3pound weight gain. Give me some perspective please.

RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
Hey everyone,

I'm not freaking out about this but I am starting to become a bit worried. I have gained a pound a day since Tuesday. I admit I weigh myself daily but I try and only concern myself with the 7th day. I hope that makes sense.

Well today is my 7th day. 7 days ago I was 3 pounds lighter than today and I understand that weighloss isn't linear and that I haven't eaten 3,500 calories over maintenance each of these days so I'm wondering if perhaps I'm eating too much sodium or something and I'm retaining water?

I've been testing my blood for ketosis the last three days and each time I'm at .07. I'm not sure why I can't hit optimal ketosis so yesterday and today I'm trying to make adjustments. I set my macros by what the Keto Calculator had given to me .

A bit TMI is I'm not having regular bowel movements so there is that. Yesterday I did but still weighed in at nearly 2 pounds heavier than I have been. Could this be the issue?

I've been drinking a lot of water as well.

My diary should be open . Any ideas what maybe going on. I'm starting to get concerned and thought perhaps some of you experienced people can give me ideas as to what to look for or maybe it's just something I need to wait out.


  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Hi Rena,

    I took a look at your diary. The first couple of things that pop out at me are when you exercise you are way below your calorie goal, i.e., Monday you netted only 868 calories. So your body could be retaliating and holding on to your calories if you do that consistently. I also noticed that you eat a lot of processed foods, hence the very high sodium levels. Sodium is not necessarily bad but some folks are sensitive to it.

    Why Walden Farms? I think that a real fat would be a better option, like olive oil and vinegar or similar on your salads.

    Just a couple of things. Maybe some others will have other/better suggestions.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    edited February 2015
    ToM, maybe? Lots of women see increases during their cycle.

    Three pounds would also get chalked up to a daily variance, as most of us can fluctuate (for no reason) up to 5 lbs a day.

    You say you try to only concern yourself with your 7th day weigh in, but that's not working for you if you continue to weigh daily. Do you also take measurements and pay attention to how your body looks and clothes fit?

    I guess I would just suggest to take a deep breath, accept the frustration, but let it go. Three lbs can (and probably also will) drop within a day also.

    Good luck.
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    SOOZIE429 wrote: »
    Hi Rena,

    I took a look at your diary. The first couple of things that pop out at me are when you exercise you are way below your calorie goal, i.e., Monday you netted only 868 calories. So your body could be retaliating and holding on to your calories if you do that consistently. I also noticed that you eat a lot of processed foods, hence the very high sodium levels. Sodium is not necessarily bad but some folks are sensitive to it.

    Why Walden Farms? I think that a real fat would be a better option, like olive oil and vinegar or similar on your salads.

    Just a couple of things. Maybe some others will have other/better suggestions.

    Thanks Soozie

    I'm eating Walden Farms because I like the taste of their thousand island dressing. I like thousand island dressing but it's high in carbs. I figured this would be a better option to get my dressing plus avoiding the carbs. I slacked this week but last week I was also adding olive oil to my salads in addition to the Walden Farms to get that good fat so I'll start doing that again. In fact today I have a container of olive oil to do that. I'll cut down on the Walden and up the Olive oil. I'll also try and wean myself into liking Olive Oil only.

    Thanks for the perspective also regarding processed foods. I didn't think I was eating too much of it but I'll try and eliminate more of them and see how it goes.

    Regarding the under calorie goal due to exercise. Things just got really, really busy those days and it's not a regular thing. I usually eat at least within my calorie goal . I did wonder if perhaps those two - three days could have been what was impacting things.

    Thank You!!

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Girl, if I could take a picture of my weight measurement chart for the last 30 days and send it to you, I would. It looks like a crazy week at the stock market. And yes, not going #2 for a while will make a HUGE impact on your weigh in. Plus, I can't remember how far in you are, but there are periods of time where your body will hold onto some water and such to continue converting to your new energy engine. I seem to remember day 7, 14, 28, etc. Today is my day 29, and I have been up and down like crazy. As long as you are still feeling good and all that jazz, I wouldn't worry much.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Probably just a temporary fluctuation...possibly related to your menstrual cycle????
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Girl, if I could take a picture of my weight measurement chart for the last 30 days and send it to you, I would. It looks like a crazy week at the stock market. And yes, not going #2 for a while will make a HUGE impact on your weigh in. Plus, I can't remember how far in you are, but there are periods of time where your body will hold onto some water and such to continue converting to your new energy engine. I seem to remember day 7, 14, 28, etc. Today is my day 29, and I have been up and down like crazy. As long as you are still feeling good and all that jazz, I wouldn't worry much.

    LOL Thank You. I try to think of this logically but logic wasn't winning here. This has been working for me and I do feel good on this.
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    Probably just a temporary fluctuation...possibly related to your menstrual cycle????

    Not yet and it's hard to tell since I have PCOS but if things work out it should be coming this coming Monday. Maybe it's PMS.

  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    DAM5412 wrote: »
    ToM, maybe? Lots of women see increases during their cycle.

    Three pounds would also get chalked up to a daily variance, as most of us can fluctuate (for no reason) up to 5 lbs a day.

