What does your DRESS look like?



  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Haha that because I haven't written one today! I'm in the worst mood!!

    What's overwhelming you? x
  • robingoblin
    robingoblin Posts: 46 Member
    It happens to the best of us :)

    Blah, some people in my family are being very difficult (on top of not actually helping with any of the work). Also, I apparently underbudgeted quite a few aspects, and am now forced to spend hours and hours sorting through expensive vendors to find an affordable vendor (for things I don't even care about that much!) That, on top of signing and mailing all the contracts... getting all the addresses for invitations... arguments about the guest list... It's just a bit much!

    Even with the negatives, it's still a net positive experience. I love designing the invitations and making candles and all that jazz. And I love thinking about being married to my fiance.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    If you don't care about some things why are you having them?! We had a taxi to the venue & a supermarket wedding cake because we didn't care about them. Meant we could spend the money on a live band & a videographer instead...

    Get people to email you addresses then you can copy, paste & mail merge them onto labels...?

    Haha guest list / seating plan was the hardest. Sure it'll work out though :-) xx
  • CharissaGudknecht
    CharissaGudknecht Posts: 25 Member
    Love the matching glasses.
  • CharissaGudknecht
    CharissaGudknecht Posts: 25 Member
    Here is my dress...cq7imfq8xm0d.jpg
  • CharissaGudknecht
    CharissaGudknecht Posts: 25 Member
    I don't know why it posted sideways.
  • raygunn_viola
    raygunn_viola Posts: 88 Member
  • bethsapphire
    bethsapphire Posts: 7 Member
    edited June 2015
    Here is my dress, its my dream dress, just need to lose some weight to be completely happy in it :smile: pfodytvwf6bf.jpg
  • oceanvixen79
    oceanvixen79 Posts: 38 Member
    It's beach wedding so I am going shorter than traditional...