Team Daryl



  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Cardio: 815/90
    Strength: 180/60
    Character Challenge: Michonne, Beth, Bob, Tyreese and Walkers
    Calories: 7/7

    #### EXTRAS ####
    Cardio: 725
    Strength: 120

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    edited February 2015
    Kiele I love your posts! Awesome.

    Great job, as always, Dazz on your extras.

    Mary great job anticipating your calories and working harder to stay under.

    Jenn pushups get easy when you stay at them. I once got really good at them. Hang in there. You are doing great.

    While I have not been posting here regularly I have been working out and very busy. I have been cleaning out the clutter in my house. Have to get ready for when the new 140 gallon aquarium arrives. B) Also it was Valentines today. We took a load of clutter to the dump. Took in the theatre. Went hot tubbing. Walked the boys. Lifted some weights and did the rest of our character challenge while hubby painted part of the living room. Very busy.

    Cardio: 150/90
    Strength: 90/60
    Character Challenges: Beth, Bob, Tyreese, Michonne (rough) and Walkers
    Calories: 7/7


    I sure hope everyone posts, not sure where everyone else is. Might have to go find them.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Here's all my crap...

    150/70 cardio
    70/40 strength
    Under on my food every day
    Callange completed!!

    I was going to do the Michonne push-ups but I watched the video and my arms went eff you!! So needless to say I just got the Tyreese one done, my legs still hurt!

    Since I know that we are going to win... My vote for the losing team is 100 burpees and 100 mountain climbers. What do you think?
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    Lol, that is alot of burpees. I love them both. But they have 7 days to do it. :)

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I know!!! *incert evil laugh here*. Maybe 50 and 50 then.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    evil laugh, muahahahaha
  • KiraJade88
    Hey folks! I'm a beginner and Team Daryl! ^_^
    Quick question, as this is my first time doing this.
    Are we supposed to be primarily split into teams by our characters?
    Or are we split into groups such as Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced? It's a bit confusing. Thanks!
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    KiraJade88 wrote: »
    Hey folks! I'm a beginner and Team Daryl! ^_^
    Quick question, as this is my first time doing this.
    Are we supposed to be primarily split into teams by our characters?
    Or are we split into groups such as Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced? It's a bit confusing. Thanks!

    We win based on our level as far as our character our challenges are based on how our character does so if you are a beginner then you win or lose based on the beginners.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    I assumed it was the same as last season. By character. But I can see how it might be either way. So I messaged Cindy for clarification. Will post her answer.

  • xenoa
    xenoa Posts: 106 Member
    Hey guys, sorry for a late introduction, I somehow missed this thread!
    My name is Nina, I'm 32 and live in Croatia. This is my first TWD challenge and I decided to go with the beginner level because I have lower back problems. And now I'm going to do my punishment and get ready to kick some more zombie butt this week!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    I was told by Cindy that it is both. Which still confused me. But then I saw the results. Guess it is not really by character as it was last time. Wish I had been told when I asked about setting up a thread for team Daryl. So if you do not want to post here any longer I totally get it. Daryl is still awesome. And I would still help out any of you no matter your levels.
    Kiele looks like we got burpees. Muahaha

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Be careful what you wish for eh!!! Lol
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    We are primarily split by our level (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Our characters determine what challenge we complete.

    My name is Tiffany by the way. I was excused last week due to a death in the family. I will be participating this week! I'm Team Daryl - Intermediate. This is my second TWD challenge. I have a desk job that makes it almost impossible to keep my fitbit happy! I treadmill almost every day. I hate strength training from home (love it at the gym, but I'm not a member anywhere)! I have been overweight for most of life. I started MFP in late August 2014. I have lost approximately 53lbs (which I think is pretty good considering I did not diet or exercise from Nov 24-Jan 12). Never give up! Oh, and Daryl is H.O.T. :wink:
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Cardio 90/80
    Strength 20/45
    Did the wall push-ups and the punishment!
    I'm going to do the character challenge later this week.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    Tiffany so sorry to hear that. Glad to have you back though. I also use a treadmill often. I workout at home. Have a fairly decent workout area. Bowflex, weight bench, free weights, stepper, dip machine, workout television, bands, aerobic weighted bars, kettle bells. More DVD' s than I could use in a year. I collected them over years. I just do not have time for a gym. 53 pounds lost is awesome. Keep looking for a weight routine you might like.

