Friendship & Intro Thread



  • mcamping
    mcamping Posts: 48 Member
    Hi my name is Marie and I have Hashimotos, been feeling icky for the last 20 years, but the doctors would not run the antibodies test. Changed doctors this year and found out why I have felt like this, why I had the miscarriages, ect. I have a lot of weight to lose and I am going to try the zone diet and see how it works. If anyone can tell me what else I can do I would appreciate it.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Hi. Just came back to MFP after being so discouraged with hypothyroid issues. Someone yesterday told me about this group. Thanks!
  • HappilyDistracted
    HappilyDistracted Posts: 1,700 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi, I am also back to MFP. (Not sure I ever really officially started.) I have hypothryoid (plus PCOS and Insulin Resistance) I was really successful with Weight Watchers for a while, but hit a plateau I never got past, gained some weight back and have had a hard time getting on track.

    I am exercising about 4 times a week and am trying to eat less carbs, more protein and veggies (hoping that helps with the thyroid factor). My biggest struggle has been finding that fine line of eating the right amount, so I am losing weight, without feeling like I am starving. Oh, and night time. Feel free to add me as a friend. I could use some distractions at night time, other than food. :-)
  • gwenpally
    gwenpally Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Im 26 and from the UK, I've just joined MFP again after a brief (year long) absence. It was the only way I seemed to be getting anywhere with steady weightloss but not feeling like I was depriving myself. I'm back up to where I was again before I started so here I am again!

    Anyway, a few years ago I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after months of tests trying to figure out what was wrong with me. However, I still think I may have an underactive thyroid that's undiagnosed. Thyroid problems are throughout my family, all the women on my dad's side (including my only sister) all have an underactive thyroid and my brother (1 of 2) has been diagnosed with an overactive thyroid in the last year.

    I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced difficulties trying to get a diagnosis? And also, since I'm not on any medication, if there are any foods or supplements reccommended? Tiredness is my main problem but I also have cognitive issues and tend to seek food as a comfort when I can't keep warm.

    Thanks guys!
  • Silinde
    Silinde Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Gwenpally, if you're still reading this, I also experienced issues in getting diagnosed. Even when dieting was nearly impossible and the dietician insisted I had to have a medical condition, the GP would not test for it. It was only when my other half went to see the GP together with me because I literally slept all weekend from being sooooo tired, that they tested. I probably have had issues all my life as I've always been overweight, but until I finished university it was not too much and my energy was relatively ok. And as you point out, it's hereditary, daughters tend to be more at risk than sons, so tell them that your family has it. It's a simple blood test to confirm. :)
  • BadgerFaced
    BadgerFaced Posts: 66 Member
    Hey everyone! Just stumbled across this group and thought it was fitting to join.

    I was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism when I was around 2-ish after gaining a large amount of weight for no reason. I'm not sure for how long I was left untreated before starting medication but whatever, what's done is done at this point.

    I began taking Synthyroid, the amounts being put up every so often when it was deemed fitting to do so. My TSH levels never got below 4, and usually hovered around 4.5 but my doctor at the time didn't want to give me much more Synthyroid because of the risk of osteoporosis. I have struggled with my weight since I was 2 and so far have not had much luck getting it off and keeping it off.

    Growing up, no one ever really explained to me what hypothyroidism truly is and what I could do to feel better. I often took my medication with meals which I later found out at 18 was a mistake. I stopped taking my medication from the ages of 19-22 because I didn't have the money to pay, and honestly I didn't feel any worse not taking the medication so thought to myself 'Why bother?'
    I realize now that was also a mistake and really suffered from not being on the medication. I have since started back up but on dessicated thyroid instead and it's been going well.

    Various family members of mine also have primary hypothyroidism so there is not much I can do. Have a chronic illness really sucks though and has made life difficult. Often times I'm achy, and have too much brain fog to function (though that's getting slightly better), but this condition is not seen as being serious enough to warrant getting time off from work.
  • Hello!!

    I'm pretty excited that I found this group. I joined My Fitness Pal in July of last year and was doing pretty good until the holiday's hit. Between that and the fact that if I even enter the same room as a donut I'll put on about 10 pounds (per minute), I got frustrated and before I knew it, it's February and I can't blame the holidays anymore.

    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in 2011. I'm also fighting thyroid cancer. The weight issues that come with all of it just add insult to injury. I'm really excited to have found a group of people that will understand some of the unique struggles we have when it comes to losing and managing weight.
  • Vickiti
    Vickiti Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all :) I just joined. I have Hashis and I am finally well medicated. (I finally told GP to get lost and self medicate with NDT and T3 - weird mix but it works for me!)

    I finally feel more human and am ready to start to shift the weight.

