We are a quiet bunch this week!

Hi, Everyone!

Are we all in a Valentine's Day chocolate coma? We have been very quiet! How is everyone doing this week?

My week has been a bit off since Sat. I have been off work and did a bit of traveling so more eating out, less exercise, less vegetables! I haven't been on the scale since last Saturday so I have no idea where I am at. I was only over calories 2 days (and not by too much) so hopefully there isn't a gain. My son's birthday is today so we are having a small party today and there will be a larger one this weekend so cake is in my future.

Hope everyone is doing well!


    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm still here. Also traveled this week so my diet was weird (and my body felt it). Stayed the same on the scale so I'm hoping to drop a couple these next few days. I just need to hit the treadmill hard and drink more water. That was tough while traveling.

    Good luck with the cake. Maybe just one bite will suffice? You could make that your goal for the day. How old will your son be? I have 14 & 17 year old daughters. We live in Greene. Are you in southern Maine? Heard there was more snow down that way last night.
  • natalie8313
    natalie8313 Posts: 32 Member
    It's been a weird week for me. Been pretty sick so haven't really had the chance to eat well if at all. No exercise, which makes me feel super weird because I'm used to doing it now. Ready to get back on track. But have to take it slow as I had the stomach flu so I have to watch what I try to eat as to not feel gross again.
  • bronzeambition
    bronzeambition Posts: 39 Member
    I also travelled this weekend and we were celebrating Mardi Gras, so I didn't count anything. My weight was initially up after the weekend, but I'm down 2 pounds from when I weighed in on Friday morning. I need to lose 4 pounds by the end of the month to make my goal!

    Hope you're all dong well :)
  • mainebeachbum
    mainebeachbum Posts: 385 Member
    @renaejae- my son is 14 today. We are in Naples so not far from you. We are going to Portland this evening to watch basketball tourneys if it stops snowing. (It's coming down like crazy right now!)

    Of course, when searching the cake calories it says a serving is one slice but there's no description of the size or weight. So it was a guesstimate! But I skipped the pizza and ice cream and ate my usual lunch instead so a small victory.

    @bronzeambition- are you in Louisiana? I went to New Orleans once for Halloween and that was wild! I can't imagine Mardi Gras!
  • bronzeambition
    bronzeambition Posts: 39 Member
    @mainebeachbum: Nope! We actually went to STL. I'm not sure why Mardi Gras is so popular there because we're nowhere near Louisiana, but the city goes all out! I don't know if I could handle New Orleans Mardi Gras, haha!
  • socialone74
    socialone74 Posts: 85 Member
    Sorry! My coworker left and I picked up her work on top of mine ... so crazy hours and bringing work home. Good news -- no stress binging (unless you count 2 oranges at snack time)
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    Good week for me, except I can't seem to get to the gym, and working out at home is not effective. I've been staying under my calories for the week because I'm headed to NYC with my husband for the weekend and I am eating carbs!!! We are celebrating our 20th Anniversary, but all I can think about is the yummy food we get to eat. We
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    My reply cut off. Can't remember what I just wrote. Oh well, it's nice to see how everyone is doing.
  • abbyjane81
    abbyjane81 Posts: 51 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA as well!
    I've been keeping track of my food and losing some weight- my clothes are fitting better already. 14.4 pounds down:)

    It's been freezing and icy here and both of my kids have colds- so I hAvnt been able to go to the gym, as they won't accept kids with the sniffles.

    I'm looking forward to getting back.

    In the mean time, I've been cooking up a storm. I live cooking healthy things for my family! Would live to have my own cafe or something.

    Made black bean chocolate brownies last night and they are better than regular brownies! No joke!
    Perfect with a cup of coffee:) the recipe asked for white sugar which I steer clear of, but used it since it's my first time msking the recipe. I'll tweak it a bit next time around:)
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    Abby - great job losing 14.4 lbs so far! That is excellent.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @mainebeachbum - Naples is a great area. We've done some camping down that way. Basketball tournies!! I remember going to every game when I was in HS at the Augusta Civic Center. I also have a 14yr old (daugher). Freshman this year and ready to take driver's ed in the fall when she turns 15. YIKES. We also have a 17yr old daugher (senior) :( We're in the process of choosing colleges which is stressing me out.

    @Abby - woot woot on the 14.4 lbs GONE!!! No more lugging that around! Nice job.

    Socialone74 - good job not binging when working those extra hours. 2 oranges is better than a chocolate bar out of the vending machine any day! I turn to a warm sugar free hot chocolate if I'm having a craving or if my mind thinks I'm hungry even though my stomach doesn't feel it. I can handle my stomach growling a lot easier than I can handle my head talking back to me.

    You girls are all doing great! Let's keep it going.

    PS - it was 23 BELOW ZERO at our house this morning. I love my Maine winters but I have to admit I'm ready to get back outside again. Anything in the double digits would be wonderful!!!
  • socialone74
    socialone74 Posts: 85 Member
    Ok 23 below zero makes me cry for you!! Abby - Congrats on the loss! Betsy - 20 years is awesome!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    The temps are in the double digits today so it’s balmy outside!! Yesterday was so cold that one of the sprinkler system pipes in our lobby burst and the alarms all went off. My office is just above the lobby and it sounded like a bomb went off! Luckily it happened during the day. Within 5 minutes we had 4 inches of water in the lobby. They said that those pipes pump out 300 gallons a minute. Of course when they opened the doors to push the water outside it started to freeze. What a mess. Things are cleaned up today but I didn’t know whether to wear my boots and parka or my rain coat and ice skates today. LOL

    Hope everyone is having a successful day. Time to go fill those water bottles up!!
  • abbyjane81
    abbyjane81 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm having issues with weightloss and milk supply while breast feeding. Anyone in the same boat?