Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, February 16th - 22nd

Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
Last week and the week before both were hit and miss.....but I finished last week strong and am looking forward to this week.....

My goals for this week again are:

1. Proper morning hydration
2. Post to this thread everyday
3. Log my food six days this week (But still be mindful of what I eat on my day off)
4. Get to the YMCA three times
5. Make my 10 thousand steps every day
6. To blog once this week (on another site)
7. Go to bed by 10pm four nights this week

Here's to making this week better than last :#

What are your goals??

Weekly Mini Goal

Friend someone new on the thread this week! Let's get to know each other!!

BTW, I have a movie lovers group here, and I sent a bunch of invites by PM as I am trying to get that group moving.....I would love if you guys would join, I love movies and some of you must too, lol.
Speaking of which - Flora, how was Selma? I want to see that!!


  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    1. Stick to my calorie limit. I went over today by 200
    2. No chocolate! It spawns hunger for me
    3. Work on my water intake
    4. Survive PMS. It's making my appetite huge.

    I would love some texting buddies!! Sometimes it's just nice to have a little encouragement when I can't log in.

    Weigh in Wednesday
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I am in Canada.....are you? Or are you able to text to Canada?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,620 Member
    well this week I'm trying a new thing, Carb Cycling so tomorrow is a low carb day.
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    I don't think I can to Canada
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    well this week I'm trying a new thing, Carb Cycling so tomorrow is a low carb day.

    Are you doing Heidi and Chris Powells plan?

  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,620 Member
    well this week I'm trying a new thing, Carb Cycling so tomorrow is a low carb day.

    Are you doing Heidi and Chris Powells plan?

    ya a friend told me about it. so this week is going to be one of those weeks
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I have never heard of this.....
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    Extreme weight loss on TV. They do carb cycling.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    I've heard a lot about carb cycling lately. I read an ebook about counting macros vs calories and that was a topic in there ( more like e-pamphlet). It was through ( no judging) this fit chick . Com I think. Yes she caters to women, but it was a resource and I used it. I'm not sorry, or ashamed, or... ok maybe a little, mostly because I'm on her newsletter list which is female orientationted but still it's a good resource for anyone and I'm standing by that.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Skittles keep me posted on the results. I follow Chris on Feb and i have to say he is a hoot. It makes you feel like it's from him and his life not some marketing team like so many other fitness celebs.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Ugh Facebook not feb. Too early. Going back to bed.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,620 Member
    ya I am mostly just doing this two low-carb days in a row and one high carb day, but my high isn't going to be crazy, maybe some potatoes with a meal or rice. and then two low-carb days in a row and another high carb and last day is a free for all, but I don't want to make it a free for all because they I just messed up what I did for the week. I am doing this mostly to help kick a lot of starchy foods. that is my down fall.
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    Goals for the week:
    • 20,000 steps Monday through Friday
    • I'm going for another month of home cooking, so no eating out
    • Leave my desk for both breaks and lunch, even if it's just walking around the block
    • Wake up at 6:00 a.m., so I can get used to my early morning routine by March (I have a horrible time waking up early)

    Less than two weeks until marathon training begins. I am feeling both excited and nervous. I think I'm definitely ready though.

    Last week was a bit rough, but I'm remaining positive.
  • astro_katie
    So I finished on a crappy note last week (healing of the leg is not going well according to dr).

    1. Attend water physio 5 times
    2. No soft drink (soda water is ok)
    3. Do 3 laps of dads backyard a day

    I may add to it and will post when I have more information.
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Last week was terrible and it leaked into yesterday as well. I made terrible food choices and sat at my desk like a lump. Acting like a slug made me feel like a slug, made me act like a slug... and on and on. Time to dust myself off and get back to work.

    This week:
    1. CALORIE GOAL (C'mon, Kim. It isn't that complicated.)
    2. Exercise (Move it or don't lose it.)
    3. Get SOMETHING accomplished every day. (ANYTHING!)
    4. Learn something every day. (If you are going to sit at your desk, make it worthwhile.)
    5. Go to the GYM! (This is too expensive to not use!) (and too important!)

    I know my side comments to myself might sound like I am getting down on myself too much. But, I need to get moving, and they are making me smile, not feel down.