    Will write more later as spent so long exploring the site and the app that I didn't realise the time. I'll be back :)
  • Vickiti
    Vickiti Posts: 21 Member
    Back again :)

    Well I have been doing a LOT of reading here. Rather amazed to hear of all the exercise you guys are doing. Sheesh I am proud that I hold down a full time job but other than that I count it as an accomplishment if I manage to stay vertical long enough to cook a meal! Well done to you all - I hope to be there too one day in the not too distant future.

    Anyway, now that my medication has me in a better place I am ready to lose weight. Previously I lost 3.5 stone following Slimming World. I was doing really well and then BAM between one week and the next I was gaining. :'( I kept on gaining and went through food diaries etc with my session leader and all was good. I was also feeling very fatigued and temps low. Tada - finally light-bulb went on - I needed to raise my meds! However my GP disagreed as I was still within the ridiculously wide TSH range. (No FT3/FT4 unless I go private.) I carried on going to Slimming world for another 2 months, tweaking the diet, trying to exercise and nothing helped - all the weight piled back on and I gave up. Demoralised, defeated, dejected and a BLIMP!

    At that stage I gave up on my GP and self medicated. It's not a decision I took lightly. I did a lot of research prior to starting, (it helps that my fiance is a nurse, he gets me access to the the best medical research sites.) I refuse to waste any more of my life with this condition. Within a month of starting NDT the weight gain stopped and I even lost a few pounds. However, it took me a while to pluck up the courage to even TRY a diet again.

    So, here I am. I kicked the gluten, and can't take "gluten-free" products anyway, so I am planning a rounded diet but with carbs on the low side, 90% cooked from scratch. I take a good set of vitamins and minerals (plus Betain HCL as I have low stomach acid,) and my bloods show my non-thyroid "Top 5" (Iron, Folate, Ferritin, B12, D) are all now in a good place so there is nothing to stop me. :)

    Exercise is still very minimal. I have 2 metal knees, am more than double the weight I should be and am only 5' 2" so look like a beach ball! I also still tire quickly, so am starting very slowly. I am open to ideas for things I can do at home.

    Would love a weight-loss buddy. If possible someone in UK and who has more than 4 stone to lose.
    I will do my first weigh-in (since starting the diet) on Monday. Fingers crossed :)

  • DancerGirl16
    DancerGirl16 Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hello! I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism in May 2013 (after two years of seeing my general health decline and the scale go from 170 lbs. to 210 lbs.). Almost two years post-diagnosis, I'm currently at 220 lbs., and just had a lab done on Saturday that shows my TSH is back at 4.12, and it's changed in only three months (my last labs in November had a TSH of 2-something, and FT4 and FT3 were in the normal range, though I do feel better when my TSH is closer to 1.5). My Hashimoto's seems like it's been stuck in "on" mode since I got diagnosed (every few months my labs show I'm hypo again, even though I take the darn Synthroid every single day).

    I'm also beginning to think I have fibromyalgia, as I have many of the symptoms (some of which overlap with Hashi's), and you're more likely to have fibro if you have a family member with it (my mom does), and if you already have an autoimmune disease (which would be the Hashi's). I haven't been diagnosed yet, so I don't know for sure.

    I'm trying to get back into exercise because it supposedly helps with fibro pain, but I'm just really discouraged by how I keep getting sicker and how tired I am all the time.
  • Hi everyone! I am 32, mother of 2. I stay at home and homeschool my oldest. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 4 years ago. I switched my medicine from synthroid to Armour last year and have had a much improved symptom set. I have gained weight after each of my children, and need to lose it. In January, I asked my dr for a diet plan that would help me get rid of the extra 50+/- pounds I had. I started that diet Jan 12, and lost 20 pounds in 7 1/2 weeks. I am stoked!! I also recently had a deficiency in potassium that sent me to the ER with heart palpitations. I need all the help I can get to have a nutrient-rich diet that will not mess up my thyroid and still help me lose weight. I average a 10 pound weight loss each month. I would like to at least maintain that if not increase it. I still have about 40 pounds to lose.
  • BarbShr
    BarbShr Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Sure glad I found this group. I'm currently on meds for hypo. A friend recommended myfitnesspal 14 days ago and I've been addicted ever since. So I am still very new and learning tons and basic health needs etc.

    My husband of 23 years joined with me and thankfully he is a major support system and helping with the dietary of learning to re-cook and learning how to eat healthy.

    Ive never had a weight issue (thank you mom for the great gene's) till last year, lucky my doctor caught it fast and I got on medicine fairly quickly. I'm 43 years old

    My heart goes out to all of you that have struggled with thyroid issues.

    Please feel free to add me if you want, I'd love any advice and suggestions or just to chat.

