Maxine's Challenge 2015



  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    I'm going to diarise a couple of the days in advance to see approx calories and protein ratios they're using, purely out of interest.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all.

    Have decided to also join the challenge. Registered last night. Have gone private. Don't have the confidence to go public. Tried it last year but only lasted 3 weeks as then hubby went overseas and it stuffed me up emotionally.

    Was reading the info you wrote skim and have found it extremely helpful. Might also try the Max night time as this is when I find things the hardest.

    Will be mainly concentrating on the nutrition as I'll be keeping up with my running training. Which I do three days running and three days weights. Plus I'm really enjoying this.

  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    Yay! Glad to have you with us!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi Lou!!! Good to have you on board!! I have both the vanilla and chocolate Max Nite Time and find the chocolate the best for a YUM factor, but the vanilla is good too and I use that one if I'm going to mix it with cottage cheese and coconut for an ice-cream substitute.

    Just take one day at a time and as they say - nutrition is the key!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Challenge starts tomorrow! I'm excited!!

    How is everyone else feeling?

  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Just did a blog post about the challenge - so excited this time around.
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just completed the fitness test and starting measurements. Starting stats are as follows:

    * weight = 63kg
    * height = 170cm

    * waist (narrowest point/midriff) = 71cm
    * backside = 98cm
    * hips = 92cm
    * stomach (across belly button) = 86.5cm
    * ribs (under bust) = 74.5cm
    * bust = 86cm
    * right thigh =54cm
    * right calf = 34.5cm
    * left thigh = 55cm
    * left calf = 34.5cm
    * right bicep (flexed) = 28cm
    * left bicep (flexed) = 29cm

    * burpees = 23
    * push ups (on knees) = 25
    * crunches = 55
    * alternate lunges = 21
    * plank (on toes) = 67 secs
    * jump squats = 27

    Super pumped to get this thing started tomorrow! Bring it!!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Peejay, we are so similar in our measurements except my bust is 98cm and thighs are about 57cm. Sadly, I fear the bust is about to go down a bit but these things happen.
    Oh and I'm 167cm.
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    I used to be a DD, but after weight loss I'm a C-D...
  • MarieFroz
    MarieFroz Posts: 302 Member
    Happy to see you all, hope you are well!

    First day of the challenge, and I'm so excited too
    Sorry if I was absent of this forum, I rarely use MFP with the computer, and from the phone it's a nightmare to find the forum (now registered as favorite)...

    ***First impressions***
    So i've tried last week to follow the Maxine's diet and fitness, and it suits me well, as this is not so different to what I use to eat.

    Diet plan
    I followed the diet plan (except I didn't take the afternoon shake and eat 100g proteins per portion instead of 150g as it is very too much for me, I have 1,8g of protein per day per kg)

    Thanks Skim for the recipe with oats, I don't know how I did before... So yummy!

    I am so happy because from last week, I have a gym in my residence (and it's free!), it's so easy to wake up and just take the lift (yes, I should take the stairs and not the lift!) to go to the gym, I think it will help me a lot to stick to my objectives.
    The Maxine's program takes me around 40minutes, but I find the rest time is long, and I do 2 minutes instead of 3 minutes...

    Maxine supplements
    Is internet the only way to buy the Maxine's product? I'd like to buy protein powder when i will have finished my current box, but I can't see nutritious facts on their website, and I'd like to check the composition.

    My agenda
    Monday : Weights
    Tuesday : Squash or Swimming or Rest (depends on my squash partner)
    Wednesday : Weights in the morning and Running club in the evening (50min)
    Thursday : Swimming or Squash or Rest (depends on Tuesday and my partner)
    Friday : Weights
    Saturday : Squash or Swimming or Running (depends on my partner :smiley: )
    Sunday : Rest and walking

    * weight = 57kg (My aim is to lose weight but I'm not focused on the number, the mirror or jeans are better judge - I have already lost 8kg from August 2013 - It's very long and It's very hard for me to lose weight even I behave like an angel... Hope the challenge will be the end of this "plateau")
    * height = 152cm

    * shoulders = 99cm
    * bust = 87cm
    * ribs (under bust) = 74cm
    * waist (narrowest point/midriff) = 73cm
    * stomach (across belly button) = 75cm
    * seat (tan limit) = 88cm
    * hips = 97cm
    * thigh - L =57cm / R = 57cm
    * calf - L =36cm / R = 36cm
    * bicep (flexed) L = 26cm/ R = 26cm

    --> I have the syndrome of thick and short legs, hopefully they aren't too much fatty but more muscled, but I'd really like to lose weight here!
    There is no miracle, I know...
    I've started to strengthen my back, shoulders and arms in order to not look anymore to a pear... But since I've started weight lifting my thighs have gained 2cm :-1:
    I prefer having big muscled thighs than thinner and fat at least...

    Fitness test

    I will do it tomorrow, I have completely forgotten, at least I know the push ups
    * burpees = X
    * push ups (on toes) = 10
    * crunches = X
    * alternate lunges = X
    * plank (on toes) = X
    * jump squats = X
    * chin up = 1 (bonus for my personal satisfaction)

    So I am done for today, hope your day is/was nice!
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited February 2015
    You can buy it at some health food and supplement shops but I got mine online.

    I'll try and upload a pic of the nutritional info off my box tomorrow for you. I've got choco latte flavour and strawberry flavour. Macro breakdown seems the same for each but obviously the ingredients are slightly different to get the different flavours. In the meantime you should be able to see the main macro breakdowns in my food diary (breakfast, afternoon tea and supper - I had 1 serve at each).
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Well done Marie!!! I'll reply tomorrow, I'm off to bed.
  • MarieFroz
    MarieFroz Posts: 302 Member
    Oh no! I just lost my message, a long one... :(

    Thanks Peejaygee!

