February ETL - Food and Fitness



  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    sloth3toes wrote: »

    Tee hee hee!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    sloth3toes wrote: »
    Heh. Love it!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,082 Member
    Just had my first tai chi class. I really enjoyed it. I felt really good, relaxed, when I was done. It is going to take some work to get all the moves down, but I need to remember this is for fun and relaxation, it's not like work where I have to hurry up and learn it so I can get on to the next task.

    Off to bed, I'm beat. Didn't sleep well last night. I'll catch up tomorrow.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Just had my first tai chi class. I really enjoyed it. I felt really good, relaxed, when I was done. It is going to take some work to get all the moves down, but I need to remember this is for fun and relaxation, it's not like work where I have to hurry up and learn it so I can get on to the next task.

    Off to bed, I'm beat. Didn't sleep well last night. I'll catch up tomorrow.

    Hope you rested!
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    but I need to remember this is for fun and relaxation, it's not like work where I have to hurry up and learn it so I can get on to the next task.

    So glad you enjoyed tai chi.

    I also get a case of the "perfects" up in my head. I try to just remember to focus on process, not results. (Plus, I prefer there to be no mirror around when I work out once my form is acceptable, that way I can visualize myself as that beautiful gazzelle.)
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys! Just a quick note to say hi! I'm on a mini two day vacay and not back til tomorrow afternoon. It's been so nice, but an extra day would have been good too! Cold but peaceful. We came to a quaint town with nothing much to do but chill, walk, drink wine, eat, and spa. It's probably good that I'm not here for long... I feel like "fat Tuesday" is fitting for me today! Starting the six week plan tomorrow... Kelly, so inspiring that you're done! I was thinking when I was reading your posts that I'm too nice to myself... I just need to be a bit tougher with my parameters and I think 6 weeks is doable!

    Hope you all have a good one! Check in soon :) xx
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,082 Member
    Lia that sounds lovely! Glad you're getting some R&R.

    LOL Elena, totally understand about the mirror.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,082 Member
    Lia, got up this morning and thought ya know, I have a party next Saturday, but no reason I can't start the 6 week plan today and take that one evening off. Otherwise I'm going to be lackadaisical the next week and a half thinking oh well I'll start after the party. So I'm with you, starting the 6 week plan today!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi all. Thanks for keeping this thread alive. I've been swamped lately, and am traveling starting tmw (until Sunday). Will try to check in!
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Morning all! I am getting on the road too for two days. See y'all Friday.
  • JCN80
    JCN80 Posts: 29 Member
    I want to say hi too! I was visiting family over the weekend, so it was hard to eat healthy. But I'm back on track now that I'm home. We made the 10 spice vegetable soup last night, and it was very good!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Woohoo!! Busy week for everyone coming and going. Hope everyone leaving has a nice trip!
    JCN, like you I'm back and ready to get back on track. My stomach is distended something awful. It's like the healthy me never existed?!

    Mihani yayyyyyy!! So happy we are going to start together!! Great idea about taking your birthday off but getting a headstart now. I'll feel accountable to you too! I have drawn my thick line in the sand and I'm ready to go all or nothing!! Is there any other way? I am also doing no alcohol, which I have never done before because I never drink very much, but lately too much wine has been happening and I think it will really help me stick to the 6 week plan! Pulled some slow cooker veggie curry out for tomorrow; tonight is a nice big salad.

    Happy Wednesday!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,082 Member
    Safe travels Sabine and Elena.

    JCN, I love the 10 spice veggie soup. I made another batch this weekend. I need to remember to get some portioned out and frozen tonight. It makes a huge batch.

    Lia, it helped me today knowing I committed to the 6 week plan with you. I had a couple fleeting thoughts of this or that, and did have two brown rice cakes, but otherwise stuck to my ETL food and feel good about it. There’s one day down lol. I need to stay away from alcohol for the 6 weeks too other than the party. I have been drinking more often on the weekends and it seems to just counteract any good I’ve done during the week.

