February ETL - Food and Fitness



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,946 Member
    Lia, sorry to hear that the food wasn’t all you hoped. I just happened to think, I bet you could email Angela at OSG and ask her for ideas for a vegan/vegetarian wedding. She seems so approachable and I bet she’d be happy to help. I had a total fail last night… craft beer with the neighbors. What was that about no alcohol for the 6 weeks? And I didn’t even make it a week? Doh!

    Jean, too true that I need things without deadlines! I have been practicing every night for a half hour or so. It feels good to take that time for me. Your chili sounds delicious.

    So we’re getting snow. Lots and lots of snow. There is about 4 inches out there now I think. Up to 8 predicted. I did bring work home with me figuring it might not be a good weekend for driving to the office. As usual, when I bring work home, I’m actively avoiding getting started. I did run to the little organic store that is right near my house this morning to pick up a few odds and ends. It was a bit dicey driving and I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to get back up my driveway into the garage without sliding into the sides, but I managed. Now I am staying put. I have a guy who shovels and he will be here eventually. I don’t care as long as it is by Monday morning. I was the lone shopper. I think the employees were happy to have someone come in to reward them for showing up to work.

    I decided that today will be cooking day and I will do work tomorrow. I haven’t been in the mood to cook lately, which is odd for me, but all this cold and snow makes me want to have soups simmering and the oven going. We’ve been in the single digits temperature most of the past week and I feel like I’ll never be warm again. I plan to make my own green split pea soup recipe (I use the term recipe loosely, it is always slightly different), and I’m going to make this: blog.fatfreevegan.com/2006/10/yellow-split-pea-soup-with-sweet.html and this blog.fatfreevegan.com/2011/01/eggplant-and-chickpea-curry.html and this ohsheglows.com/2011/10/24/black-bean-and-butternut-squash-burritos/ and stuffed peppers. I’m going to wing the stuffed peppers. I have some Italian style seitan so I think I’ll sauté some onion and peppers and garlic, add the seitan and some cooked brown rice and spices and diced tomatoes, stuff the peppers and pour some pasta sauce on them, bake and see what happens. It’s kind of hard to screw up stuffed peppers though. I’m sure they will be fine. Maybe I’ll add some chopped olives or capers. I’m getting hungry! I think all of these other than the eggplant and chickpea curry should freeze well so I can portion them out and between these and the soups I made last week I should be set for a good while. I was thinking of freezing the burrito filling alone rather trying to make the actual burritos and freezing. It seems like frozen burritos you buy in the store, the wraps are always tough. So if I just warm up the filling and fill a fresh tortilla it should be better. Have any of you tried freezing assembled burritos? How did they turn out? I’ve frozen enchiladas, but they have sauce so they don’t get dry in the freezer.

    Hope your weekends are off to a good start!
  • sharon9597
    sharon9597 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone I only joined MFP nearly a week ago and only have about half a stone to loose. My main focus is getting back to healthy wholefoods unprocessed eating tho. I've been 99% vegan for 3 years but I have my own rescued hens so do eat those eggs and occasionally still eat fish, other than that vegan. Bought ETL about a year ago but struggled with it as I hate lettuce and don't fancy cold salads when it's so cold outside! But finding this group and reading through has really made me want to try again as although I'm now eating healthy - whole grains, fruit, veg, beans, lentils, nuts, tofu etc I'm aware its all quite high carbs which my body has never been good with! It's all keeping me feeling bloated and and struggling to loose weight even on 1200 calories. Could really do with some friends living this to help me along the way. (Not interested in just 6 weeks diet then back to 'normal', want a life long sustainable healthy way to eat, soooo tired of the yo yo dieting)
    anyone willing to friend me and give me some pointers please?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,946 Member
    Hi Sharon, welcome! The 6 week plan is kind of an immersion or reboot plan. Whether you want to do the 6 week plan or not the goal is to eat "mostly" nutritarian. I am the same way with the starchy carby goodness. I could eat bread and pasta and potatoes all day long, so I have to fill up on lots of nutrient dense plant foods so I am not so tempted lol.

    I'll shoot you a friend request. :)
  • sharon9597
    sharon9597 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Mahani thanks for adding means welcome along with the advice. I see you also put the 6 week ETL plan on here in simple terms which is a great help. Am definately going shopping tomorrow and am going to give it my best shot. Many thanks
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Sharon! Welcome to the group :) I will definitely add you! We are all doing our own variations on ETL to the best of our own abilities.

