Why exercise?



  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Started: I needed a hobby in junior high. Signed up for a 10k and then learned to run

    Now: esthetics, to correct imbalances and postural problems stemming from the ligamentous laxity of pregnancy, to ensure a healthy future, to allow a less painful return to backcountry skiing, climbing and mountaineering when said children get a bit bigger and the grandparents are willing to babysit them for more than 3 hours at a time.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited February 2015
    Started: I had moderate chronic hip pain, to the point where it affected my activities. After an X-ray, MRI, etc., the orthopedic surgeon I visited convinced me that being enormous may not be the best choice for someone in their mid 30's. That was Jan 30th of 2012. I decided to start dieting and losing weight, and that's exactly what I did. I started exercising in typical gym noob fashion at first, lots of time droning away on an elliptical, and the occasional strength workout on Nautilus machines with absolutely no idea what I am doing. But it was the deficit that mattered and I lost more than 80 lbs. I'm very happy to say that the pain went away, totally.

    Now: I'm in better physical shape than I've ever been, and I want to see what I can accomplish strength wise. It's a part of my life now.

    Joke answer: I like it when pretty girls grab my biceps and giggle.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    I think esthetics is when you get your nails done and various patches of body hair pulled. Just to be clear that's NOT why I go to te gym. Aesthetics! :#
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Loved the challenge, and the race.

    That was high school.

    Over 20 yrs later, still love the challenge of improving, ie the personal race.

    Included now though is the fact that when cardio is done often enough, no migraines.
    When lifting is done often enough, feel better.
    Both are really hobbies at this point, and allow the camping/backpacking hobby to be possible.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited February 2015
    I started exercising so I could drink beer while still maintaining a deficit.

    Now I exercise to become as brutal a human being as possible.

    It's working.
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    ScientificExplorerGirl Posts: 535 Member
    edited February 2015
    I started exercising [many years ago] to lose weight. Cardio only. I lost 75 pounds and have kept it off for 30 years.

    Now I exercise to be strong and fit and to be the best me I can be as go through my 50's and beyond!

    I am in the best shape ever now--no more arthritis in my hip and getting stronger by weight lifting and cardio.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    edited February 2015
    tl;dr: I started exercising because I wanted to be thin and I exercise now because it makes me feel good (and I still want to be hot ^.^ )

    I've always kind of dicked around with exercise ever since high school. As a teenager, I was one of those people who would buy into (philosophically, if not literally) every lose-weight-quick pill, patch, or scheme. I never really had the money to actually buy them, but I did believe they could work. I also accumulated many pieces of crappy equipment. Then I went to college and that phase ended, as did any attempts at or interest in exercise at all.

    I started getting serious again in my last couple years in college (it took me like 10 years to eventually graduate) and I began for vanity reasons. I wanted to be thin. I'd tracked food on fitday before a friend introduced me to MFP, and once I joined here it also became sort of a challenge to compete with her.

    Now, getting close to 4 years on, I exercise also for vanity (I still want to look good, but my definition of what looks good has changed somewhat). However, that's not my primary focus anymore (though let's be honest, it's still up there - who doesn't want to look hot?) Now I exercise because it makes me feel good about myself. It makes me feel strong, and competent, and successful. Any day in which I've gotten in a workout I can consider a good day, a day in which I achieved something positive. I also like being able to progressively improve my stamina, my speed, my strength. It opens up possibilities that I never thought existed before.

    Exercise also helps me maintain a better level of mental health, in addition to physical. I've gone through off times like many people, when my workout routine and eating habits suffer. During those periods I feel noticeably more anxious, I sleep poorly, I wake up consistently at 3am with panic attacks, my self-esteem is terrible and I experience higher levels of depression. Nearly all of those symptoms disappear when I exercise consistently.
  • timg760
    timg760 Posts: 115 Member
    I started because of my daughter... i wanted to be able to keep up with her as she gets older. I also didn't want to look like the world's first pregnant male... all my extra weight was in my gut. Lost 35lbs just running and eating on a deficit. After that I started lifting to lose the last few inches, but over time I gained so much more in strength and confidence. I wish more people would see that the benefits of exercise go beyond the physical.

