Hi. I'm new. Looking for buddies

I'm looking for some buddies to cheer on and be cheered in by.

Im new to MFP, but I have been primalish for a couple of years now. I had great results at the start lost about 7kg, but over time my intake of primal treats has increased and I think my 80/20 slipped to 50/50. So im hoping that tracking what I eat will stop that slide again.

My husband and 6yo are not primal, so I dont aim for perfection, just 80% so that it is sustainable for me for a lifetime. No cooking separate meals for myself. Also I stick to a tight budget so no expensive ingredients either.

on the plus side though, I live on a small farm in Tasmania, Australia so have lots of fresh eggs, a garden of vegetables and local meat available.

Hope to chat with you all soon.



  • MiRatlhed
    MiRatlhed Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome aboard! You will find that they will get curious and more than likely hop on board with you.
  • Feel free to add me :) I'm Paleo and my husband... watches me eat Paleo :neutral_face:

    But that's OK- there's a great little Paleo community where I live and I am fortunate enough that I get to teach Paleo cooking classes! Such fun and great eating to be had!

    Welcome to the group!
  • MiRatlhed
    MiRatlhed Posts: 168 Member
    But that's OK- there's a great little Paleo community where I live and I am fortunate enough that I get to teach Paleo cooking classes! Such fun and great eating to be had!!

    Lucky you! That would be a riot, I would love to have a local group like that.
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome Runnerduck
  • Mizzy58
    Mizzy58 Posts: 47 Member
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
  • Runnerduck123
    Runnerduck123 Posts: 19 Member
    Teaching paleo cooking classes sounds brilliant. Thanks for the welcome :)