    Breakfast: smoothie with frozen spinach and berries, half a banana, a few dates, chia seeds, and a few almonds. I found that without the protein powder my smoothies were kind of boring so I added 1/3 oz of almonds. Made it really good. Nothing wrong with protein powder, but I really want to do the 6 week plan 100%.
    Lunch: Big salad (spring mix, sunflower seeds, grape tomatoes, chickpeas, nooch, balsamic), strawberries, kiwi and grapes
    Dinner: 10 spice veggie soup
    Snack: 2 brown rice cakes

    Going to get some sort of exercise tonight. Might ride the stationary bike or else I'll do some low impact aerobics, followed by practicing my tai chi.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Ok where did the month go. Although, I will not be sad to see the end of feb. enough already with the cold and snow. We will probably beat the record for snowfall this year in the Boston area.

    Had a nice visit with my daughter and got her back to college. My next visit was to my son's to get him organized for the semester. I helped him get his town house cleaned, organized, and I made him multiple dinners. He should not have to cook for over a month.

    As far as eating and working out. I have not been doing so well. I want to do a 6 week challenge to get back on track, so count me in Lia and Mahini. I worked so hard to get where I am I do not want to revert back to my old ways.

    Time to get back on track.

    Well off to work.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Yay, Terri! Exciting to have you on board too :) I am feeling the same - PANIC that I am going farther in the other direction of health and weight, and 6 week plan seems like something I now NEED to do! Btw, what a nice Mom you are! They are lucky to have you around.

    Mihani, great job yesterday! I had a super boring breakfast smoothie too, but it really kept away my hunger and cravings this morning. How are you liking tai chi?? I assume you have probably mentioned many times, but I've never tried nooch on salad...

    Tonight, I am going for my menu tasting for our wedding. It is with a bunch of other couples. We are actually have a vegetarian wedding! We get to taste all the veggies apps, soups, and entrees tonight. I have no idea how healthful it will be, though most of the ingredients are fresh veg, but I will try to remember it is a "tasting" and stick to the vegan stuff.

    B - Green smoothie - cucumber, baby spinach, mango, a bit of peach/strawberry blend, vanilla, and cinnamon with water (I missed the almond milk big time).
    L - big bowl of rice, steamed spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, sunflower sprouts, parsley, tamari, and some olive oil in there I think
    D - smattering of tastings, hopefully all vegan
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,082 Member
    Lia, adding 8 or 10 almonds really gave my smoothie a lot more flavor, and that's only 1/3 of my ounce allowance. I am loving tai chi! The wedding is going to be here before you know it now... how cool you are having a vegetarian wedding.

    Terri, glad you're in for the 6 week plan. That is so nice of you to do all that cooking for your son. Glad you had a good visit with your daughter.

    Sabine will be joining in when she gets back from her trip.

    Kelly, I think you started this, you've inspired all of us to new efforts! How are you doing with things since getting through the 6 week plan?

    I am still eating a bit too much starchy stuff, but calories are under control and I am eating mostly plants. I will work on reducing the starches this weekend. I feel good about the past two days though.
  • JCN80
    JCN80 Posts: 29 Member
    Lia, that's awesome that you're having a vegetarian wedding. My in-laws would have rioted!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Lia, can't wait to hear your selections! We had a lot of vegetarian options at ours, but also a lot of BBQ ribs, lol!
    I made crock pot vegetarian chili yesterday. Usually I put some cocoa in there, but yesterday I didn't want to run upstairs to get it (long story involving remodeling and teens who have a history of using all the cocoa to make desserts in mugs, and I got tired of never having any, lol!) so I used a bunch of cinnamon. It came out sooo tasty!

    Mihani, I am glad you have started tai chi, so you can enjoy something that doesn't have a deadline!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys!! Happy Fridayyyy. Any exciting plans for anyone this weekend?

    Another good ETL here! I know the day isn't over, but I am feeling pretty determined. How did everyone else do?

    Yes, I'm excited for a veggie wedding! I wasn't so worried about it being all veggie, but my fiance was. I think it is nice because it is in line with our values though, adn there are lots of options! The downside... is the food wasn't amazing. It was just ok, and I was really hoping people could try GREAT veggie food and then I could say "see?!?!". There was an eggplant parm that was amazinggggg though, and didn't have any mozza cheese or anything like that. Also a veggie skewer, yummy baby veggie pakoras and a nice soup, but nothing blew me out of the water. They said we could make a subsitution for a main and provide our own recipe (at extra cost of course), but it made me think.... should I provide an OSG recipe?!?! Tex mex casserole at the wedding would make me pretty happy, lolll.

