Final Results

Day 59/60: Going to call the next couple days rest days. I worked out yesterday, when my back was giving me some minor pain, turned it into major pain. This morning it feels like it did yesterday before I worked out, and I couldn't even do my normal lifting kids up at work yesterday afterwards. So I am going to give my body the time it needs to heal. On a positive note, I went ahead and took my progress pictures and measurements and here they are! :)

Combat Day 60: Final Results!
SW: 218, CW: 210
Waist: -6.5 inches
Hips: -3 inches
R arm: - .5 inches (Went down 1 inch in each arm on day 30, and back up half inch in each arm on Day 60. smile emoticon I'll take a half inch of muscle lol)
L arm: -.5 inches
Chest: -2.5 inches
R Thigh: -3 inches
L Thigh: -3 inches
Total Lbs lost: 8 lbs, Total Inches lost: 18 Inches!lujqc9wclfwa.jpg


  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Amazing job girl!! Proud of you for sticking it out, even with the pain. Make sure you submit to the Beachbody Challenge :-)
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    Amazing job girl!! Proud of you for sticking it out, even with the pain. Make sure you submit to the Beachbody Challenge :-)

    Thank you!! And I already did that, you better believe I am getting my t-shirt and hopefully win some money too lol. :) I'll be checking in to see everyone else's results!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I can't wait to get my t-shirt and add it to my collection, too!! ^_^
  • mugglewump701
    mugglewump701 Posts: 116 Member
    Awesome job! You look great - you can really see all those inches you lost! Congratulations on finishing! :)
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    Awesome job! You look great - you can really see all those inches you lost! Congratulations on finishing! :)

    Thank you! :) I am so excited about the inches lost, and am really glad I didn't get too caught up on how slowly the scale was moving. Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing all of your results too!