Need supportive friends



  • MegRenee059
    MegRenee059 Posts: 11 Member
    Same boat! It's a struggle to stay on board without a support system. Feel free to add me as well. I'm set on sticking to this and I try to be supportive to my mfp friends because we're all in similar boats.
  • ahealthiercara
    ahealthiercara Posts: 139 Member
    I know that feeling all too well. I've been fat since I was a little kid, I've never ever known what it feels like to be a 'normal' weight. Food has been my comfort, my best friend, my intimate relationship. I am working very hard to overcome that and for the most part I'm in a positive place with it - happy to support you (or anyone in this group) in your efforts!
  • niccup01
    niccup01 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on the search for exactly same reason!:( Glad I found you and some others. Man this is hard to kick! Food really is such a drug. Let's help each other and maybe we can stop this cycle :)
  • idalooses
    idalooses Posts: 30 Member
    feel free to add my as a friend on this very hard journey to make on our own!! I have struggled with weight issues all my life, starting as a teenager; just over past 2 years have i come to realize how much food i consume for comfort and emotional well-being.... are you in same boat?? I am always looking for support too! (*)
  • omelet2000
    omelet2000 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm trying to divorce food from emotion. Every time I feel I want to snack, I just log on and read forums by people woth the same struggles or people who have succeeded, makes me feel a lot better right away!
  • svelte32
    svelte32 Posts: 77 Member
    I've been on a binge/emotional eating for almost a month now and it's so difficult because only I can stop it but yet I feel like I'm on my own and I feel so out of control. I know I need to snap out of it. Every meal is a struggle I've just ate supplement drinks before because I was afraid to eat at times but then that didn't work out as a long term solution. I know this is just an emotional issue I'm going to have to get in touch with to stop this cycle. I wish the other people in my household didn't buy so much snack food so I wouldn't be so tempted all the time that's part of what's contributing to my eating is the addictive foods that are anything but healthy. I really could use some support. I did like the tips I read that might help in the mean time. Taking this bite by bite at the moment.
  • Add me too! I've been looking to expand my support group on this topic, as well. I'm not actively tracking foods, because that becomes an obsessive habit that is not good for my health, but I'm an emotional eater and happy to be a part of anyone's support network!
  • sueatherbest
    sueatherbest Posts: 23 Member
    Add me and I'll add all of you.I came to the realization about five years ago that I have a very serious emotional eating problem when I realized I had finished off a half a pound bag of peanut M&Ms in one sitting. I joined OA and that has really been helping me a lot but for some reason I'm just not going back to the meetings or working my program. I really need support because A lot of my bad habits have already been broken as far as the kinds of foods that I eat, but I'm still an emotional eater particularly with binges at night.i'm going to be logging my food, everything I eat, and check these post every night for more conversation and help and insight. I know that one of the ways that I can help myself is by helping others, and so I am humbly asking that I be of service somehow to all of you.
  • Feel free to add me too! I think I've been in denial about my overeating for a long time. It started with eating really big portions, but as soon as people started noticing and commenting on my weight/portions I began stressing and finding ways to have food secretly. For me, if no one sees me eating it, the calories didn't count. I would find myself getting fast food before a meal with people. Or planning what i could eat as soon as i was home alone. And i noticed i would get frustrated if i didn't get that extra food.So i joined MFP with my sister and we've kept each other accountable and support each other when we slip up. It would be great to join with others here and get/give support!
  • Malyss13
    Malyss13 Posts: 19 Member
    Add me! I am really trying my best to overcome my emotional eating. I am a sneak eater... I eat when I think no one is looking. I remember waiting until everyone in the house would go to bed and raid the kitchen when I was younger. I hated the judgement I thought people had when I would eat... I love fitness and working out, but I let my emotional eating getting in the way of becoming a fit person. I need all the support and encouragement I can get and I love to encourage my friends as well!
  • Malyss13 wrote: »
    Add me! I am really trying my best to overcome my emotional eating. I am a sneak eater... I eat when I think no one is looking. I remember waiting until everyone in the house would go to bed and raid the kitchen when I was younger. I hated the judgement I thought people had when I would eat... I love fitness and working out, but I let my emotional eating getting in the way of becoming a fit person. I need all the support and encouragement I can get and I love to encourage my friends as well!

    I feel you! I used to do that as a kid as well. I dont know why I felt like I needed to hide my eating as a kid because my family was in no way restrictive or judgemental. I would go so far as to eat in the bathroom :( I am not at all into physical fitness but I know all about nutrition so I have literally no excuse for eating poorly. Hoping MFP will help me reel in my binges.

  • Malyss13
    Malyss13 Posts: 19 Member
    I was blessed with a super supportive and loving family! They never shamed me or judged me either... I have no idea where the thought that anyone was judging me even came from... Weird! Yes, hoping that the support and community here will help keep me going in the right direction! We can do it! :smile:
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Yay! Two pages on this thread....
  • sueatherbest
    sueatherbest Posts: 23 Member
    So another typical day for me, decided what I was going to eat, did fine until night, found out my husband was coming home (unexpectedly as usual) and started eating off plan. I didn't over eat, but I did eat food I have decided I shouldn't have. I also took in more calories than I'm supposed to have, which is overeating, right? I know to pick myself up and keep working towards commitment. Commitment to a reasonable food plan, excercise and recognizing when I'm in a trigger situation, like the husband situation. Thank you, Higher Power, for today and I hope I will have another chance tomorrow.
  • beka456
    beka456 Posts: 18 Member
    Add me please! I pretty much think I'm an emotional eater, all the evidence points to it, in fact I think I'm and emotional everything! Late night sneak a snack, over eater at meal times, in between snacks, all of those and especially when I'm feeling low. It seems during these few months, anything triggers it. I am working on it. I would like to help and support you on your journey, we can all walk it, run it, hit it (and how ever else way we are doing it) together!
  • AriaHope223
    AriaHope223 Posts: 5 Member
    Please add me. Feel the same.
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    Anyone who needs motivation and can give me some motivation back, feel free to add me! I get crazy cravings sometimes and it would be awesome to have someone to talk to when it happens. I'm pretty active here so write to me anytime :)
  • mscott2406
    mscott2406 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right there with you girl. Feel free to add me as well, any of you. I think the more people we have to support us and talk us out of these bad choices we've been making, the better our chances of success.
  • Hi, I just joined but my mantra is the same as yours so it caught my eye. I want you to know that I understand how you feel and share your emotions. I am here for you in anyway that I can.
  • Alwaysonadiet54
    Alwaysonadiet54 Posts: 39 Member
    Add me. Today was a horrible weigh in. I am back at it today. I am very angry with myself.