    JCN, I'm sure MOST of my family will have comments!! My dad already joked that they would tail-gate beef jerky, lol. But oh well, hopefully the booze will win them over.

    Jean, your chili sounds awesome! I've never tried cinnamon in one before. I laughed out loud at your tai chi comment, haha. Poor Mihani and your work sched! I hope you have some time to yourself this weekend! Also really happy you're enjoying the tai chi.

    I am going to get in some T25 tonight too. I had a few days off of it because of the holiday and tasting and I missed it!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited February 2015
    Mihani wrote: »
    Lia, adding 8 or 10 almonds really gave my smoothie a lot more flavor, and that's only 1/3 of my ounce allowance. I am loving tai chi! The wedding is going to be here before you know it now... how cool you are having a vegetarian wedding.

    Terri, glad you're in for the 6 week plan. That is so nice of you to do all that cooking for your son. Glad you had a good visit with your daughter.

    Sabine will be joining in when she gets back from her trip.

    Kelly, I think you started this, you've inspired all of us to new efforts! How are you doing with things since getting through the 6 week plan?

    I am still eating a bit too much starchy stuff, but calories are under control and I am eating mostly plants. I will work on reducing the starches this weekend. I feel good about the past two days though.

    That's the plan! But I may stall for a few days to finish what I'm doing.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,082 Member
    Lia, sorry to hear that the food wasn’t all you hoped. I just happened to think, I bet you could email Angela at OSG and ask her for ideas for a vegan/vegetarian wedding. She seems so approachable and I bet she’d be happy to help. I had a total fail last night… craft beer with the neighbors. What was that about no alcohol for the 6 weeks? And I didn’t even make it a week? Doh!

    Jean, too true that I need things without deadlines! I have been practicing every night for a half hour or so. It feels good to take that time for me. Your chili sounds delicious.

    So we’re getting snow. Lots and lots of snow. There is about 4 inches out there now I think. Up to 8 predicted. I did bring work home with me figuring it might not be a good weekend for driving to the office. As usual, when I bring work home, I’m actively avoiding getting started. I did run to the little organic store that is right near my house this morning to pick up a few odds and ends. It was a bit dicey driving and I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to get back up my driveway into the garage without sliding into the sides, but I managed. Now I am staying put. I have a guy who shovels and he will be here eventually. I don’t care as long as it is by Monday morning. I was the lone shopper. I think the employees were happy to have someone come in to reward them for showing up to work.

    I decided that today will be cooking day and I will do work tomorrow. I haven’t been in the mood to cook lately, which is odd for me, but all this cold and snow makes me want to have soups simmering and the oven going. We’ve been in the single digits temperature most of the past week and I feel like I’ll never be warm again. I plan to make my own green split pea soup recipe (I use the term recipe loosely, it is always slightly different), and I’m going to make this: blog.fatfreevegan.com/2006/10/yellow-split-pea-soup-with-sweet.html and this blog.fatfreevegan.com/2011/01/eggplant-and-chickpea-curry.html and this ohsheglows.com/2011/10/24/black-bean-and-butternut-squash-burritos/ and stuffed peppers. I’m going to wing the stuffed peppers. I have some Italian style seitan so I think I’ll sauté some onion and peppers and garlic, add the seitan and some cooked brown rice and spices and diced tomatoes, stuff the peppers and pour some pasta sauce on them, bake and see what happens. It’s kind of hard to screw up stuffed peppers though. I’m sure they will be fine. Maybe I’ll add some chopped olives or capers. I’m getting hungry! I think all of these other than the eggplant and chickpea curry should freeze well so I can portion them out and between these and the soups I made last week I should be set for a good while. I was thinking of freezing the burrito filling alone rather trying to make the actual burritos and freezing. It seems like frozen burritos you buy in the store, the wraps are always tough. So if I just warm up the filling and fill a fresh tortilla it should be better. Have any of you tried freezing assembled burritos? How did they turn out? I’ve frozen enchiladas, but they have sauce so they don’t get dry in the freezer.