    And now i wanna be brutal like Dope.
  • smithcentral
    smithcentral Posts: 25 Member
    I started to lower my blood pressure and prevent type 2 diabetes. Amazingly enough, my back and joint pain has gotten a lot better.

    Now I want to be leaner and stronger and prove that fierceness doesn't have an age limit.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    timg760 wrote: »
    I started because of my daughter... i wanted to be able to keep up with her as she gets older. I also didn't want to look like the world's first pregnant male... all my extra weight was in my gut. Lost 35lbs just running and eating on a deficit. After that I started lifting to lose the last few inches, but over time I gained so much more in strength and confidence. I wish more people would see that the benefits of exercise go beyond the physical.

    And now i wanna be brutal like Dope.

    I work in Chelmsford, btw.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Start: During pre-teen and early teen years I did exercise but more due to being in sports and that was just part of it. Though I was never completely in shape, often the roundest and slowest one, I did the exercises we had to because I enjoy things like volleyball and basketball and most of the other sports I tried (except flag football). In my 20's it was more about trying to lose weight with different start points and limited amounts of success.

    Now: I started back again at the end of August with turning 30, signing up for a 5k walk and letting things snowball from there. Sure, I'm trying to lose weight and get below the obese range for my height but I've put that as a secondary goal instead of as the primary one. I have many things I want to do that require levels of fitness I haven't achieved yet and being lighter will help with them as well. Putting the different fitness goals up front and with a goal of also just being active for a whole year has really helped. Plus, I enjoy it and it gives me something to do that is out of the house and not just work.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I started mostly for more food, and like DopeItUp said I too like beer. Also some vanity reasons. Mostly walking.

    Now I think It has more to do with self confidence and being stronger, but my vanity still plays a role in it.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    Started: it's hard to remember back that far but I'm sure it was both a combination of getting out of the house with a little kid (I could put him in the nursery and go exercise and talk to other adults) and vanity-wanting to be thinner. I've got loads of obese family members and I did (do!) not want to end up like them. It was all cardio with some Barbie weights and weight machines thrown in. I still gained weight though because you can't out exercise a bad diet.

    Now: that little boy is now in college but I still workout for a lot of the same reasons. I want to be and look fit and healthy (not necessarily thin); I love the interaction with my gym friends; I still don't want to be obese or have the health problems like my family; I LOVE food so love the calories working out gives me; I love the mental feeling I get after a great spin class or good lifting session and I love being strong and able to do whatever I want.

    I've found two types of cardio that are great workouts and really enjoyable-spinning and Zumba classes. I've learned the joys of lifting with heavier weights and seeing the changes in my body is exciting. It's great to walk in my closet and know whatever I pull out will fit and look good. I've got so much self confidence when I go places now. And I admit it's pretty cool too to look at pictures of high school friends on Facebook and know I look way better than even the hot girls
  • TheBoev
    TheBoev Posts: 58 Member
    Started because I gained 25 pounds and my blood pressure soared. I felt terrible inside and out.
    I continue 2 years later because not only did I bring my BP down to amazing levels and lost the 25 lbs, I feel better at 45 (almost 46) than I've ever felt. I found kickboxing (who knew punching things would be so damn fun?!) and resistance bands have done amazing things to my body and I want to see where I can take it....
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    edited March 2015
    Why I exercise right now is almost primarily about the drive for the most functional, optimal body within my grasp. In fact it's more a goal to always strive towards and improve upon. The things I prize include strong injury-proof joints, balance, co-ordination, strength, power, endurance, general fitness and simply the ability to be the master of my body.

    The list changes and evolves, both to include activities that offer benefits I'd like to reap, like yoga for flexibilty and other benefits for example, or martial arts for self-defence and also other benefits. In addition, I give a bit of thought to the things I feel I should be able to do as a physically able human being, things like being able to run a certain distance, swim a certain distance, pull up my own bodyweight, etc.

    In fact all of the above tends to be why I am more of an outdoors person, and also not much of a gym person these days.

    Why I started exercising has always revolved around weight loss and thus improving personal appearance. I genuinely enjoy physical activity of most sorts, even if I may have fallen out of the habit in the past, so while weight loss may be the push to get started again, it's never solely about weight loss/ aesthetics.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    This is an interesting question for me. For my first 52 years, I would describe me + exercise as "casual." I'm by nature a sedentary person (gimme a book as a kid), but I've always had some sort of activity going on: swim team when young; volleyball team in high school; walking/hiking/biking, etc. Mostly ended up in my 40's being more of a walker/hiker.

