February Challenge - Weigh-In: Report #4 - February 24, 2015

grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
I will weigh in tomorrow morning; however, this thread is now open for posting. How have you all done?


  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Well it is Tuesday here, so here goes. 173.2, which is 1.2 lower than last week.

    I am now a tad over 3lbs from goal weight, and had a nice NSV with my belt now able to get comfortably in the fourth hole
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Don't know where you are, but to my friends in COLD country, stay warm and don't give up! I am definitely sick of this. Was -11 this a.m. on my way into work!

    @farway: Great loss and a terrific NSV! Those are the things that keep you going and get you so close to goal!

    I lost 1.5 pounds this week! I have achieved my weight loss goal for February plus .5 pounds. Still one more week to go!

    SW 2/3/15: 151.5
    2/10/15: 151.5
    2/17/15: 148.5!
    CW 2/24/15: 147
    GW 3/3/15: 147.5

    However, I meditated 2 times out of the 3 that was my goal and I still didn't do the resistance band. It is hanging on the back of my door, where I can look up and easily see it. Does that count?

    I went to Tai Chi twice last week. I am really loving this! At first I wondered, "Why?" and thought it was going to just be too difficult, but I am more relaxed with it. We are up to move 58 of 108. However, now a lot will be repeats. For me, when I can just do the parts I know well, I really see the benefits!

    I'm anxious to see how the rest of you are doing and what you accomplished this week. Remember those NSVs are so important so don't forget to tell us.

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    And a good too early in the morning to you all!
    Charlie, you are such a fantastic mentor. You've helped me spot sodium intake guidelines just as I was going to need to watch it. You're encouraging at the right times, and gently remindful at just the right times also. Thank you soooo much.
    Last week wasn't awesome all the time, but every time I saw me frowning, I put on a smile and it really did make me feel better inside. I took a rest day, so that shouldn't count on my goal of 16666 steps a day, right? Next three days I was ill, but met or almost met goal on two of them. Lost a pound to reach 149, and peeked this morning and the scale is encouraging.
    @Farway, @grandmothercharlie Great big congratulations on your goal achievements.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    GMCharlie, it is cold here too but not in the sub zero range today, sun is out and should reach the 40's. What a relief that is, but more cold and snow starts on Thursday. CO winter, love it or leave it. >:)

    Start: 169.5
    Today 167.4
    Keep doing over 10K steps per day even on long car ride days.
    Result: I averaged over 12.2K steps per day this week. One day the battery died, but since that is the average, I feel I met my goal this week.

    Eat within my daily calories, no overages! I am using net calories, thought I should make that clear. My Charge HR tracking has made me realize, I was not eating enough before. That is why I have seen pretty slow and poor results these last few months since I came back to MFP. Since using net cals. instead of cals. I am finally seeing results not only on the scale but the fit of my clothes, which is a big deal for me, I want to wear my "other" wardrobe, and I am finally able to pull a few pieces from there now.
    Result:One day I was over by less than 10 calories. So failed there. But I am pretty happy with the scale results right now, so will not beat myself up about it.

    Looking forward to enjoying everyone's results.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Eat within my daily calories, no overages! I am using net calories, thought I should make that clear.[/b] My Charge HR tracking has made me realize, I was not eating enough before. That is why I have seen pretty slow and poor results these last few months since I came back to MFP. Since using net cals. instead of cals. I am finally seeing results not only on the scale but the fit of my clothes...

    Thanks for that reminder about getting enough calories, retirehappy! Our bodies will react by slowing down our metabolism if we aren't taking in energy.

    My goal: exercise minimum 40 minutes each day. I met my goal 6 out of 7 days this week so it wasn't a perfect week like last week but, I'll take it! My average exercise time was 69 minutes per day over this past week. My daily average since we started the February challenge is 61 minutes per day. So just because it isn't perfection, doesn't mean it isn't success!