    Anyway, I found the composition of Maxine and it is better than my actual protein powder as the first ingredient is Protein Isolate and doesn't contain Soy Protein.
    As there is a shop superdiscountsupplements at Bondi Junction I think I'll go next week.

    If you're interested in reading labels, I advise this book which is very interesting for learning to read labels.

    I wish you a nice day, and succeed in the challenge!

    I think I'll go playing squash tonight, or swimming if my partner changes his mind...
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi beautiful people,

    Hope you're all doing well. Still early days but so far so good here.

    Had a crap day at work but that's actually normal for me. Was meant to leave at 2pm but had to stay back so hadn't taken my afternoon snack. So am very pleased that the health food shop near work sells maxine burn single serve shakes. Expensive at $4 each but better that the chocolate from the fundraising box.

    So food wise I'm going well. Trying to stick to their breakfast and snacks however having my own lunch and dinner which is really only a protein and veg.

    Exercise will be following their weights program however with high reps but low weights plus three days running. I've got a half marathon early May so need to keep up the training for that. Think it should go ok. Only thing I may do is up my carbs a bit on my running days but I'm sure it will work out.

    Feeling very positive so far.


  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    2 days down, 82 to go. I'm sticking as close as possible to their eating and training plan. Enjoying it so far but massive DOMS this morning. I'm glad though because it's a sign that I'm doing the right thing.

    Cardio tomorrow. Will do it in the morning as I have a doctors appt in the arvo and I'm pretty sure I won't feel like working out after that.

    Keep up the great work guys!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    yay for everyone!!

    Lou, I don't follow the meal plan all that well. I kinda-sorta do but I pretty much have my own mix of protein and veggies for lunch and dinner. As long as I hit my planned macros I'm pretty happy.

    Peej - LOL at 82 days to go - yesterday I was on top of the world, felt fabulous, was thinking to myself "I'm on top of this" LOL!!! 2 days in... *giggles*

    Yesterday I did legs - today upper followed by Spin and we did heavy leg tracks. OMG I thought I was going to die - didn't know if I could make it off the bike at the end without falling over!! But I did, I bet I'll be hurting later. In a good way of course.

    Changing my planned routine a bit too. I am now not working Fridays (woo hoo) so I will do a big workout (legs and back) on Friday. Great news as I'll only be getting up at 4:30am 3 days a week instead of 4.

    Hope you all have a great day XXX

    Oh and if you are on Instagram, #tttaussies so we can find one another and #maxineschallenge15 (plus there are others)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    My revised TRAINING plan is as follows:

    Mon - Chest and Shoulders / Spin
    Tues - Legs and Back
    Wed - Chest and Shoulders / Spin
    Thurs - Rest day
    Friday - Legs and Back / Cardio of some sort
    Sat - Triceps and Abs
    Sun - Rest day

    Plus walking at least 10,000 steps a day.

    NUTRITION GOALS: Macros 140g (36%) protein; 75g (44%) fat; 75g (20%) carbs. If I feel like I'm bonking I might increase the carbs a bit but I'm Insulin resistant and prefer to be a fat burner so unless I think I need it I'll keep my carbs to about 20%.

    This combination works out to be 1535 calories per day. I'll decrease to 1450 for the second 4 week period.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Also, thanks Marie, sorry wasn't ignoring you put your questions got answered and I forgot to say so above!! Thanks for the link, I'll read that later.

    I haven't played squash for about 20 years, I don't think that there are as many squash courts around as there used to be. It's hard work!!
  • MarieFroz
    MarieFroz Posts: 302 Member

    Good to have some lecture, yes, 81 days to go... :D
    I've made a 2 sheets home made calendar for the length of the challenge. If I succeed in sport, I cross the square, if I succeed in food I make a "V", and I make a smiley with my feeling of the day. Sounds like scholar but visual things help a lot :-)

    Plans for today
    Tonight I'll go running, even if it is raining as I am waiting for one week, and I am prepared to do my fitness test now. (if I don't spend 2 hours writing the message--> what is not so bad as I need to pass the IELTS test on Saturday :-)

    Skim : I found a squash club not so far from my apartment (just 3km!), and even it is decreasing, I still love it, it is the best way to relax from my mind!

    Miffylou That's nice you can find proteins near your work! I wish you to get well prepared for your race!

    Peej : Nice job! Hope your muscles will get back on track soon. ARVO is an association, is that? So I assume it's just a work appointment? Sorry to ask, as I am not native, sometimes I don't understand the meaning, and I don't want to be rude if you were sick

    Failure confession
    I have to admit yesterday I was highly motivated during the day but I had an "black hole moment" when I received negative answers for jobs and when my BF cancelled our squash that was the last stroke (I overreacted, I know!...), I get angry, and I ate hazelnut chocolate :-( I am very ashamed of myself to have this kind of failure so early... I count on MFP the chocolate on several days instead of a big quantity on one day, as it reminds me I need to be more cautious the days following and keeping the balance on the week. But I really need to stop eating when I get angry or disappointed!

    Anyway, I am pretty good at pushing me up after a failure, so I am highly motivated again! However I really have to ask my flatmate to hide her chocolate, to avoid further temptation...

    Enjoy your day!
  • MarieFroz
    MarieFroz Posts: 302 Member
    And here are the results of my fitness test...

    * burpees = 14
    * push ups (on toes) = 12
    * crunches = 32
    * alternate lunges = 27
    * plank (on toes) = 45 secs
    * jump squats = 18
    * chin up = 2

    Not very shinny... But I am happy for push ups, 2 months ago I was unable to do more than 4 on toes, and chin up unable to do even 1... I really need to ask the residence committee to set up a chin up bar in our gym, or I would be unable to improve it. (and I am afraid to put one in my apartment!)