    Hope your weekends are off to a good start!
  • sharon9597
    sharon9597 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone I only joined MFP nearly a week ago and only have about half a stone to loose. My main focus is getting back to healthy wholefoods unprocessed eating tho. I've been 99% vegan for 3 years but I have my own rescued hens so do eat those eggs and occasionally still eat fish, other than that vegan. Bought ETL about a year ago but struggled with it as I hate lettuce and don't fancy cold salads when it's so cold outside! But finding this group and reading through has really made me want to try again as although I'm now eating healthy - whole grains, fruit, veg, beans, lentils, nuts, tofu etc I'm aware its all quite high carbs which my body has never been good with! It's all keeping me feeling bloated and and struggling to loose weight even on 1200 calories. Could really do with some friends living this to help me along the way. (Not interested in just 6 weeks diet then back to 'normal', want a life long sustainable healthy way to eat, soooo tired of the yo yo dieting)
    anyone willing to friend me and give me some pointers please?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,082 Member
    Hi Sharon, welcome! The 6 week plan is kind of an immersion or reboot plan. Whether you want to do the 6 week plan or not the goal is to eat "mostly" nutritarian. I am the same way with the starchy carby goodness. I could eat bread and pasta and potatoes all day long, so I have to fill up on lots of nutrient dense plant foods so I am not so tempted lol.

    I'll shoot you a friend request. :)
  • sharon9597
    sharon9597 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Mahani thanks for adding means welcome along with the advice. I see you also put the 6 week ETL plan on here in simple terms which is a great help. Am definately going shopping tomorrow and am going to give it my best shot. Many thanks
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Sharon! Welcome to the group :) I will definitely add you! We are all doing our own variations on ETL to the best of our own abilities.

    Mihani, lots of snow here too! I did the same as you... ran out for groceries (my fridge was bare!) and then back here to hibernate. It's scary driving out there. Awesome job on all the prep!! By the way, great suggestion, I think I will email Angela. She does seem lovely

    Speaking of bloating, not sure what is up but i feel like my body is going to blow up! Trying to drink lots of liquids today... although some of it is coffee, hehe

    PS Today is my first totally ETL Saturday (AND Friday!!) in god knows how long. I am so proud and pleased! And I did T25 both days... I am feeling pretty good although I was mega craving sugar and wine today, but managed to resist. Tried the OSG African Peanut Stew! Very yummy.... Stay warm everyone :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Hi Sharon, welcome! The 6 week plan is kind of an immersion or reboot plan. Whether you want to do the 6 week plan or not the goal is to eat "mostly" nutritarian. I am the same way with the starchy carby goodness. I could eat bread and pasta and potatoes all day long, so I have to fill up on lots of nutrient dense plant foods so I am not so tempted lol.

    I'll shoot you a friend request. :)

    Definitely the starchy carby foods...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,082 Member
    All my cooking turned out well yesterday. I was so exhausted last night... on my feet chopping and stirring and roasting and baking and sauteeing for 8 solid hours. I highly recommend that roasted eggplant and chickpea curry but I would cut back quite a bit on the cilantro. It was kind of overpowering. My freezer is now very well stocked. I didn't even end up eating much yesterday with all that going on.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Cooking takes a lot out of you, I find! Hope you got a good rest.

    Sabine, how are your travels going?

    Today I'm making apple/per oatmeal, preparing all my lettuce, and making curried green lentil soup.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    hi everyone,

    Welcome Sharon.
    I am starting my 6 week reboot tomorrow. My goal is to start logging again and checking in here everyday to keep me accountable. I am in need of the support right now. Also, to go to the gym a min. of 3 x this week.

    Getting prepared today.
    I am going to try and make a mushroom goulash for dinner tonight, adapted from an online traditional recipe.

    recipes list for the week all from dr. fuhrmans website
    easy split pea soup
    sweet beet potato cakes with applesauce
    broccoli mushroom casserole supreme
    cabbage soup

    Snowing here again today. We will probably beat the record for the most snowfall ever this year.

    Happy Sunday
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in. I've been really sick for most of February, but starting to at least get to the point where I can get out of bed for short periods. I will try to post at least every few days. I started Dr. Fuhrman's fasting protocol on the 18th, and it seems to be working. I am not much stronger, but the coughing and bone pain are a lot better already. I actually read about a Russian fasting study that showed an over 80% success rate for treating Pulmonary Sarcoidosis (better than the prednisone group), so I'm hoping I may even go into full remission.

    I will be looking up all your recipes for after my re-feeding. I am using this time to make a solid plan for shopping, cooking, and eating post-fast.