    Plantar fasciatis in my late 40's stopped even that, and I piled on the pounds. So when that situation finally got better, I started MFP and other actions to lose weight--and it was surprisingly easy. Dropped about 30 pounds more than I ever thought I could, a total of about 75 lbs, and picked up--besides my long walks/hikes every day--mountain biking, and maybe the occasional jog. It was pretty easy to put in a 18-20 mile mountain bike ride in the morning and head to the office after. Happy, casual-exercising me.

    So I was actually pretty pleased, but given my new-found love of mountain biking, I wanted to use this past winter when biking is not happening to become stronger by lifting weights.

    Now, I foolishly thought that after losing the 75 lbs, I sorta knew what worked--

    Wow. Was I wrong. Lifting weights has put into sharp focus where I've been, and where I now hope to be. Just the act of lifting a heavy weight, and learning how to do that better has moved me from "casual" to "focused." Now I WANT a program; I want goals for every single day of lifting, I want to know where I'm heading and be able to express my lifting goals in quantitative terms. I now integrate more fully my diet and exercise; I know more about what fuels muscles and muscle growth, and I'm enjoying the heck out of the entire process.

    Sorry for being so long, but to answer the question--started out casual because moving your body is a good thing. Now my motivation is the pleasure I get from being focused on something that is SO obviously good for my health, my strength, and my longevity. And I feel so damn much better.

    It's the confidence from what's going on inside me that makes me not really give a crap what I look like on the outside, even though I know it ain't bad :smile:

  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Started: I wanted to lose weight, I didn't exercise to lose weight, I exercised so I could EAT!!
    Now: I want to be fit and strong.and I want to EAT!!
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Started: I don't know a time when I wasn't active. I was a first born child of a baseball coach, so he began throwing balls at me as soon as I could stand. And I loved it. I played sports throughout my life and still do (I play competitive field hockey in London & fun softball). I started weight lifting because I tore my ACL playing rugby in my 30s in DC and needed to build up the muscles after surgery. I loved it.

    Now: I want to stay strong so I can keep playing sport as long as possible so I still lift. I want to stay fit, so I try to run when the weather is decent. I walk a lot because it's fun to tour around London. Honestly, I'm also doing stuff so that I can stay as active as possible as long as possible - my grandmother was still getting around in her 90s because she did yoga and walked a lot. I want that to be me.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    As a teenager, for sport performance. As I neared 40 year's old and after not doing much for over 5 years, lose weight and build/maintain muscle while getting older.
  • Panthers89
    Panthers89 Posts: 153 Member
    edited March 2015
    I was a jock in HS so I was always active. I gained a lot of weight after college, then lost 50+ in 1992 and stayed fit for the next 4 years. Got a new job and moved in 1996, found a new career and future wife in 1998, and gained an average of 4 pounds / year for the next 15 years.

    Beginning in March 2011, weighing approximately 270-275 pounds, I began working out regularly, just walking 3-4 miles 5X weekly. The main reason...I was bored just sitting in my hotel room when staying overnight for work. I also stopped eating pizza, hoagies, and cheese during the Lenten season, because my mother was insisting that I give something up for Lent - I chose 3 items just to show her!!!

    I discovered that I had dropped between 10-12 pounds during those 6 1/2 weeks, so I decided to see how much I could lose now that I was on a roll. I started tracking my calories on MFP in May 2011 and exercised more, picking up the cardio. I dipped under 200 pounds on June 30, 2012 - the first time I had been sub 200 in nearly 15 years...but I looked emaciated, old, and skinny fat.

    Since March 2014, I have joined a gym and now incorporate weight training with my cardio. I weigh between 230-235 pounds (I am 6'0" and have a large frame) and I feel great and carry it well. About 90% of those that guess my weight now say "205-210 lbs", so I believe that I added a lot of lean muscle at the expense of flab / fat.

    I now exercise because I love the feeling of accomplishment when I am soaked in sweat, making myself healthier, and finding the time in my schedule to fit in a workout is a challenge I love to complete!!!