    You say you try to only concern yourself with your 7th day weigh in, but that's not working for you if you continue to weigh daily. Do you also take measurements and pay attention to how your body looks and clothes fit?

    I guess I would just suggest to take a deep breath, accept the frustration, but let it go. Three lbs can (and probably also will) drop within a day also.

    Good luck.

    I do weigh daily but what I actually chart is my 7th day if that makes any sense. I know so many people say to only weigh in once a week so If I gain on my 3, 4th, 5th etc day I chalk it up to fluctuation and hope by day 7 things have evened out.

    Thanks for the advice about deep breaths :) I'm really not trying to be too concerned about this. Just each day going up a pound and saying the same things to myself (e.g water retention, no #2 , a bit high in carbs , whatever .. ) wasn't working so hearing it from others does help.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member

    Yeah! @RenaTX, here's the chart. Hope you can see it!
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Doing the same here. Weight all over the place. I tell hubby every morning the up or down. He just shakes his head but keeps reminding me I am still continuing to slide down every time I hit a bit lower down before it goes up again and it never goes back much more then 2 to 3 pounds. I do not understand it when people talk of the cells changing but I am sure this is what is happening. Just know you are not alone RenaTX
  • lizpitts
    lizpitts Posts: 67 Member
    My weight fluctuates a lot. For that reason I weigh every day then average it for the week.
  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    You are not alone. I'm 3 1/2 weeks into a stall or whatever that has me up and down about 3 pounds. I can come up with a myriad of reasons, many already mentioned, but it still can get to me. I'm pretty comfortable I'm following plan, I weigh and measure, log and pre-log, double check nutrition info on MFP (there is alot of wrong info) but I've doubled up the attention to everything and am just hanging in. Am about to travel for a week and am not looking forward to what that brings...sigh.
  • oyadancing
    oyadancing Posts: 91 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hang in there, you'll get through this! :smile: You are not alone.

    This time last year, I didn't know much except that I wasn't sure I was doing it right. And I was scared most of all that *nothing* would happen, the non-moving scale meant I was doing it wrong. None of that was true.

    First off, the scale lies. All the time. Don't give it more credence than it deserves. Don't let it judge you as successful or not.

    Second, please do measure yourself weekly, and record it, bust, underbust, natural waist, hips. I know it seems strange to think you might be getting smaller while the scale claims you have the same if not more mass, but you are shrinking, I have no doubt of that.

    Lastly, try not to stress out about weight - huh, I hate when someone tells me not to stress out LOL - but stress interferes with weight loss; and that's a stupid catch 22. Enjoy your meals. Get your rest. Take care of yourself. Allow yourself to be proud of yourself. You're going against the SAD grain (ha! pun not intended), that makes you a smart and amazing person who is taking change of your health.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I weigh every day too. Partly it's because I keep a spreadsheet with data on almost everything you could mention because I love to know *why* everything works the way it does. I'm finding that LCHF is less predictable in outcome than the old 'calorie model', but am still bearing with it. I feel better that's for sure! My actual stomach measurement (I measure the fattest part only, but sticking out casually, as well as pulled in) is only changing very slowly too, yet my pants stay on my waist now instead of keep tucking under my belly, so there must be changes! I'm on Day 22 so, the same as you, still finding what macros work best for me. We just have to let go of the wish to lose 15 lbs a week and relax into seeing what works best, even when there seem to be days on end 'wasted' in trial and error. Trust me, I'm speaking to me here as well ;)

    I also weigh every day so that if I only weighed on Saturdays (for example) and had a nice drop on Thursday but a rise on Fri/Sat I wouldn't have known about the drop! It's good to know exactly what's going on.

    Sleep is one thing that hasn't been mentioned yet. Given 2 identical days food, 1 good night's sleep and 1 terrible (or too-short) night, I can almost guarantee that the morning after the good sleep you will weigh less than the bad/short night.

    Here's hoping that we both have a decent loss soon to boost our encouragement :smiley:
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Yeah! @RenaTX, here's the chart. Hope you can see it!

    Thank You so much!
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    oyadancing wrote: »
    Hang in there, you'll get through this! :smile: You are not alone.

    This time last year, I didn't know much except that I wasn't sure I was doing it right. And I was scared most of all that *nothing* would happen, the non-moving scale meant I was doing it wrong. None of that was true.

    First off, the scale lies. All the time. Don't give it more credence than it deserves. Don't let it judge you as successful or not.

    Second, please do measure yourself weekly, and record it, bust, underbust, natural waist, hips. I know it seems strange to think you might be getting smaller while the scale claims you have the same if not more mass, but you are shrinking, I have no doubt of that.

    Lastly, try not to stress out about weight - huh, I hate when someone tells me not to stress out LOL - but stress interferes with weight loss; and that's a stupid catch 22. Enjoy your meals. Get your rest. Take care of yourself. Allow yourself to be proud of yourself. You're going against the SAD grain (ha! pun not intended), that makes you a smart and amazing person who is taking change of your health.

    Great advice. I got off measuring myself a while back and that's really what matters over my weight in general to me. Thank You so much!
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    Everyone I really appreciate the encouragement and the perspective about this. Thank you! I can't tell you how much this all means to me. *hugs* to all of you great people.