    Kiele good thing I like burpees. Did we wish for them? Yep, we did. o:) Love your snooze alarm. Lol

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Cardio 120/80
    Strength 43/45
    Been under so far on my calories
    This is what I did for my strength training today... I found it appropriate. Lol
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Daryl Dixon's Earthworm Buckeyes

    1/4 cup nut butter (I like almond)
    2-3 tbsp ground earthworms
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/2 cup vanilla protein powder

    1/2 cup extra dark chocolate

    Combine the first 4 ingredients and make into bite size balls. Chill for 1 hour. Melt chocolate in either a double boiler or in the microwave. Carefully dip the balls into the chocolate leaving the very tops uncovered. Let sit until chocolate hardens.

    Just kidding Daryl Dixon would just eat the worms cause he's MF DARYL DIXON!!!
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    I'm posting this in both spots......
    Unusual lean protein recipe.....we are pretty big hunters in the family, so we have "different" meats that some people would look at us funny for. So here is mine...we have this about once, maybe twice a year, only when pheasant is in season because I don't like to keep the breast in the freezer that long, it is much better fresh.

    I will have issues with the drinking the 8 glasses of water a day. I am not a huge water fan, I usually just drink it during/after my workouts. I will really have to work on this one.

    Team Daryl Challenge:
    My mother (51) had a stroke in June of this past year. She was lucky however and didn't suffer any long term side effects besides slight weakness on her left side. I am the rock in the family of myself, my brother, and my parents. I am the one that makes sure things get done when things like this happen. I don't show emotion because I feel I need to be the "strong" one. So when I got the call, I drove 90 miles to my home town to get my dad and pack things for my mom, drove the 60 miles to the hospital that she was flown to, and talked to the nurses and doctors to find out what room she was in. It wasn't until that night in the hotel room with my husband that I finally let myself break down and cry. The stress of the past few hours had finally hit and I was able to let it all go. Then I was able to calm down and get back to business. It's not really a triumph but, it definitely did help to cry and let it all out.
  • KiraJade88
    Recipe Share:
    Crawfish Deviled Eggs. Somehow I think Daryl would like these. ^_^

    For Team Daryl Challenge: (Personal Story Time!)

    About 8 years ago my brother, age 21, started acting strangely. He became withdrawn, and lost in his head a lot. If you asked him a question, he would just stare off into space. Then 5 minutes later he would ask "what?". Sometimes he would start laughing out loud, or staring too long at himself in the mirror. Occasionally he would say really strange things that didn't make any sense, but if you disagreed with him he would get upset. My mom thought it might be a lot of different things, like lead poisoning, etc. But I think I knew right from the beginning that it was schizophrenia. I remember telling my mom that, and her denial. What mother wants to accept that their son has an as yet incurable mental disorder? I decided I had to stay strong for her. I had to be the strong one to hold the family together. Over the years that followed, I had to be the rock. I had to keep everyone functioning. When my brother was finally diagnosed things finally started improving, but I kept waiting for things to go bad again. I kept holding that fear in, and it caused some severe anxiety. But this past year I've finally realized that life isn't perfect, my brother might never be "normal" but he sure is doing amazingly well. On a good day, you'd never notice anything was wrong with him, and on a bad day, he paces a lot, and laughs at nothing sometimes, but those days are rare. He really is doing remarkably well. Am I still worried he'll get 'sick' again. Of course. But I can't let my fear keep me from living. I need to be responsible for own life first and foremost. ^_^
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Daryl Team Challange

    I'm going to do the best I can to keep this short and simple...
    My "best friend" growing up actually ended up being my abusive relationship. From the age of 10yr old till I was 17yr old I was constantly called fat and ugly by her. She hit me, called me stupid and threatened me that if I ever left her she would ruin my life. I Truly felt like I should be lucky to have someone like her as a friend. A typical abusive relationship though I was clueless at the time. I finally stood up to her and that was that. My life wasn't ruined, she just walked away and I finally found out what real friends were like. Even though we were over I carried around a LOT of hurt and anger over what she had done to me. It started to change me as a person. Almost 5 years later I over heard someone saying that being angry at someone was like taking poison and drinking it yourself. It was time to forgive her. I wrote her a long letter, I was honest yet not harsh. I let her know that it was just as much for me as it was for her. I knew that I had to fix my own music box. I wholeheartedly, totally and completely forgave her. No strings attached. I didn't care what her response was. I didn't need to hear how sorry she was or wasn't. It was the best thing that I could have ever done. The was one of the hardest things I ever had to do, but my music box plays loud and proud now!

    Cardio 150/80
    Strength 40/45