    Mihani, lots of snow here too! I did the same as you... ran out for groceries (my fridge was bare!) and then back here to hibernate. It's scary driving out there. Awesome job on all the prep!! By the way, great suggestion, I think I will email Angela. She does seem lovely

    Speaking of bloating, not sure what is up but i feel like my body is going to blow up! Trying to drink lots of liquids today... although some of it is coffee, hehe

    PS Today is my first totally ETL Saturday (AND Friday!!) in god knows how long. I am so proud and pleased! And I did T25 both days... I am feeling pretty good although I was mega craving sugar and wine today, but managed to resist. Tried the OSG African Peanut Stew! Very yummy.... Stay warm everyone :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Hi Sharon, welcome! The 6 week plan is kind of an immersion or reboot plan. Whether you want to do the 6 week plan or not the goal is to eat "mostly" nutritarian. I am the same way with the starchy carby goodness. I could eat bread and pasta and potatoes all day long, so I have to fill up on lots of nutrient dense plant foods so I am not so tempted lol.

    I'll shoot you a friend request. :)

    Definitely the starchy carby foods...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,946 Member
    All my cooking turned out well yesterday. I was so exhausted last night... on my feet chopping and stirring and roasting and baking and sauteeing for 8 solid hours. I highly recommend that roasted eggplant and chickpea curry but I would cut back quite a bit on the cilantro. It was kind of overpowering. My freezer is now very well stocked. I didn't even end up eating much yesterday with all that going on.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Cooking takes a lot out of you, I find! Hope you got a good rest.

    Sabine, how are your travels going?

    Today I'm making apple/per oatmeal, preparing all my lettuce, and making curried green lentil soup.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    hi everyone,

    Welcome Sharon.
    I am starting my 6 week reboot tomorrow. My goal is to start logging again and checking in here everyday to keep me accountable. I am in need of the support right now. Also, to go to the gym a min. of 3 x this week.

    Getting prepared today.
    I am going to try and make a mushroom goulash for dinner tonight, adapted from an online traditional recipe.

    recipes list for the week all from dr. fuhrmans website
    easy split pea soup
    sweet beet potato cakes with applesauce
    broccoli mushroom casserole supreme
    cabbage soup

    Snowing here again today. We will probably beat the record for the most snowfall ever this year.

    Happy Sunday
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in. I've been really sick for most of February, but starting to at least get to the point where I can get out of bed for short periods. I will try to post at least every few days. I started Dr. Fuhrman's fasting protocol on the 18th, and it seems to be working. I am not much stronger, but the coughing and bone pain are a lot better already. I actually read about a Russian fasting study that showed an over 80% success rate for treating Pulmonary Sarcoidosis (better than the prednisone group), so I'm hoping I may even go into full remission.

    I will be looking up all your recipes for after my re-feeding. I am using this time to make a solid plan for shopping, cooking, and eating post-fast.
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    How many of you eat nut butters? I think if they have minimal ingredients they can still count as nutritarian, correct? I tried Open Nature's Almond Butter today and was very impressed! I think I like it better than peanut butter and it lists only two ingredients....almonds and a small amount of salt! We had a giant bag of celery left over from a weekend event and I wanted to have some with almond butter and raisins....very tasty snack.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Hi Make Pease hope this diet works for you and you feel better fast.

    Making an adapted recipe for dinner it looks so yummy.
    Traditional Hungarin Goulash I renamed it to: traditional Vegan Hungarian Goulash

    : The Daring Gourmet, www.daringgourmet.com
    Serves: 4
    3 tablespoons lard or butter ( I water sauteed)
    1½ pounds yellow onions, chopped
    ¼ cup good quality sweet Hungarian paprika ( i also added hot Hungarian paprika and black pepper)
    1½ pounds beef (see note), cut into ½ inch pieces (I used mushroom 2 lbs, maybe add tofu 1 extra firm carton diced in next time)
    5 cloves garlic, minced
    2 red bell peppers, seeded/membranes removed, cut into ½ inch chunks
    1 yellow bell pepper, seeded/membranes removed, cut into ½ inch chunks
    2 tomatoes, diced
    2 carrots, diced
    2 medium potatoes, cut into ½ inch chunks
    5 cups beef broth (vegetable broth)
    1 bay leaf
    1 teaspoon salt
    ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

    (Melt the butter in a Dutch oven over medium high heat) Water sautee and cook the onions and garlic until beginning to brown, about 7-10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the paprika. Add the (beef ) mushrooms and return to the heat, and cook for about 10 minutes, or until the (beef is no longer pink) mushrooms are cooked..
    Add the bell peppers and cook for another 7-8 minutes. Add the carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, (beef broth) vegetable broth, bay leaf, salt (no salt) and pepper. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce the heat to medium, and simmer for 40 minutes (see note). Add salt (no salt) to taste.
    (Serve with a dollop of sour cream, some crusty bread, and a cool cucumber salad)
    I will be serving over brown rice.

