8 Pounds in 7 days?

ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
Does anyone know if it's possible for me to lose 8 pounds in the next 7 days? Been lchf for almost 2 months. Feeling great. On vacation from work for the next 7 days and was wondering if anyone knew how I might drop 7 pounds during that time. No Reason just a personal challenge. Egg fast, fat fast never looked into either really....


  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Eat one day, fast one day, repeat....

    Dan the Man from Michigan

  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Lose it, any kind of fasting would help, or increase fat dramatically. KEEP it off, I have no idea.
  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    I would say it's definitely possible. I lost 7 lbs in one week without doing much other than keeping my carbs lower (10-15 net) and fat higher (more than 75%) and eating around 14-1600 calories. If you add some fasting in there as well then I'm sure you can drop even more in a week.
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks All. I'm gonna shoot for it but if it doesn't happen then that's ok too. I'm really tired today for some reason. Need to sleep early tonight I guess.
  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member
    Depends how much you have to lose too. If you're obese, it shouldnt be too hard, but If youre closer to your goal weight it might be a little more difficiult.
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    I'm still almost 40 pounds to goal.
  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    i might join you ! we can swap notes. im going hard this week. definately possible. im going to try fasting and stay well hydrated to flush out the junk. and higher fats etc. when not fasting. all these suggestions abve are great. And the exercise. I reckon let go for it!
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    Not starting off well. Up 1 this morning but I know I didn't drink enough water yesterday and have some seriously sore muscles in my lower body from stepping up and down off a chair painting yesterday for 4 hours as well as squatting to the floor a million times. Should see better results tomorrow.
  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    I doubt (unless you are remarkably obese, which doesn't seem the case, or you exercise 8 hours a day) that you can have a real 7lb loss...the scale may go down that much but my guess is it would come back by at least half when you go back to your normal WOE. Not to discourage you but just keeping it real.