Introduce yourself - again



  • thegenesischild
    thegenesischild Posts: 8 Member
    edited October 2014
    My name is Jenny. I'm brand new to MFP. I got the signed up yesterday, and this is my first day to really look around.

    I'm 30 years old and 344 pounds. I've got an under-active thyroid and am pre-diabetic (my Mom is insulin dependent diabetic, and I REALLY want to avoid getting that diagnosis). I'm married, but with no kids (yet, at least, but I am hoping to have some someday). I am not currently employed, but am working on a Master's degree.

    I like to walk in the mornings, and have taken up archery (So much fun!). I love to cook (and of course to eat) but I'm trying to work towards healthier eating and a more active lifestyle.

    I'd like to get down to 150 lbs, or at least 200. One step at a time, right?

    I'd love to gain some new friends who are looking for a buddy to keep them encouraged and accountable and could do the same for me.
  • theloodevil
    theloodevil Posts: 13 Member
    Finally found the 300 group! Been on MFP for a few weeks now. Tracking food and exercise. Also set some goals in my about me that hopefully I can start writing done next to soon.
    Thanks for having this group!
  • Good afternoon everyone, my name is Michelle I have always felt over weight. But when I look back at photos I was not even close to being over weight. I guess that is what happens with the brain. I didn't start really gaining weight until after I had my first child. Then lost the weight then stress came into play and emotional issues. Then in the last 17 years I have gained 130 pounds. During that time I found out I had to have my thyroid removed. I started MFP a year ago and I was at my heaviest then at 320 I lost and was down to 285. Then I allowed stress and family issues to get me off track. I know have gained it all back plus 10+ pounds. So, I am now clearly at my heaviest. I think some of my gain lately has been I have been off my thyroid medicines because my doctor had to close shop and I didn't realize it until I need a new prescription. Well I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I can get my medicine. As of last week I purchased a Vivofit and have started working out again. It sure is hard to get going again. But I have decided to do daily goals for myself. I figure if post my daily goals in the morning on my feed. Then I am making myself accountable to me. Because at the end of the day I post what I accomplished. I am glad I found a group that has the similar weight goals as myself. Because I know we didn't all get here just because of one thing. For me I am 48 years old and my mom passed last year. She became pregnant with me when she was single. She wanted to put me up for adoption but my grandparents said no. I was very close with my grandparents. My Grandfather died when I was in Junior High and my Grandmother passed 17 years ago. I can say besides my husband, kids, and grandkids growing up my Grandparents truly loved me. When I started my journey last year every pound I would lose an old memory, thought, or hurt would come up. My first thing I had to deal with was losing my mom. At moments I hurt because she is gone, mad because she hurt me physically and mental as a child, and why she didn't protect me from the sick people. Plus, I don't understand why she didn't love me like I feel she should have. That is just the tip of my struggles I am working on. I feel that I have to stop my excuses, work on my pain, and the biggest thing is to let go of the pains. It all sounds so easy, but dealing with the grieving is the hardest. Because no matter what she was my mom. It's like I am hiding inside this weight.

    If you would like to become friends. I am on and off this sight all day long.

    Looking forward to reading everyone's success.

    Like I tell myself just keep taking one step at a time. Have a great day.
  • Hi everyone, I'm Brittany. I've used MFP on and off for a few years but never stick with it due to a fear of diets! I spent most of my life doing that and I just keep getting bigger. I'm 30 years old, around 350 lbs. I want to try to focus on exercising, eating less straight up junk, and lowering my A1C which is in the "diet controlled diabetic" range of 6.7 as opposed to focusing on weight. Thought it might be nice to talk to others, so hi :)
  • ckozl81
    ckozl81 Posts: 59 Member
    :D Hi I'm Carol. I'm just about 34 years, I'm engaged to a wonderful man who loves me all 353 pounds of me. I however struggle with loving me at 353. I'm on a journey to get rid of approx. 180 pounds I would really just like to be under 200. I gained about 60 pounds in the last 2.5 years. I cue the stress button here. My body hurts and I'm going out on a limb here and think its weight related although I haven't seen a doctor about that. My Fiance asked me is I wanted to have surgery but that isn't for me. I know I can do it on my own with a whole lot of support. I know what I need to do it the exacution I stink at. :blush:
    I'm really good for a few weeks then I let life get in the way and stop working out then food choices start to slide then I'm right where I started. The longest I've made it was 5.5 weeks on MFP so this time I really don't want to stop. I need help being accountable so if you would like to be my big "brother or sister" and help keep me accountable I'd like that.
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 36 years old and single-mom to a fantastic 10yo daughter. I've been yo-yo dieting for the best part of 20 years, and had pretty much given up. However, I recently had the pre-diabetes lecture from my doctor and have realised that in order to be around for my daughter, not to mention be a good role-model for her, I need to sort myself out. No more excuses, no fad diets, just knuckle down and do it.

    No going to be easy, I have somehow managed to end up with 200lbs to lose, but with help and support, I know I can do it. I'm down 11lbs in the last two weeks, so that has definitely motivated me to stick with it.