    I will let you know how it turns out. For some reason I was craving paprika today. A very odd craving.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,946 Member
    Terri those recipes sound good. Are you a member of Dr. F's website? I belonged to it for a few months a while back, but didn't want to keep paying. That is part of why I am considering the get healthy contest he has going on, to get a free basic membership.

    Peas, good to see you. Sorry you've been feeling poorly, but glad you are feeling a bit better now. I was wondering about you the other day. Not a good way to spend your birthday.

    Coues, I'm a recent convert to almond butter. I buy different brands of organic depending on what's on sale. I just bought a jar of the Kroger organic brand this week and it contains only almonds! It made me think about making my own, and I did look it up. I guess it just takes almonds and anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes in the food processor. Seems like it would be cheaper to just buy organic almonds and make my own. I'm going to try it. Love celery with peanut butter and raisins.

    Lia, I've been eyeing that african peanut stew recipe, glad you give it a thumbs up.
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    edited February 2015
    made a great soup tonight....we had a giant bag of celery (from Costco) left over from a big event a week ago and my husband suggested we make cream of celery soup. I have never made this, but was game to try.

    here were the ingredients:

    low sodium chicken broth
    onion (1 chopped up)
    celery (maybe 8 stalks, chopped up)
    dry red lentils (maybe 4-5 cups)
    giant swiss chard (1 giant stalk and leaf cut up...some of you might remember the pic I posted of this stuff! it's huge!)
    white button mushrooms (maybe 1 cup chopped up)
    5 bay leaves
    some dehydrated garlic slices (maybe 15 thin slices)

    I let all that boil/simmer until the lentils and celery were soft (maybe 30-40 mins). Then I took about 3/4 of the soup and put it in a blender and blended until smooth. Oh and I added an avocado for more nutrition and added fat and blended that all up. Then poured the blended mixture back into the soup pot

    then added the following since they didn't need to cook much:
    a bunch of chopped spinach (maybe 3 cups worth)
    the small ends of the celery with the leaves
    some left over cooked chick peas and white beans

    To tell you the truth, I am amazed how good this soup is!

    here is a pic of it. I think the husband will like it!


  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    That looks spectacular! Especially having never really considered cream of celery soup as a viable option of its own, really more thinking of it as a goopy soup in a can which is used to make other things. But that looks really good!

    This morning I did a four mile walk on the treadmill at the Y. Just too cold to be outside, and the wind was awful besides. I have a yoga DVD of 30 minutes to do yet this evening, but I need to let dinner digest.

    I am so tired of being cold! I can only dream of it being over 30 degrees, even that seems like such a distant but delightful idea. It is pretty bad when I am daydreaming of it being over *30*, for goodness sakes!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,946 Member
    Soup looks really good coues, and lots of greens.

    Jean, I hear ya. I feel like I'm never going to be warm again.

    Yesterday was a good day. Got some work done, took a nap. It is really hard for me to stay awake all day when I'm home. I am glad I did all that cooking on Saturday, it will be nice to just heat up something for dinners all week and not have to think about it. Tai chi class tonight. I practiced almost every day this week.

    Have a great start to your week all.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Checking in to say Hi all. I'm back from my four day work trip. I managed to do pretty well all things considered (no real control over where we ate, what was served etc). A bite more animal protein than I would have liked, but I avoided all the candy, chips, cookies, sodas etc. that were offered constantly.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm back!! Back at work today - my birthday - and not really wanting to be here. Oh well.

    I am still a bit sick; but it's going; slowly. Still the odd cough here and there, and still a drippy nose from time to time, but it's definitely on the way out.

    I wish my holidays weren't over!!!!!! :cry: :disappointed:
  • sharon9597
    sharon9597 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi guys Terri and Coues those recepies sound yum and have snapshot them for future use
  • sharon9597
    sharon9597 Posts: 33 Member
    So I've just made and eaten fatfree vegan blogs black and red lentil chilli and would highly recommend it if you haven't tried it, so yummy. I made it before exactly as the recepie but found it a little too runny for my liking so I adjusted it a tiny bit. The recepie calls for 4 cups of broth (960ml) but this time I added 900ml and it ask for 1/4 cup red lentils to thicken it but I added a heaped 1/4 cup instead of flat and this one came out perfect thickness. I also added 1 tbs of plain raw cocoa powder as I find it gives chilli and stews a nice dept of flavour. Totally yummy and recepie says serve 4 with 266 cals per portion. My adjustments will only add 20 calories and portion is actually huge. Check it out on fatfree vegan.com blog