  • KarenLaura57
    KarenLaura57 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2002, which became hypothyroidism after being treated for nodules with radioactive iodine. I spent years and years trying to find that balance in meds. Then I heard about "Stop the Thyroid Madness" and Armor thyroid. I've been taking that for a few years and doing better. In 2012, I lost 50 pounds, but over the last couple of years, I've been gaining it back. I'm up about 30 pounds. I don't even want to know the exact number anymore. I stay off the scale. I've been trying to find the motivation to get back into healthy eating and exercise. My son recently started tracking his diet and exercise here, so I thought, maybe it could work for me again. I lost it once, so I should be able to do this again!
  • acouch01
    acouch01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I was diagnosed with hypo last week so I am very new to all of this. I am having a few symptoms, but my biggest problem is exercise intolerance. I have been running half marathon for the past 2 years, and now suddenly, I am having trouble going just a few miles. Will this work itself out as my TSH level gets under control? Any ideas are most welcome.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Hi! I am not technically new but haven't been here in a while. After reading a few posts I realize I need to come out here more often. I learned so much new info in just a few minutes. I now have lots more to read. Thanks for all of you who contribute such helpful info here!
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    acouch01 wrote: »
    Hello! I was diagnosed with hypo last week so I am very new to all of this. I am having a few symptoms, but my biggest problem is exercise intolerance. I have been running half marathon for the past 2 years, and now suddenly, I am having trouble going just a few miles. Will this work itself out as my TSH level gets under control? Any ideas are most welcome.

    Yes, it will get better! It will probably take time to get your dosage right but it will get better! The best bet you have is to have a doc who will test for the right things and dose you according to your symptoms rather than lab results alone. There is a ton of good info here in this board. You will need to read read read for a while to get up to speed on how to best manage your condition. But again yes it will get better! (Exercise tolerance in general. Can't speak directly to the half marathon bc I've never trained for one) someone else here may be able to speak to that in particular... Best wishes!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi all. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's 16 yrs ago. After several years of infertility meds, Synthroid, & other stuff my Dr finally did the antibody test. He made it very clear at the time that he was just patronizing me, but he did it. I had got to the point where I could either do laundry or make supper in a day, not both. With 2 children & a very worried husband life was a complete trial. I still get blood work done every 3 mos and usually change doses then too. (Now on Synthroid 125). This past year I turned 50 & holy hell what a roller coaster it's been. I'm up & down constantly, the Hashimoto's cycles have been horrific. I was also just diagnosed with ulcerative colitis which the Dr figures is connected to the Hashimoto's . My regular Dr just keeps telling me how heavy I would be without the synthroid, really? She just doesn't hear me when I try to explain that I need to lose weight not be glad I'm not even heavier. Last week I started LCHF and am using MFP to track cals, carbs, fat, & protein. I haven't figured it all out yet, but sure am determined to give this a try.
  • matott25
    matott25 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I'm new here and newly diagnosed with hypothyroidism. A little bit about me I had the implanon after my first pregnancy and gained 40lbs I had that removed and lost some weight and then had my 2nd child and ended up with Gestational Diabetes, after having her I still felt like I had Diabetes and could lose weight no matter how hard i tried. I finally made an appointment a few months ago only to discover that I had Hypothyroidism. I'm on Levothyroxine in the Am and still feel like I have no energy I went back last month for my checkup and they had to increase my dose and in 2 weeks i go back to find out if my levels are finally normal. I honestly dont know the best things to eat or what exercise is best to lose some of this weigh so any advice helps :smile:
  • ramsounds
    ramsounds Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have used MFP off and on for about 2 years. I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism 8 years ago, when I was 16, after I rapidly gained 30 pounds despite not changing my eating habits and being very active. I lived 7 years on what I now know were way too low doses of hormone and just kept gaining weight, albeit more slowly. Finally, last year I changed doctors and was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. Honestly, the diagnosis was almost as much of a relief as finally getting on the right dose! I currently take 150 mcg levothyroxine and it has made such an improvement. Tiny doses of Armour were not doing much for me. Through a combo of logging here and my new meds I have lost 17 pounds over the last 6 months (my numbers on the site are off because I only re-joined once I lost a bit of weight with the medicine). My starting weight was ~240 and I'm right at 223 now. My goal weight is between 140-180, which is a lot, but I was never a "skinny" girl, even before the 30 lb weight gain. Not only to I want to be healthy for me and my future children, but I am also a fashion fiend and want to just buy what I want, when I want! :wink:

    I went from 7 years of daily (sometimes twice a day) naps and barely able to walk long distances to enjoying physical activity again and no naps! I also did this without cutting out any food groups like wheat or brassicas. I now know it's not all doom and gloom with hypo, and you can have a happy, energetic life again (and eat kale sammiches, yum)!

    If you want to be friends, let's do it! I am not a super active poster, but I do (try to) log every day. Also, if anyone knows any Hashi's-specific groups, please point me that way!
  • ramsounds
    ramsounds Posts: 16 Member
    edited May 2015
    Whoops! Double post!