    Tomorrow (Wed.) is really my official weigh-in day and you know how the scale goes, down, then up, then down again ... Judging by where I am today, I am down 1½ pounds and we'll see where it goes tomorrow.

    NSV: Doing a complete double take when I caught sight of myself in my bathing suit in the mirror at the gym! I just can't get over how different I look! See my recent blog post for more on that thrill.

    NSV: Enjoying this winter SO much since I am able to be outside and be active. I have been loving every minute of cross-country skiing and even snow-shoveling has been no big deal. I enjoy getting that exercise and I feel energized rather than exhausted when I come in from outside.

    NSV: So much less depressed and overall feeling so much better about myself!

    NSV: Making new friends right here in this wonderful group! Thanks for your encouragement and the inspiration of all your successes! ~ Kathy in currently frigid Massachusetts (1 degree F at 9:00 a.m.).
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Well done y'all!!!!
    I'm struggling, to be honest. This winter is killin' me - can't wait for spring!!!
    - My ankle problem returned with a vengeance (not that it ever really goes away) so two days past week I was unable to meet my 15,000 step goal. Still averaged over 16,600 daily though so I'll call that one a success.
    - Didn't buy my two trigger foods, but bought (and consumed) other crap, so that's not a success.
    - Lots of stuff not being logged (sigh), so both the logging and the 1000 calories under not met either. I am doing better about logging my PLAN though, so i'll call that a 25% win.

    Gotta do something to get out of these winter doldrums, which affect just about everything but especially stuffing too much/wrong stuff in my mouth :cry:

    I'll just continue to hang in and let some of YOUR success and enthusiasm rub off on me
    tired of having to de-ice my wings before I can fly......
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Continuing to maintain at a pound under goal so am happy with that, especially as we were away for the weekend .. I managed not to overstuff myself and to get my 10.000 steps in. Our room in the hotel was on the 4th floor ....I used the stairs rather than the lift so the 69 steps up and down several times a day helped!

    Yesterday I was at a Spa day with my friend for her birthday. Had a healthy lunch and then massage, steam room, sauna etc so for the first day this month didn't manage my steps.......and was so relaxed when I got home that I couldn't be bothered to step on the spot to get them up to 10,000! So that was my first failure. But of the four of us I was the only one who had to drive home 40 miles. The others lived locally so they ended up drinking three bottles of wine between them!!! They kept saying poor you can't have a drink! I was actually thrilled to be drinking lots of water to keep hydrated....I need that when I have a massage....and very smug to not be sloshing back the wine!

    And it paid off when I got on the scales this morning and had maintained again!

    Looking forward to a good last week of February.

    Well done to all who are feeling the benefits of a good month....and well done to everyone who might be struggling, for still being here and keeping going!

    Jean :D
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    According to my scale, I stayed the same. My Fitbit shows I should be down .7 of a pound. My scale doesn't weigh in 10's, so ---maybe next week I will have some happy news to report! Joni
    SANGSTER63 Posts: 38 Member
    :) It's cold here -40 with the wind chill. You just don't want to go out. I did get my walk in weekly gouls . I have stay on track with my food just have keep it up.I am down 1.6 AND HAVE 1.8 to go befor the end of feb. Congraltion to you all,
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited February 2015
    Congrats to everyone. We didn't have any gains, did we? Remember, when you don't make that 10K in a day, I bet you are averaging at least that (like Ker). Averages count.

    I think this weather is getting to everyone. When it is bitter cold and I have to walk from my office the two blocks to the main building, I will often pop into the parking garage and take the catwalk over and then walk through buildings. It was definitely cold today but I made myself walk outside to and from because it was sunny. We need that sunshine to combat S.A.D. Some people are affected more than others, but lack of sunshine is a sure road to the doldrums. Sun and exercise help. Both are difficult to do this miserable winter and why we are suffering more.

