesterol guidelines

punchgut Posts: 210 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
For those of you not paying attention, the United States is preparing to change their guidelines regarding dietary cholesterol. They are finally admitting that dietary cholesterol does not affect serum cholesterol, but if you've looked into the research you know this already.


Next up... Saturated fat.

Also, research is starting to clearly show that a low carbohydrate high fat diet is more affective for weight loss and improving cardiac scores.


But wait, there's more... The Energy Balance Consortium Study is underway with some of the biggest scientists in the nutrition and health fields to answer finally if it's CICO or if it depends on the types of macronutrients. This is a major study combining some of the largest biomedical research facilities in the U.S. and the brightest people. And early results are starting to indicate that CICO isn't always correct. But we all knew that already.

Go read more about the study and the people doing the research.



  • MiRatlhed
    MiRatlhed Posts: 168 Member
    edited February 2015
    I saw that on the news today and even when good evidence comes out they still put a couple staples of a good diet in the "bad" column. I am glad this is finally coming out. I am so tired of hearing about "whole grains" and "fat free". Enough already

  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    When I saw the cholesterol news bit I told my husband this is addressed in paleo, glad to see the media taking notice but guess what, the CICO and low-fat SADieters will fight it tooth and nail.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Yup, but nothing will change with all the "total cholesterol" testing that leads to such wide statin use. Too many billions in profits at risk there so cholesterol is still going to be the bad guy. And even with this change people are still going to hang onto the belief. Examples: butter and eggs. Many people are still avoiding them even though the gig has been up for years and years.

    High fat/low carb is a healthy diet for most of us, especially for resolving metabolic disease.... which IS most of us in developed countries.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    The greater danger in this regard, these experts believe, lies not in products such as eggs, shrimp or lobster, which are high in cholesterol, but in too many servings of foods heavy with saturated fats, such as fatty meats, whole milk, and butter.
    Moreover, some experts warned that people with particular health problems, such as diabetes, should continue to avoid cholesterol-rich diets.


    Well...it's a start, at least.
    “The U.S. is the last country in the world to set a specific limit on dietary cholesterol,” said David Klurfeld, a nutrition scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Some of it is scientific inertia.”

    *more facepalm*
    Some of it is political and media inertia.

    Fixed that for you.
    “The reason for the difference -- why does one animal fall apart on the cholesterol diet -- seemed like something that could be figured out,” Rudel said. “That was 40 or so years ago. We still don’t know what explains the difference.”

    Because feeding a cholesterol rich diet to an animal (rabbit) that was never intended to consume such foods has absolutely nothing to do with it...

    The fact that they're puzzled that an herbivore would react differently to such a diet than a meat-leaning omnivore is astounding...

    Like I said, it's a start, at least.

    Oh, and damn me for taking the bait of the militant vegan troll in the comments....
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    This is good news, if it happens. I will be watching for all the back peddling from so many groups out there supporting this slow suicide approach to health and eating. The blame game is a hoot to watch. The CICO group has the most to lose if you ask me; they truly do not believe in nutrition just bad math.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    This is good news, if it happens. I will be watching for all the back peddling from so many groups out there supporting this slow suicide approach to health and eating. The blame game is a hoot to watch. The CICO group has the most to lose if you ask me; they truly do not believe in nutrition just bad math.

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