Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, February 9th - 15th



  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    edited February 2015
    I think I have shin splints. It sucks. I was still able to walk home, and it wasn't too bad as long as I walked slower. I'm going to get lots of stretching in and hopefully by Sunday, I can take a long walk at the park. I would really hate to begin training with an injury, so I'll take it easy.

    Food is on point this week. I think tomorrow is definitely a pizza kind of day. And I think on Sunday, I might go to some stores and stock up on some chocolate. It's probably the cheapest I can find it all year :smile:

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • astro_katie
    I'm sorry to hear about your splints @jocoblossoming. I would recommend taking it easy coz training/physio with an injury is hard when you can see all your MFP friends getting there workout on and rocking it.

    I'm checking in again because I'm really nervous about 2 things.
    1. Nervous about weigh in tomorrow. I may have had too many treats this week, despite still being under calories. I realized my personal goal of leaving a good deficit of 500-600 was a bit much as I got hungrier towards the end of the week. So I've lowered it to 300 deficit but still struggled with that today. But it could be stress eating because of no.2.
    2. Doctors appointment on Monday will determine what's going to happen with my healing broken leg and tendons. I already have a metal plate and screws but it's too painful to walk without aide and without my Camboot. My foot is in pain and well it could mean other medical complications.

    So yeah, kinda stressing out a bit and trying to stop eating. Just though is get that off my chest here because I didn't want to worry my dad.
    Thanks guys
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your splints @jocoblossoming. I would recommend taking it easy coz training/physio with an injury is hard when you can see all your MFP friends getting there workout on and rocking it.

    I'm checking in again because I'm really nervous about 2 things.
    1. Nervous about weigh in tomorrow. I may have had too many treats this week, despite still being under calories. I realized my personal goal of leaving a good deficit of 500-600 was a bit much as I got hungrier towards the end of the week. So I've lowered it to 300 deficit but still struggled with that today. But it could be stress eating because of no.2.
    2. Doctors appointment on Monday will determine what's going to happen with my healing broken leg and tendons. I already have a metal plate and screws but it's too painful to walk without aide and without my Camboot. My foot is in pain and well it could mean other medical complications.

    So yeah, kinda stressing out a bit and trying to stop eating. Just though is get that off my chest here because I didn't want to worry my dad.
    Thanks guys

    Good luck at weigh in!
  • astro_katie
    Hey all!
    So I weighed in and lost 0.5kgs/1.1lbs. Yay! I am happy with that.
    Still nervous about my docs appointment but I'll let you know.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I had a blah week.....I was just really really tired all week! I slept until almost 1:30pm on Friday, then had to work the late shift, so I could not even plan to eat properly as I did not have enough time between waking up and leaving for work. I literally ate an omelet at 5pm for 'breakfast'.

    Then I slept in Saturday until noon and as a result did not get to sleep until after 2am last I woke up about an hour ago and am forcing myself to stay awake in an attempt to get to bed early tonight and be well rested for the upcoming week....

    Hang in there Katie, you are doing awesome for having an injury like that, a lot of people would use that as an excuse to not do anything! You are doing great!

    Joco - I do not know what shin splints are but that sounds painful! Hope you feel better soon!!
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    Yesterday I attended AMC Theater's Best Picture Showcase part 1. It's where they show all of the movies nominated for Oscar's Best Picture. Four movies in a row (Grand Budapest Hotel, Whiplash, Birdman, & Selma). There is only about 20 minutes between movies so I failed in eating healthy. Popcorn, juby fruits, twizzlers and a metric ton of Diet Coke. Next week I think I'll pack a hard-boiled egg or two and a nutrition bar to feel like I"m doing a little better.
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    FloraJL wrote: »
    Yesterday I attended AMC Theater's Best Picture Showcase part 1. It's where they show all of the movies nominated for Oscar's Best Picture. Four movies in a row (Grand Budapest Hotel, Whiplash, Birdman, & Selma). There is only about 20 minutes between movies so I failed in eating healthy. Popcorn, juby fruits, twizzlers and a metric ton of Diet Coke. Next week I think I'll pack a hard-boiled egg or two and a nutrition bar to feel like I"m doing a little better.

    The movie fest sounds fun! Would be hard not to eat through all that! It will be a good week...good for you for planning ahead!
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    PMS is tough. Can't wait until AF shows and I can go back to my normal appetite.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Good week for me overall, I've determined not to weigh for 2 weeks. Been running alot thus week, 5 x. Did 3 x body exercise. Hydrated 3 x (just missed that one). Good week for me.
    Way to go astro_katie!
    Joco, I've been there. It took me not running for a week ish and then restarting my program (c25k) and redoing the first week 4 times to build up slowly. I realized this program wasn't made for a 330# dude, so I have to take it slower. But you will get there. I believe in you.