    Would love to have some more friends on MFP - in fact, the more the merrier, so feel free to add me, or PM :smile:
  • marcelle65
    marcelle65 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi i am marcelle and back again. I was here and few years ago. But back again now.. I have just under 12 weeks to my birthday and want to shock some people that has not seen me for awhile with a mini transformation lol. My partner is joining me and he is very competitive. I usually am not. But this time game on. Xmx
  • marcelle65
    marcelle65 Posts: 12 Member
    brian51uk wrote: »
    Hi all Brian here from the UK

    I joined MFP 6days ago and this group today

    About me I am 61yrs old (shhhhhhhh dont tell anyone lol)
    live in the UK am a widower have 2 children 15 & 27

    have lyphoedema in both legs that restricts my mobility at times

    I weighed in at 314 lbs and a BMI of 45 i want to lose at least 100 lbs and i have
    given myself a year to try and do it.

    this is just to introduce myself and say hi to everyone

    anyone wants to be a friend feel free to add me

    good luck to everyone and hope you all achieve your goals

  • BelieveNurSELFIE
    BelieveNurSELFIE Posts: 17 Member
    Hi my name is Courtney. I'm am 23 years old and live in the cold upstate ny
  • BelieveNurSELFIE
    BelieveNurSELFIE Posts: 17 Member
    I have been using MFP for less than a month now and prefer it over the lose it app. I have lost so far 7lbs. I started at 334lbs and looking to lose over 100lbs in a year and some. I currently workout about 5 days a week which consist of cardio and strength training. In addition I meet with a personal trainer bi-weekly. I would love your guys support and motivation and some more friends wouldn't hurt either to help me stay accountable and keep on track. Look forward to getting to know some of you all on this journey.
  • Hi I'm Katie and I'm from Australia.
    My weight has steadily rose as I aged (now 27) and I reached my highest yet last year (147kg/324lb). My CW is 141kg/310lb.
    I've been on MFP for a few years and it did work for a time but I never joined groups or communities before.
    I also have a broken leg at the moment so that has really impacted on my motivation to eat right as I can't walk/move too much at the moment.
    I'm looking forward to starting my water physiotherapy next week and working with you all to better our futures.
  • PearBerry929
    PearBerry929 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm Britta! I've been large all my life and I'm working on changing that. Love new friends. Message or friend me!
  • Alice_in_Wndrlnd
    Alice_in_Wndrlnd Posts: 47 Member

    Just starting back with mfp and losing weight. I originally started in 2012 at 323lbs and did manage to get down to 260lbs by mid 2014. Unfortunately in August last year I broke my ankle and was immobile for almost 8 weeks. I spiralled with my eating and put weight back on so now I'm starting again at 295lbs.

    Hubby (who is smaller than me) just got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so its time for us to get serious again. I'm in Perth Australia.

    Hello all!

  • CrimsonNBlues
    CrimsonNBlues Posts: 43 Member
    Hello all, I'm Jenna, having another go at this healthy lifestyle again. This is my 4th time using MFP. I've been up and down with my weight and everytime it goes back up, I'm always bigger than ever. Finally hit 310 this year and am feeling really scared about my health and my past failures. I feel like I have so much to overcome and it feels a bit overwhelming, so I'm hoping to find some good support. Looking forward to getting to know y'all!
  • SyllyReth
    SyllyReth Posts: 59 Member
    My name is Samantha and as of writing this I must be on attempt number 563. My starting weight is 320 and according to the vast reaches of the internet that puts my BMI at 45.8. I am hoping to lose between 150-180 pounds to find myself at a healthy weight. I'm working with my doctor and a great support group of friends that live in my area.

    My main goals are to cut out the junk food. Not completely, because I don't think I should have to give up everything forever, but I do recognize that I need to cut way back and am working on that.
  • sooluscious
    sooluscious Posts: 15 Member
    Giving this here a try for the tenth million time, I need to loose weight soo bad it's killing me in side. I'm sooo tired of being tired. I'm tired of not being able to keep up, tired of being in pain cause I had a little too much fun. I'm tired of rolling over, and just laying there cause I'm out of breath. I just want to take my life back, I want to stay on top till he can't take it anymore. I want to live a good healthy lifestyle.


    I'm ready to live. Now I just need good friends, a little motivation, and some positive vibes.

    Anyone on my page? Let's do this!
  • gshillitani
    gshillitani Posts: 19 Member
    quiggley wrote: »
    Hi Everyone I'm Jann from the Tampabay area.

    I live in Tampa, 47, no kids and plenty of pets (5 dogs and 4 cats LOL)
  • dawnkemp58
    dawnkemp58 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello. Been away a long time. Spent the winter sitting on my butt, gained a lit of weight, now I need to at least get that back off. .. I know you guys can help!
  • smiller3588
    smiller3588 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Samantha. I have always been overweight starting from childhood in about 2nd grade. Unfortunately my family was never to concerned with what or how much we ate. I started to thin out just a bit in my later teen years but ended up getting pregnant by my high school sweetheart, 10 years strong, and lets just say I never lost the extra baby weight and have even gained a bit more. I have never actually watched what I ate or even really exercised. I am ready at this point, being 27, to make eating better and exercising a part of my lifelong journey to become more healthy for me. I also want to set a good example for my daughter, who is 6 almost 7. I don't want her to go through the struggle I had growing up.

    If anyone has any tips or would share their weight loss plan with me it would be much appreciated.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I never really introduced myself! Hi I'm Shelly! I'm like a lot of people, been (or felt) overweight my whole life. We ate food that was usually healthy, though my mom has a penchant for meals with "Cream of" in it, and snacks were never lacking. About 8 years ago I was on another mfp sort of site, and lost about 80ds. I got unemployed and gained it all back from not being able to afford decent food. Now I'm back, and diabetic (on top of being hypothyroid), but at least I'm cured from being anemic (it only took 1 blood transfusion and 2 iron transfusions, woo). Not at my heaviest, but at the top, and starting to come down.