Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • rmatthews2
    rmatthews2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey i'm in!
    I'm 22 + 5'4

  • sep3md
    sep3md Posts: 2 Member
    rmatthews2 wrote: »
    Hey i'm in!
    I'm 22 + 5'4

    We're similar, except I'm 29 yo.
    2 kids (2yo & 2.5months)
    HW: 160 pregnant
    CW: 128
    GW: 110-115, or whenever I can fit back into my clothes
  • sep3md
    sep3md Posts: 2 Member
    Ok I am 28 yrs old, no kids.
    Heaviest 132
    Current 127
    Goal 113


    We are similar too! Where did you get 113? I always want to say 114, but don't know why...
  • Just joined. I am also on the dailymile. I am 32, horrible at exercising on land. Used to be competitive swimmer. Trying to lost 5 pesky pounds due to a knee injury keeping me from exercising. :(. I need some motivators and people who are having success to get me started and keep me going! Please friend me :)

    HW: 117
    CW: 117
    Goal: 110-112
  • commanderducky
    commanderducky Posts: 6 Member
    I see a lot if people with similarities and I'm still going through the list, but I'm putting my stats here in case my twin is able to find me first!

    Age: early thirties
    Height: 5' 2"
    HW: 135 (recently)
    CW: 131
    LW (adult): 112
    Goal: 115 to 120 (as long as I'm fit and feel good)

    I exercise in fits and spirts, but I'm hoping having a partner in fitness will keep me motivated and make it a habit.
  • commanderducky
    commanderducky Posts: 6 Member
    kendzini13 wrote: »
    Hmm, I feel short!

    Height: 5"2
    HW: 136
    CW: 127
    GW: 121

    I just need to tone up and start saying no to all this junk I'm eating! (well, all the excess chocolates I consume)

    Are you between 25 - 35? If so, you might be my closest twin.

    And being short is awesome, you can hide places other people can't, look like a kid for longer, fit in cars easier, and you don't have to bend/hunch as much. Plus, when you have to crawl on countertops to reach high cupboards, you burn more calories than tall friends who just reach for it. That, or you make more friends by being forced to ask for help. ;)

  • Hi :)

    Im obviously new but Im looking for someone or multiple people to be in this together

    19 years old
    height: 5' 4"
    weight: 145
    goal: 120
    I'm kinda close to that!

    20 years old
    HW: 140
    CW: 137
    GW: 120
  • hi i'm 5'9 and 34 years young
    hw- 198 (previous college athlete, post graduation and gained more weight than ever- many moons ago though)
    lw- 135
    cw- 155
    i'm looking to get around 140 in a healthy way! maybe we should start to inspire each other!

    Hi your my nearest twin I think,

    I'm 29
    5ft 10
    HW: 154
    LW: 126
    CW: 145
    GW: 138

    I want to tone more than anything but also want to slim down a bit. I'm quite tall so look slim but under all my clothes I'm quite unfit and wobbly
  • foxjenz
    foxjenz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi i am new to this and understand none of it!!
  • ntinkham88
    ntinkham88 Posts: 130 Member
    I am 5'3
    Heaviest: 165
    Current: 120
    Goal : Maintain/tone up
  • Hey!!

    178 cm ( 5'10)
    highst weight 67 kilo (148)
    current weight 62 kilo ( 137)
    goal: 57 kilo (125)
  • 5'5''
    age: 20ish
    hw: 123.5
    lw: 98.5
    cw: 123.5
    gw: 118.5
    bf: 29.9

    just 5 pounds!
  • Hi everyone!
    I'm 51 years old
    My height is 5'3"
    My heaviest weight was 168
    My current weight is 137 which I've been maintaining for 2 years
    My goal weight is 125
    I've finally decided to work on losing the last few pounds to reach my goal.
  • motelbooks
    motelbooks Posts: 6 Member
    Height: 5'3
    Highest weight: 150
    Lowest weight: 128
    Current weight: 132
    Goal weight: 118

    Unsure of my BF%
  • 5-5
    Highest- now :neutral_face: at 145
    Current- 145 lb
    Goal- 125 lb (or less)
    Freshman year of high school I was 115 lb and healthy athletic and happier. Mental illness struck me hard now my senior year I want to get rid of the crap I packed on!
    Hi! I think we're pretty close, I'm
    Age- 21
    HW- 145
    CW- 136.2
    LW- 118
    GW- 125
    I used to be super athletic, but have lost it in college, I'm trying to lose those last stubborn 11 lbs!! Want to be buddies?
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    I am 26 yrs old just under 5'4"
    heaviest: 144lbs
    current: 136lbs
    goal: 125lbs

    looking for motivational friends with similar goals, add me :)
  • motelbooks wrote: »
    Height: 5'3
    Highest weight: 150
    Lowest weight: 128
    Current weight: 132
    Goal weight: 118

    Unsure of my BF%

    pretty close
  • Anyone still need a buddy? New with this app.
    HW: 156
    LW: 107 ( yeah that was an ED)
    Otherwise lowest healthy weight 128
    CW: 140
    GW: 132

    8 pounds of stubbornness. Looking for someone who might want to hold each other accountable! (Not a dating website right?!)
  • kitsilana
    kitsilana Posts: 50 Member
    Hi there,
    Any strong ladies out there who might be my twin?

    Here's my stats:
    HW. 198lb
    CW 180lb
    GW around 165lb!

    I see lots of people with a HW of 165lb in here while that would be my ideal weight! :)

    I have a physical job, so I have some muscles that I need to keep!
    Looking to lose the layer of fat over them though.

    If that sounds like you, get in touch!!
  • Elf31
    Elf31 Posts: 14 Member
    Juliawiatr wrote: »
    Age 25
    Height 5'7"
    HW - 190
    CW - 153
    GW - 135
    BF %- 26
    Goal BF - 21%

    Hi :)

    I think you're the closest to being my twin!
    Age 27
    Height 5'6 (and a half)
    HW 170
    CW 158
    GW 138 for now