    From the Mayo Clinic:

    Fall and winter SAD

    Symptoms specific to winter-onset SAD, sometimes called winter depression, may include:
    •Tiredness or low energy
    •Problems getting along with other people
    •Hypersensitivity to rejection
    •Heavy, "leaden" feeling in the arms or legs
    •Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates
    •Weight gain

  • Nancybenjam
    Nancybenjam Posts: 17 Member
    Congrats to everyone who had such a successful week and month! I stayed the same today but will log any change as soon as I see it. I've been focusing on logging food, walking 10k steps, and doing an exercise CD at least four times a week. I also live in Massachusetts and the cold and mounds of snow are keeping me in. I walk around the room when I'm on the phone just to get steps in! I'm enjoying reading everyone's comments, this is a great forum!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Nancy, you might want to check out the videos on youtube.com there are heaps of 5-10 min. ones on walking, yoga, working with hand weights etc. Walk Away the Pounds is longer and in there as well.

    You can setup your own private channel there with the ones you enjoy doing, makes it easier to get to them quickly when you need a few more mins of movement in your day.

    Living in Colorado, I know all about being snowed in and unable to get outside without risking frostbite!
  • PrairiePride49
    PrairiePride49 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've not done well this week - eating or otherwise! Am back on track today and need to keep "HEALTH" in my mind when I want to cheat and go back to my old way of eating and thinking. No excuses, other than falling back into old habits. I gained 2.4 lbs. this week.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Well it is Saturday 28 Feb here [UK] My last weigh in for Feb this morning is 170.6, started Feb at 177.2

    Now just 0.6lb to goal weight and beyond

    Just diet & walking, I am not gym rat or runner /swimmer

    I had a few blips on the way, cheese on toast, jam sandwich, the occasional chocolate digestive biscuit or mint choc with morning coffee, but all factored in, went on average calories, some up, more down worked fine for me

    Good luck to all
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Great job, Farway! The scale finally budged downward this morning so my final report for February is a total weight release of 7 pounds. I'll take it!

    Re: my actual goal for the challenge - to exercise a minimum of 40 minutes a day - I met that goal 25 out of the 28 days. I will also take that! There was actually only one day on which I got in NO exercise - other than the usual running around in circles looking for something I misplaced, or jumping to conclusions.

    So overall this challenge really paid off for me and looking at the big picture, I feel very successful. I look forward to a MARCH challenge! ~ Kathy
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I got on the scale two days ago and was down 1 pound. I think that is a total of 5 pounds for me this month, that is good for me. I'm supposed to lose and addition 10 pounds in three weeks at a Wellness Challenge I joined at work. That is not going to happen. I had planned to exercise 60 minutes a day. My ankle is better, now my whole left leg hurts down the outside starting at my hip. I think my hip is the source. So I have really not been able to exercise the past couple of weeks as I had planned. Not sure what my next step should be. Just soaked in the tub. That helped. Joni
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    We'll have the Final Weigh-in on Tuesday! We said we would go a full-four weeks! So we will have a few more days! If we want to then step it up again for March, we can go 4 more weeks to March 31st.
  • redzz16
    redzz16 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm a little late checking in this week....it's been a bit nuts! Work has been crazy, and we finally got an offer on our house.....still, I managed to get 2 pounds off so I'm happy about that! Onward and downward!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    @redzz16 Congratulations. Big milestones!
    Now for a couple of tips from someone who's lived in places where the sun stays hidden for months at a time: Step outside and look toward where the sun is hiding behind the clouds. Some rays get through, and even that little bit of light helps, I PROMISE!
    Tip 2: I have a friend whose husband was head nurse who took part in a SADD study at the base hospital in Tacoma, WA (very cloudy winters). They followed through on the research results and put full-spectrum light bulbs into all the major areas she is active in, such as the kitchen and family room. This helped her tremendously through the winters.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    It's March now.....so I am pleased to report I am still below goal and I managed the 10,000 steps every day except one in February.

    The Challenge seems to have helped many of us...a focus is such a good idea......well done everyone! :D