    Side goal - Do something artistic. Feeling like a slug isn't feeding my soul or making the world better or more beautiful.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    so I bought this misfit flash thing that so far I'm a fan of. and I don't like what it's telling me. it says I sleep 3 hours a day. maybe that's my problem with the weight loss?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,620 Member
    good morning/ soon to be afternoon all. well 2nd day of low carb day and its going well because yesterday I had a Dentist apt to get 3 fillings done, well one turned into needing a crown and almost root cannel, thank god just needed the crown, so 4 hours later I finally got to leave the Dentist so now work outs plus hardly any food but a ton of pain. I have had crowns done before and just mostly sore from the shots but this one really got me. so I was up most of the night and finally at 6:30 in the morning I was able to take a pill and got some sleep. so today is another low carb day because it hurts to eat anything, so sticking to some yougrt, and had a banana, it didn't hurt to much last night with a string cheese. so low carb is going well for me lol
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Matt - I got a wide awaking about how I sleep when I got my fitbit. I used to think, 'Man, I slept for 11 hours last night, how can I still be tired??'

    Then I saw, that I might be in bed for 11 hours, some nights but am only sleeping 3.5!!

    There was one week, that I never even got over 2.5 hours of sleep at night once! I do not know exactly what to make of it! Now I try and spend more time in bed (when I can), just so I can get more actual logged sleep!

    I have a confession: last night after I logged offline for the night, instead of eating the apple and caramel sauce I logged, I ate about six chocolate cookies and a chocolate bar! Today is my day off logging, and I plan on eating a chocolate donut and another chocolate bar.....because starting tomorrow I am off chocolate for nothing even remotely containing chocolate until Easter Sunday. Last night I realized this and thought I better get my chocolate fix in! Usually once I have finished logging for the night I stick with the plan, but then it hit me that I had open chocolate cookies that would be stale by Easter! I regret nothing! LOL

    I do have a bit of a tough while coming up with eating out. Usually, when I am eating out, because I only do so once or twice a month, I let myself indulge because I feel if I am paying good money for good food, I want good food. Esp because I do not eat out all that often. However, next week, I am eating out three times. I am trying to come up with a plan to enjoy all the times out, but not gain back the whole 8lbs I have lost so far in one week! On Sunday, I am going to Swiss Chalet with a group of coworkers for one coworkers and my birthday. I was thinking there I could just eat a quarter chicken dinner with a salad side instead of potato. However, after that, we are going to a very fancy place in the city for cheesecake. That was my idea (before I knew we were going out for dinner), so I am most definitely having cheesecake. This might actually be the only time I go to this place ever.

    Monday night a friend is taking me out to Montana's for a steak dinner for my birthday (which actually falls on Monday). I have never been there before, have no idea what the food is even like. Then on the following Saturday, I have a friend coming from out of town. We only see each other once a year (and sometimes even skip a year if we can't get it together), and we always go to Red Lobster, totally indulge, and then hit a movie with a giant bucket of popcorn and candy. I will say, she is actually a VERY healthy eater, and by Sunday morning we are on nuts and berries, lol, but because it is her one girl's weekend all year, she really tends to splurge, and I do not know how well I can control myself when in that situation.

    I am tempted to just say screw it, and eat what I want and deal with it later.....but I do not think I want to do that. Any advice?? What I am really wanting to do, is find a happy medium where I am indulging part of the time, but not totally sabotaging myself and what I am trying to do!
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    How about eating under your allotment on the days your not eating out? Also trim maybe 100 calories off breakfast and at lunch. That will give you a couple extra. When you do eat cheesecake...stay away from the ones with lots of extra things on top. Opt for the fruit whip cream. Also at the steakhouse...aim for grilled...sides as veggies instead of the heavy carb.

    We went to Cracker Barrell for Valentines. I knew ahead of time and ate a lighter breakfast and lunch. I had grilled lemon fish, carrots, brocolli, 1 biscuit. was about 700. I usually get green beans but I knew they loaded it with bacon. I just made good choices and I was stuffed and satisfied.
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    italian_buju, I usually order what I want and just eat half of it. Sometimes, I'll ask for a to go box right after getting my meal, so I can portion it out. To make sure I don't binge later on, I give the remaining food to my friend if they want it. If we're downtown, I'll usually give it to someone on the street.

    WVMountainmamma also gives great advice. I've skipped breakfast and had a light lunch, so I can splurge on dinner.

    My leg is doing a lot better. I went on a walk with my co-worker, and I was surprised I wasn't in any pain at all. I hope my leg continues to improve. I feel like I'm improving tremendously on my walks. I have no issues with walking uphill anymore, and that used to be a big issue for me. I remember walking with a couple friends to watch a concert, and I asked them to stop midway, because I couldn't handle walking anymore. It was so embarrassing. I feel like past me would be super proud.

    I woke up at 5:30 a.m. It was kinda nice watching the sun rise. It's so difficult waking up during winter but now that it's getting nice out, I want to get up early and go for walks. Looking forward to spring and summer.